Tag Archives: Europe

If You’re into Global Economics, Read on

The following was sent to us by one of our partners:

if you’re into global economics, read on — thought provoking — if not, run away!!!

A note to readers. This 2000-word commentary is a longer-term view; think in terms of years, not months or days. The essay is not in conflict with the fully invested position currently held at Cumberland. The words reflect my personal thinking only. Some of my colleagues disagree. In my personal view, the future is uncertain (of course) and may be unattractive for the longer-term outlook. In my view, our American political system is failing us. In my view, we are joining the list of declining world powers. The framework to support that argument follows.

“The external menace ‘You’ll end up like Greece, if you do not do this and that’ and the internal opprobrium heaped on some categories of taxpayers are very powerful and dangerous instruments to deprive people of their own personal freedoms.” –Vincenzo Sciarretta

My friend Vincenzo is a journalist from Italy. He is a serious writer and researcher. He has covered the financial markets and economy of Italy for years. He and I co-authored a book on Europe during the optimistic period. If he and I were to write such a book now, it would probably be quite pessimistic.

Vince responded to my recent email series about the downward spiral underway in the euro zone. Readers may find those essays at www.cumber.com. Vince noted my reports from the meetings in Paris and my reference to the upcoming French elections, where the promise of the Socialist candidate is to raise the tax rate on the highest income level to 75%. I will end this commentary with a longer email from Vince, in which he quotes historian Will Durant and discusses the fall of the Roman Empire.

Now to write some thoughts that gnaw at me in the late of the night, when sleep is elusive.

Simply put: I’m worried.

When I get worried, I read and re-read in my library. I can honestly say that I have had my nose in a thousand of those books. The library holds many texts by giants. They wrote about history, economics, and finance. They took the strategic view. George Akerlof, Jared Diamond, Niall Ferguson, Carmen Reinhart & Ken Rogoff, Robert Shiller, and Nassim Taleb are among the modern writers. Milton Friedman, Martin Gilbert, Friedrich Hayek and his polar opposite John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig von Mises, R.R. Palmer, and Adam Smith are among the classics.

A favorite of mine is Paul Kennedy. Twenty-five years ago, this Yale historian concluded his monumental work The Rise and Fall of Great Powers with a profound observation:

“In the largest sense of all, therefore, the only answer to the question increasingly debated by the public of whether the United States can preserve its existing position is ‘no – for it simply has not been given to any one society to remain permanently ahead of all the others, because that would imply a freezing of the differential pattern of growth rates, technological advance, and military developments which has existed since time immemorial.”

Kennedy then argued that the United States has the ability to moderate or accelerate the pace of decline. Such is also the case for other great powers, many of which are in a state of decline from their centuries-old power peak. Among others in his treatise, Kennedy’s history lessons examine Spain, France, Rome, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

I think I just covered a lot of the euro-zone geography.

In 1987, Kennedy warned us, “The task facing American statesmen over the decades, therefore, is to recognize that broad trends are under way, and that there is a need to ‘manage’ affairs so that the relative erosion of the United States’ position takes place slowly and smoothly.” He added the additional warning that it not be “accelerated by policies which bring merely short-term advantage but longer-term disadvantage.”

Unfortunately, America’s leadership has not heeded such warnings.

For decades futurists have complained about the rising use of government debt financing by the United States. They predicted calamitous outcomes, which did not arrive as expected. Paul Volcker and Alan Greenspan applied monetary policy in ways that allowed inflation and, hence, interest rates to spend a quarter century in decline. The Volcker-Greenspan era opened with the highest interest rates since the Civil War. Building on this downward momentum, Ben Bernanke has taken the target short-term interest rate to near zero and held it there.

During the same three decades, the US altered its fiscal policy, first under Ronald Reagan and almost continuously since. (The Clinton administration was the exception.) Rising deficit financing has been facilitated by falling nominal interest rates. That combination leads to level, or even falling, aggregate debt service. You can owe more and more and have smaller and smaller monthly payments. That is the magic of falling interest rates. Until they hit the zero boundary.

What happens when the music stops and the chairs are full? Are we reaching that point in the United States? It appears we have done so in Europe, certainly in Greece, the eldest of the declining great powers. We are also getting there in Japan and the UK. All four confront similar financial straits: zero-bound interest rates coupled with expanding national government debt.

About 85% of the capital markets of the world trade by means of the dollar, yen, pound, and euro. The G-4 central banks have collectively expanded their holdings of government securities and loans from $3.5 trillion to $9 trillion in just four years. At the prevailing very low interest rates, the functioning of monetary policy and the role of fiscal policy merge. Is there any difference between a million-dollar suitcase of one hundred dollar bills and a million-dollar, zero-interest treasury bill? You need an armed guard to protect the first one. With the second one, you need to clear an electronic trade in a safe financial institution, not an unsupervised (no more Fed surveillance) Federal Reserve primary dealer like MF Global. Your earnings on either the cash or the T-bill are the same: you earn zero. You can use the treasury bill to secure a repo transaction at a near-zero interest rate. You can use the cash to conduct many types of black-market or gray-market trades. Is it any wonder that the hundred-dollar bill is so popular? Isn’t it understandable that roughly two-thirds of US currency circulates outside the United States?

Is this a healthy situation? How long can it persist? What happens next? When interest rates eventually rise, what will be the result of this blend of monetary/fiscal policy as its unwinding turns malignant?

Moreover, who then will be the politicians that inherit this mess? Who will occupy the central banker’s chair?

I worry because there is no rationally explained strategic-exit plan in the G4. Not in the US. Not in Japan. Not in the euro zone. Not in the United Kingdom.

I also worry because the direction of taxation is up, if certain politicians continue to have their way. I worry because US business tax rates are now the highest in the entire world. In addition, I worry because of the increasing power that national governments wield in the mature economies of the world.

Applied power eventually leads to serfdom.

Increasing taxation is a characteristic of a declining great power.

Governments are failing to heed Paul Kennedy’s warnings. They are worsening the longer-term outlook. The Western world’s leaders ignored Kennedy when he wrote “… accelerated by policies which bring merely short-term advantage but longer-term disadvantage.”

Zero-bound interest rates are a short-term advantage. We enjoy them. We profit from them. We expect them to continue for a while. They are like the oxygen administered to a very ill patient. If the patient dies, the oxygen has eased the pain in the terminal phase. If the patient lives, the lungs have been scarred and need many years of healing and repair. Today, the patient is receiving oxygen in the G4. Death is being delayed (Greece) or, perhaps, thwarted (elsewhere in the euro zone, Japan, US, and UK).

We do not know how this will play out. History only warns us that many of the likely outcomes may be unpleasant. The authors I cited have articulated their differing and diverse views. Their conclusions have tended to be in the form of warnings.

Paul Kennedy favors candor. In his second, exquisite work, Preparing for the Twenty-First Century, he wrote: “Many earlier attempts to peer into the future concluded either in a tone of unrestrained optimism, or in gloomy forebodings, or (as in Toynbee’s case) in appeals for spiritual revival. Perhaps this work should also finish on such a note. Yet the fact remains that simply because we do not know the future, it is impossible to say with certainty whether global trends will lead to terrible disasters or be diverted by astonishing advances in human adaption.”

Of course, we hope for the latter and worry about the former. History gives us little comfort.

For the time being we shall remain on the sanguine side with regard to this global experiment with increasing debt, zero-bound interest rates, and a monetary/fiscal policy compromise that obfuscates the difference between them.

As long as this persists, it means financial markets do well, stocks rise, risk assets regain favor, bonds with hedges yield results, and cash continues to earn zero return.

That is now. It may change tomorrow, next week, next month, next year or not for quite some time. There is no way to know.

For the downside from history we return to Vincenzo’s email to me:


“Dear David,


“I invite you to read the last few sentences of the below article from The Lessons of History, by Will and Ariel Durant. It is about how the destruction of the Roman Empire through the taxation channel made people ‘slaves,’ in other words how serfdom emerged. This is my number one fear for Italy, but I guess France is making the same mistakes, just starting from a lower debt level. You can also find an online version of the book, thanks to Google.


“Rome had its socialist interlude under Diocletian. Faced with increasing poverty and restlessness among the masses, and with the imminent danger of barbarian invasion, he issued in A.D. 3 an edictum de pretiis, which denounced monopolists for keeping goods from the market to raise prices, and set maximum prices and wages for all important articles and services. Extensive public works were undertaken to put the unemployed to work, and food was distributed gratis, or at reduced prices, to the poor. The government – which already owned most mines, quarries, and salt deposits – brought nearly all major industries and guilds under detailed control. ‘In every large town,’ we are told, ‘the state became a powerful employer, standing head and shoulders above the private industrialists, who were in any case crushed by taxation.’ When businessmen predicted ruin, Diocletian explained that the barbarians were at the gate, and that individual liberty had to be shelved until collective liberty could be made secure. The socialism of Diocletian was a war economy, made possible by fear of foreign attack. Other factors equal, internal liberty varies inversely with external danger.


“The task of controlling men in economic detail proved too much for Diocletian’s expanding, expensive, and corrupt bureaucracy. To support this officialdom – the army, the courts, public works, and the dole – taxation rose to such heights that people lost the incentive to work or earn, and an erosive contest began between lawyers finding devices to evade taxes and lawyers formulating laws to prevent evasion. Thousands of Romans, to escape the tax gatherer, fled over the frontiers to seek refuge among the barbarians. Seeking to check this elusive mobility and to facilitate regulation and taxation, the government issued decrees binding the peasant to his field and the worker to his shop until all their debts and taxes had been paid. In this and other ways medieval serfdom began.”


Thank you, Vincenzo, for this serious response. Thank you Paul Kennedy for superbly articulating history and issuing clear warnings.


Thank you, dear reader, if you are still with me. I hope I have provoked some thought.


Now we will seek another night’s sleep and hope it is not elusive.


David R. Kotok, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer

Severe Weather Cripples Europe

Since the Mantle has left Europe, extreme cold weather has spread from eastern Europe and Siberia westward to the Atlantic coast of France. The cold has already claimed over 300 lives on the European continent.

Snow has caused travel disruption across France, Italy and the UK. Snow has fallen as far south as Rome and southern France, to many areas which have not seen temperatures as low as -13 C for 25 years.


America May Save the Euro

Some new and more radical solutions are beginning to be discussed about how to save the Euro from collapse. One of these solutions is for the IMF to provide funding for Italy and Spain if they need help. They are thought to be planning an $800bn bailout package, but the deal would mean the European bailout fund would have to underwrite the first 30% of any defaulted debt, therefore they still need the €1 trillion in the bank (which still poses the same problem of where to get that from), and they also suggest the bail out fund begin to issue bonds. This would mean many other countries other than Eurozone ones, helping bailout the Eurozone. America contributes 17% to the IMF, consequently, America would send Italy $136 billion under this deal!

Another solution is that the US Fed, buys up the European countries bonds. These are currently all but unsellable. By doing so, the borrowing costs of Spain and Italy would fall overnight, and the US Fed would in effect take the place of lender of last resort, a role the European Central Bank has thus far refused to fill. However, there are two problems with this plan: firstly it could hurt the dollar, and secondly inflation, as it would have the same effect as printing money. The fear of inflation is one of the issues which has hampered action being taken. Germany has an unhappy history with inflation, and the German people and government are wary of anything that may trigger it again. But, many respected economists believe the main threat facing Europe is hyper-deflation.

However, neither of these solutions deal with the underling cause of the crisis. That of a single currency operating with a 30% misalignment between north and south; only the exit of either the wealthy northern states, or the exit of the poorer PIIGS states can solve that. Perhaps some US imposed inflation will make this prospect seem more palatable to the German’s?

With the European stale-mate still very much evident, it looks more likely that the rest of the world will have to take action in order to avoid a global depression, worse than that of the 1930’s financial crash.


G20 Meeting Cannes 3rd-4th November

World leaders will meet at the next G20 summit to take place in Cannes, France, 3rd-4th November 2011. With the world on the brink of global financial meltdown, this meeting is being seen as one of the last chances the world leaders will have of formulating a plan to avert financial catastrophe.

The date has galvanised resolve amongst Europe’s leaders to come prepared with a plan for the European Debt Crisis.  President Sarkozy and Chancellor Merkel have set a dead line for the end of October to come up with a “comprehensive” response, in time for the G20 summit. Their talks have come as the US, UK and developing world have placed increased pressure on the Eurozone to come up with a plan, criticising Europe for thus far “doing too little, too late.”

Merkel and Sarkozy are seeking to put together a package that will massively recapitalize the European banking sector in order to re-establish global confidence in Europe’s banks, as well as to bolster the European Financial Stability Facility bail-out Fund (EFSF), provide strong action on Greece, and plan ahead to avoid this happening again.

Major problems to find a solution exist. In particular, France is reluctant to use tax-payers money to help the banks, and Germany does not want to continue to pour money into the EFSF. The IMF has estimated that the European banks have a black hole of €200bn, and that the EFSF requires at least an extra €440bn.

The chairman of the Bank of England has said that the current financial crisis is “the most serious… since 1930s, if ever.” Never in history has the global financial system been so interlinked and integrated; meaning that if one part of the system fails, the knock on effects are felt everywhere. If Europe falls, she will take America and the UK with her!

The 1930s financial turmoil led to social meltdown as well as serious political problems. The economic woes of the 1930s helped Hitler’s rise to power in Germany and Communism take hold. However, there is still hope. The west does not need to revisit that type of social and political meltdown. We can yet find a way forward. Key to a solution being found is strong leadership, collective international resolve, and nerve to make tough choices. The G20 meeting in Cannes may be the last chance for the world leaders to show these attributes. Up until now there has been a lack of leadership, unwillingness to act and confusion.

The current raft of measures being considered may help avert economic meltdown, but what is also needed is a workable solution to resolve the fundamental problems within the Eurozone. Until the issue of imbalances between creditor and debtor nations are resolved, any measures will prove to be a sticking plaster on the problem, and we simply stave off disaster for another day.

This is the hour our leaders need wisdom and an atmosphere controlled by the Spirit of God. Support Prophet TV so we can run an intercessory prayer trip into Europe at this key hour of decision making; It will impact upon your life as well as the lives of the next generation.


European Bailout Fund- Oct ’11 updated

Monday, 31 October 2011 updated to June 2012

Last October we ran a mission into Europe. This was a crucial time as European Union leaders were about to hold a key summit to deal with the ongoing debt crisis.

The week leading up to the summit the negative headlines continued, yet the stock markets across Europe rose each day, resulting in the highest market gains in 11 months.

The summit was also very fruitful, a way forward was presented, including: a hair-cut for Greek debt, a €1 trillion bail-out fund, and a deal to re-capitalise the banks.

However, within days of the mantle leaving Europe the optimism evaporated and the deal struck seemed to fall apart as Greece called for a referendum, and investors backed off from contributing to the bailout fund. One partner watching the news, and unaware that the Europe mission had ended and the mantle had returned to America said, “I knew DP was out of Europe, it all just fell apart suddenly, and the hope left.”

Since then, we have seen a change of government in France, Spain closer to financial ruin, and threats of a breakdown in the pact made during Sarkosy’s Presidency with member nations over the fiscal pact.

However, now the mantle is back in Europe, decisions have been made to enable financial support to Spain, and Greece is continuing to work through her financial difficulties, with the new French president working with EU member nations for a way through the debt crisis.

A sustained Prophet.TV presence is essential.

Support Prophet TV so we can maintain our mantle regularly in these regions.

Video link to cartoon: general financial explanation of debt crisis


European Bailout Fund- Oct ’11

This October we ran a mission into Europe. This was a crucial time as European Union leaders were about to hold a key summit to deal with the ongoing debt crisis.

The week leading up to  the summit the negative headlines continued, yet the stock markets across Europe rose each day, resulting in the highest market gains in 11 months.

The summit was also very fruitful, a way forward was presented, including: a hair-cut for Greek debt, a €1 trillion bail-out fund, and a deal to re-capitalise the banks.

However, within days of the mantle leaving Europe the optimism evaporated and the deal struck seemed to fall apart as Greece called for a referendum, and investors backed off from contributing to the bailout fund. One partner watching the news, and unaware that the Europe mission had ended and the mantle had returned to America said, “I knew DP was out of Europe, it all just fell apart suddenly, and the hope left.” A sustained presence in a region is essential, Support Prophet TV so we can have a sustained presence in these regions.

What’s Causing the High Suicide Rate at France Telecom? – Yahoo! Voices – voices.yahoo.com

Within the last eighteen months there have been twenty-three suicides among the employees of France Telecom, Europe’s third largest telecommunications company, the latest occurring on September 11th by a 32-year-old woman who jumped from her office window in Paris.

There is now an investigation under way, and just one day before the latest suicide France telecom had said that it was postponing the company’s reorganization until October the 31st and they were going to increase medical staff by 10 percent.

Because of the problem of suicide in the company, the Chief Executive Officer of France Telecom, Didier Lombard met with the French Labor Minister, Xavier Darcos. Darcos asked the staff of France Telecom to begin having talks with staff representatives to learn to detect signs of distress and suicide.

The reorganization is the cause many contribute to the suicides. Because of the notes that people left behind and the places in which they chose to commit their suicide, it is apparent that unhappiness and stress in the workplace did play a role.

But I ask, musn’t this just be a trigger for an already existing problem? Or can a job really push an otherwise happy and normal person to ending his or her own life?

I spoke with some people I know in France, one who works for France Telecom and another who does not. The one who does work there told me, when I asked about it, that indeed the environment at France Telecom had become very strange. The other reported that he heard that the reason people were having such a hard time is because the majority of the employees there were of civil servant status — meaning that France Telecom could not fire them, or would at least have a very difficult time doing so. Therefore, in order to try to convince them to leave on their own account the company would do things like make them sit in strange places in the office, like small corner cubicles and give them dreadful jobs that they’d find unpleasant.

Personally, I think I would leave such a post before I became suicidal but I understand what might keep a person at such a job, as the salary is surely regulated and perhaps there is a retirement benefit to look forward to, or at the least job security. This situation reminds me of the situation here in the States some years ago with postal workers, which spurred the popular phrase “going postal,” which means that someone becomes insane and hurts others. Also, a person’s job becomes part of their identity and often that’s hard to let go.

On a more positive note, out of France Telecom’s 100,000 plus employees, those suicides represent something close to the national average for suicides, which is 17.6 per 100,000.


France Telecom Employee Suicides Prompt Action

By Gregory Viscusi and Matthew Campbell

Sept 15, Bloomberg

READ: What’s the cause of french suicide?

via What’s Causing the High Suicide Rate at France Telecom? – Yahoo! Voices – voices.yahoo.com.