Tag Archives: UN

UN Human Rights Committee

Geneva, Switzerland is home to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

The UN prides itself on upholding the human rights of the poor, oppressed, and marginalised of the world. In the Charter of the UN, they lay out their purpose as that of promoting world peace, freedom of religion, freedom from all forms of discrimination, the promotion of democracy and harmony across nations.

If only it were that simple! Often the “rights” of one group can be in opposition to the “rights” of another. Take abortion as an example. In 1981 the UN passed the “Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief” They have also passed similar declarations on woman’s rights. Now, Anand Grover, UN Special Rapporteur for Health, has said that it is the right of all women to be able to legally access abortion facilities within their country: “Criminal laws penalising and restricting induced abortion are the paradigmatic examples of impermissible barriers to the realisation of women’s right to health and must be eliminated. These laws infringe upon women’s dignity and autonomy by severely restricting decision-making by women in respect of their sexual and reproductive health.”

The reality of this is that poor nations where abortion is illegal will find themselves bullied into changing the law, regardless of the religious convictions of the general population. Governments of these poor nations will fear the loss of the aid packages the UN has to offer, for refusing to comply to their dictates.

Abortion is not the only area the UN have passed articles on. Recently the UN Human Rights Committee passed, “UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity”  How will this be used to change the laws of nation states?

Also in the pipeline for the UN Human Rights Committee is a declaration to see the death penalty outlawed internationally.  They are already using their power to pressurise states with death penalty laws to have a formal moratorium on the death penalty. Whatever ones personal views on these matters, do you want a group of bureaucrats sitting in Geneva, Switzerland deciding how your nation is ran?

Prophet.tv has been highlighting the importance of Switzerland in the global scheme of things. Be aware that this seemingly insignificant region of Europe has a lot of influence over what is happening globally in these days.

Palestinian Bid for UN Membership

Friday 23rd September sees the Palestinian Authority submit and application to the United Nations for full UN Membership.

The UN has three types of status:

1. Full Membership: According to the charter of the United Nations, “membership is open to peaceful nations that are willing and able to carry out the duties required by the charter”. Upon the recommendation of the Security Council, the General Assembly decides whether to approve a nation’s candidacy.

2. Non-Member Status: Can also be conferred, allowing certain countries, organisations or entities to benefit from collaborations with any of the UN’s specialised agencies

3. Observer: Grants permission to attend UN General Assembly meetings. The Vatican and the Palestinian Authority currently have observer status.

It is highly unlikely the bid will succeed, since Full Membership has to be voted on by the UN Security Council, and America has a veto within the Council. However, America is unable to veto any vote in the General Assembly, therefore it is more likely Palestine will be granted Non-Member status.

This would strengthen Palestine’s hand, and place significant pressure on Israel and America to concede to the Palestinian demands of statehood, along the lines of pre-1967 borders (these borders have been deemed as indefensible for Israel, in previous UN resolutions), with East-Jerusalem as the capital.

However if the bid for full membership is not pursued violence could erupt in the Palestinian areas against Israel, so either way this is a very sensitive and potentially inflammatory situation.  Pray for God’s wisdom over all the leaders of the United Nations and particularly Netanyahu and Abbas to reach agreement outside of the United Nations forum.