Tag Archives: magnetic field


Within the next few weeks the Sun’s magnetic field will complete it’s process of flipping. This is an event which takes place every 11 years and is accompanied by intense solar activity.

This solar activity could have serious implications for us, as the solar flares thrown out by the sun at this time have the potential to damage satellites and take out power grids on earth. In this age where we are dependent upon telecommunications, and the blackout of vast areas of the country could have catastrophic consequences. In 1859 the solar maximum caused, the then new technology of telegraphs, to be damaged, resulted in telegraph operators to be electrocuted, the auroras caused were seen as far south as the Caribbean; and in 1989 a solar flare resulted in the blackout of Quebec, and melted power transformers in New Jersey. Scientists will be closely monitoring the sun hoping this solar maximum will pass without incident.

Read More: BBC