Tag Archives: L.A.

Crystal Skulls event in Los Angeles November 11th, 2011

11.11.11 is an important date to many different occult groups. The Mayan’s are celebrating a “gateway” Crystal Skull event in Los Angeles, in which they will perform activation rituals over 3 days, involving 13 crystal skulls. The crystal skulls have been making the journey across America to LA from Manhattan, New York where they set out on October 27th, praying and performing rituals at sacred sites across the country.

The Mayan’s see this time as hugely important, as the Mayan calendar ends in December 2012. They believe these skulls are the hope of humanity, and that the rituals they are performing will usher in a new age. 11.11.11 for the Mayan’s is the beginning of the process which will culminate in a shift to the new age in December 2012.

Tibetan Buddhists will be joining the Mayan elders in their rituals in LA. The most important of the 13 crystal skulls, is the Tibetan skull, and is said to come from the Himalayan mountains in Tibet.

Native American’s also see 11.11.11 as an important date, and are performing very similar events as the Mayan’s. They seek to communion with UFOs or aliens, or as they call them, the “star people”.

New Age groups are looking to 11.11.11 as a day to open portals and see an “awakening” occur across America as people become enlightened with their divine self.

All these groups speak of light, and love. They believe they are the hope of humanity. However, these events involve high level witchcraft. Remember the Bible warns, “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”, 2 Corinthians 11:4

The portals they speak of opening, are the opening up of gateways to hell. The “energy” they seek to be filled with are demons. These rituals will not bring the peace, love and salvation of humanity; but they will bring destruction over time. It will result in the people open to the demons manifesting the worst in humans, not the love and peace they think.

The occult groups are looking to usher in a new age, and they are performing these rituals in public to see it manifest. The level of witchcraft they are evoking will seriously affect America. Pray for the city and the people to be protected.

Support Prophet TV, and learn to walk as a Son of God, because if is only God’s power that can defeat this witchcraft.