“Christian Flag” Case to go to Supreme Court

A Christian organization, who want the city of Boston to fly their flag, will take their fght to the Supreme Court. City Hall has three flag poles: one for the American flag, another for the Massachusetts state flag, and the third is used for various other flags.

The LGBTQ+  flag has been flown on the third pole, as well as flags from other nations.

The city argues the flying of the Christian organizations flag would be seen as endorsing a particular religion.

“The city has never before displayed such a flag and, as such, this pioneering elevation of an ‘important symbol’ of the Christian heritage would come without the secular context or importance that the passage of time may have afforded other displays,” Judge Bruce Selya wrote in the opinion of the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals.

“The raising of the Christian flag thus would threaten to communicate and endorse a purely religious message on behalf of the city. Where that endorsement is as widely visible and accessible as it is here, and where the city could run the risk of repeatedly coordinating the use of government property with hierarchs of all religions, the city’s establishment concerns are legitimate.”

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