Tag Archives: flowers in your hair

Reporter unable to control his thoughts, cites inability to rid himself of Scott McKenzie single ‘San Francisco’

Please.  No more… Make it stop…” writes Tony Hicks of the Contra Costa Times as he describes his experiences since hearing the news earlier this week of singer Scott McKenzie passing away.

“I was sitting there, trying to work, when the voice started again…”If you’re goooooiiing to Saaan Fraaan ciscooo. … Please. No more. Make it stop…. to put it bluntly, I’m in hell.”

Perhaps humorously, Tony describes a desire to identify that part of the brain responsible and to then remove it surgically.

His only advice to adjust… “don’t worry, be happy.”

See Hicks: Help! the late Scott McKenzie single ‘San Francisco’ is stuck in my head! – San Jose Mercury News.