Brian Williams stars alignment

NBC News Anchor Brian Williams’s Demise – Karma or Something Else?
“Everyone is a prisoner of his own experiences. No one can eliminate prejudices—just recognize them.”
Edward R. Murrow
NBCUniversal Tuesday February 10, 2015 cut loose NBC’s Anchor and Managing Editor, Brian Williams for allegedly intentionally lying about his 2003 experience as an embedded journalist in Iraq. With the stroke of a pen accompanied by a press conference, Mr Williams’s rich contribution to the hard news business was instantly catapulted from stardom to an asterisk. The fate of this news anchor and the ‘NBC Nightly News’ was sealed in 11 days.
Rule I of the Hard News Gods: You report the news, when you become a part of the news; it is time to step down.
Brian Williams announces in a statement released to media Saturday February 7, 2015 he is taking a leave of absence from “NBC Nightly News.” “It has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions,” he writes. “Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us.”
In a power grab, NBC News brass scrambles to take charge of the destiny of the most coveted anchor chair. To that end, NBC News President Deborah Turness makes public NBC corporate’s final decision to furlough Brian Williams without pay for six months
Why Now?
The original incident in question took place more than ten years ago. Over the years this managing editor and anchor told this story in public and not so public places, including on Late Night with David Letterman. No one paid it any mind . . . until now.
What did this news anchor do to anger the News Gods?
The top brass at NBC news condemns Brian Williams and orders an investigation. All the while, the Internet is all atwitter (pardon the pun) with jealous haters, determined to bring this news superstar to his knees.