San Francisco to provide free Transgender Surgery


San Francisco continues to lead the U.S. in strange firsts.  They are about to become the first city to cover costs of genger reassignment surgery.

This program would be for San Francisco residents who are uninsured.

On Tuesday, the cities’ Health Commission voted for the program which was announced last Thursday.

The program would cover mastectomies, genital reconstruction and other related surgery.

According to Barbara Garcia, the local Public Health Director, the program would not be running until later next year.


3 thoughts on “San Francisco to provide free Transgender Surgery”

  1. Wow, a waste of money and stupid thing to focus on in the recession. How do I get citizenship to Canada?

  2. That is the most disgraceful thing that I have ever heard of. Please, can we get on with succession from the union. Don’t worry San Fran, we will not be asking for your support. Keep your now government funded he-shes to your self.

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