Tag Archives: drug cartel

Mexican Military on US soil? Shooting American Citizens?

Some experts believe that aspects of the Mexican army are openly assisting drug cartels along their smuggling routes into U.S. territory.  Further, a report surfaced a month ago that Mexican troops actually held U.S. agents at gunpoint…. on U.S. soil, before retreating back into Mexican territory.

A new report itemizes dozens of invasions across the border by Mexican troops, who have shot Americans and have even landed helicopters on ranchers’ land and held them at gunpoint.

Seeking comment on the Federal response, US Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske admitted that the intruders were “confirmed members of the Mexican military” but he asserts that U.S. border officials determined that no further action was necessary involving the matter.

Kerlikowske stated that military incursions from Mexico are not that frequent but did admit that there were 23 such incidents in the Tucson and Yuma sectors of Arizona since 2010, including three this year so far.