French Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo Prints Prophet Mohammed Cartoons

The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has printed cartoons of the prophet Mohammed naked in it’s latest addition. The magazine has a history of using satire to poke fun at organized religion. Last year the magazine was attacked by a fire bomb after it ran cartoons depicting Mohammed. This latest publication has been condemned by the French government, and has led to riot police being deployed to protect the magazines Paris headquarters. France has also shut it’s embassies, and schools in Islamic countries, in fear of a backlash

Charlie Hebdo has responded to the criticism by saying they were not attacking Islam, by commenting on the protests against America as a result of the anti-Islam, “Innocence of Muslims”.

2 thoughts on “French Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo Prints Prophet Mohammed Cartoons”

  1. Charlie Hebdo’s editor, Stephane Charbonnier, rejected the criticism that has been hurled against. “We have the impression that it’s officially allowed for Charlie Hebdo to attack the Catholic far-right but we cannot poke fun at fundamental Islamists,” he said.

  2. It’s Friday! Wait for reports of riots over the next 24 hours. Pakistan declared today a “day of love” for everyone favorite prophet. Lets see how much love we feel in the next few hours.

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