Italian Scientists Jailed for Failing to Warn About Earthquake

In 2009 a deadly earthquake hit the Italian town of L’Aquila, leaving 300 dead. Now an Italian judge has sentenced seven of Italy’s top seismologists to six years each in jail for for manslaughter, because they failed to provide adequate warning of the quake.

The trial has sent shockwaves through the scientific community around the globe. Seismology is far from an exact science, and Italy is located on a geologically active area. It is feared the conviction will discourage scientists involved in the prediction of natural disasters to give their opinions in the future.

2 thoughts on “Italian Scientists Jailed for Failing to Warn About Earthquake”

  1. How stupid is this. There is not much seismologists can do, it like predicting the weather and even that seasoned professionals get it wrong 50% of the time.

  2. These seismologists couldnt have done much, the spirit realm controls most of these natural disasters…

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