Tag Archives: race

Obama is winning the money race | Washington Free Beacon

BY: Matthew Continetti

September 28, 2012


For months now I’ve been receiving fundraising emails from the Obama campaign, the Democratic National Committee, the various Democratic congressional committees, and the occasional Democratic campaign. The apocalyptic message of these emails has been mind-numbingly repetitive: A cabal of superrich businessmen is out to deny Barack Obama reelection and install as president Mitt Romney, who will line their pockets in return. Nothing less than the future of democracy is at risk. Donate now—before it’s too late. Recently, though, the emails have been less apocalyptic. And this is why:  The Democrats’ hysterical solicitations have worked. Not only did Obama outraise Romney in the month of August, he has outraised and out-spent Romney altogether. Listen to Ken Vogel and Dave Levinthal of Politico: “Through the end of August, Romney’s campaign and the party committees and Super PAC supporting it had raised $736 million, compared to $774 million raised by Obama’s campaign and its party and Super PAC allies.” So forget about the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson. If you want to know how to buy an election, ask the Democrats. The saga of Obama and campaign finance is a case study in cynicism. Throughout his career, Obama has portrayed himself as an opponent of money in politics, even as he has exploited the system at every turn. He said in 2008 that he would take public financing, but then became the first nominee in history to opt out. He said in this cycle that he would not allow his associates to fundraise for a Super PAC, but then changed his mind. He has attacked anonymous political giving, but dispatched Joe Biden to appeal to the shadowy Democracy Alliance last November. He pays no price when he makes such reversals. He and his supporters meekly lament that he is a victim of circumstance. The press nods….. to read the rest of this article click on the link below:

via Obama is winning the money race | Washington Free Beacon.



A two day Dragon Boat Race Festival was launched in Israel in May for the first time.

The Dragon boat race began in China 2,500 years ago, as a religious ritual, to honor water spirits.

Intercessors in Israel lately have testified to smelling death on the border of Syria, Jordan and Israel near the Sea of Galilee where the dragon was invoked on May 15.

Old Jerusalem has also hosted an exhibition of Buddhist relics, which include crystal like pearls, said to have been found in the  the ashes of Buddhist monks.

Also in Israel, Fifteen Tantric Vases have been buried in key locations, including sites in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the River Jordan, and the Sea of Galilee, to defile the land. These tantric vases contain a mixture of blood, faeces, semen and vaginal fluids.

This is a key time for Israel. If America falls, Israel will be completely isolated, and surrounded by her hostile neighbours.