Tag Archives: Dark Knight Rises

Colorado gun man opens fire on Batman primer killing several of the cast and many in the crowd

Upper Westside of Manhattan NY, a gunman using several assault weapons threw canisters of tear gas into an unsuspecting crowd killing 72 people including Christian Bale during the red carpet opening of the third Batman film “The Dark Knight Rises”.

Mayor Bloomberg locks down the city and begins first a national then international campaign, vowing to get rid of all the legal weapons world wide completely, backed up by the new UN treaty.

The Hollywood movie community completely endorses the NO weapons ban on all guns on world wide television and within a few weeks the 2nd Amendment is superseded by the new UN world wide gun control. This marks the BEGINNING of the end.

This would have been the plan had the ascended masters had their way, fortunately the group once again spoiled their plan.

Colorado gunman planned on killing stars of Dark Knight Rises at NYC premiere

The Colorado gunman planned on traveling to New York City for the premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises”, so he could shoot dead the stars of the movie and any innocent bystanders who stood in his way, it was claimed today. James Holmes had more grandiose plans than gunning down moviegoers at his local theater according to police sources, and only changed his mind at the last minute due to paranoia that police would catch him with a car-load of weaponry.

The National Enquirer reported that actors Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Anne Hathaway and Gary Oldman were Holmes original targets, with their deaths being in the very city the movie was filmed in, according to an initial police investigation.

more at: James Holmes: Did Colorado gunman plan on killing stars of Dark Knight Rises at NYC premiere? | Mail Online.

Dark Knight Rises, Colorado shooter first target Manhattan NY

Inside Edition recently aired a clip claiming that the Colorado mass murder’s first target was the Batman Priemere in the upper Westside of Manhattan NY.

His goal was to kill Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and the entire cast of Batman Dark Knight Rises, but for some reason believed the New York police were on to him.

This is Ken Cole reporting the news as I see it.