Real time Calculator of the destruction of CO2 to Oxygen Converters world wide.

Global Warming is a money scam lead by governments so as to find new ways to tax people even more money, driving the cost of energy up and passing that cost on to the consumer.

Science Lesson 101 forests breath in CO2 and exhale Oxygen.
Kind of a cool thing God created.

If Obama and Al Gore (made and set to make millions off Global Warming scam) really wanted to address the CO2 levels wouldn’t they simply deal with the junk mail going into Manhattan NY for example?

Since Man keeps destroying the CO2 converters is it any wonder the CO2 levels would rise?

Look at this real time calculator to watch and get an understanding of just how much wasted wood / paper / junk mail is going into your box…

I thought we all had digital “free” environmental friendly email ?

Check out in real-time what is happening around the World. Here are some events and their frequency after you visited the page!

Source: 15 events and their frequency of happening