Tag Archives: randi weingarten

Union bosses could be saying “They just don’t get us! They don’t get who we are!”

The average teacher earns about $44,000 while their senior level bosses earn about $500,000.  This is rubbing some teachers the wrong way.

Not only are teachers being given pay freezes and/or facing layoffs, but they are also supporting union leadership salaries that have increased, 20% last year alone.

Take Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).  Between 2010 and 2011.  Her salary increased to just over $400,000.  Or, Dennis Van Roekel, head of the National Education Association (NEA), his pay went to a little over $360,000.

In addition, when you include the stipends and other reimbursed expenses, their real take home pay would be in the order of $493,859 and $460,060 respectively.

The higher pay is not isolated to these two either.  An addition, 600 employees at the AFT and NEA take home over $100,000 according to Gary Beckner, the Association of American Educators Executive Director.

When you therefore compare teachers salaries to executives of unions there is about a 10 fold increase.

The relationship with unions, our current economy, Chicago style politics, a mob type environment or mentality has been explained in detail recently by prophet.tv.

Source article Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News.

Referenced article Hey Biden! We Get You!