‘Islam is a cancer – period’: What maker of ‘blasphemous’ internet film which accused Mohammed of being a fraud and a paedophile led to the death of US ambassador said in wake of violent protests | Mail Online

‘Islam is a cancer – period’: said maker of ‘blasphemous’ internet film, which accused Mohammed of being a fraud and a paedophile, has led to the death of US ambassador in wake of violent protests in the Middle East.

Produced and written by Sam Bacile, a California real estate developer, the two-hour movie, ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ cost $5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors.

The English-language 13-minute trailer on YouTube shows an amateur cast performing a wooden dialogue of insults

Muslims find it offensive to depict Muhammad in any manner.

Fears he will be ‘next Theo van Gogh’- Dutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist after making film that was perceived as insulting to Islam

Film backed by U.S. pastor Terry Jones, who inflamed anger in the Muslim world in 2010 with plans to burn the Koran


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3 thoughts on “‘Islam is a cancer – period’: What maker of ‘blasphemous’ internet film which accused Mohammed of being a fraud and a paedophile led to the death of US ambassador said in wake of violent protests | Mail Online”

  1. Terry Jones is a nut NOT led by the spirit of God.

    But one disease he is not affected by is “political correctness”. When we are so madly politically correct, we cant even name our enemies. Al Qaeda is not the enemy…the ideology they subscribe which really is the spirit they submit to which is the real enemy. There is saying that you should lay the ax to the root, not the fruit.

  2. Terry Jones is crazy, Islam is not a cancer, Terry is.
    He is a racist bigot.

  3. Canada just refused entry for Terry Jones yesterday. He was trying to come in from the border in Detroit to a scheduled debate with a Muslim imam at Queens Park in Toronto. I don’t think his views are entirely wrong but nevertheless he will stir trouble which no one needs right now.

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