Pray also as complications have arisen with the removal of core rods in the spent fuel pool in reactor 4 at Fukashima, More than 1500 rods weighing over 600lbs each. Rack they are in is tilted, the computer controlled equipment usually used to extract these spent rods is destroyed and would not be useable in this situation so manual removal equipment is being installed and building is deteriorating, Reactor core melted through the floor possibly in three reactors, through the ground below, into the water table below and now causing radioactive steam geysers coming up through cracks in the earth around the reactors according to these sources: 1. 2, Great concern throughout the Pacific rim about radiation effect on the Pacific ocean sea life. Did I mention that the Dali Lama is in Japan most of this month?

Comet Ison is approaching its nearest point to the sun, before possibly swinging around and doing another fly by Earth in mid December. No one seems to know absolutely what will happen with this comet in the next 30 days or what effect in terms of meteors, or other objects entering the earths atmosphere. The Air Force chose to shut down what is called the Space Fence October 1st as their way to save $14 million as part of the sequester of funds. This is the radio array that locates and tracks objects in earth orbit. They are building a new system that is scheduled to go into operation in 2017. Though there are other parts of this system run by other governments, this will impose a blackout of information that a lot of amateur space watchers are able track on some radio frequencies.

SUBMITTED BY A Don Lightfoot

None of these events at this time are within the control of man, But all three have potential for massive loss of life and destruction. Although Ison Is not certain to affect earth at all, there is no confidence in any of the theories as to what will happen. Fukushima is now largely ignored by the media here in the U.S. But a massive FEMA drill is taking place next week on the 13-14th, that has as its scenario the collapse of the power grid across the whole country in the U.S. Fear programing is being broadcast on the National Geographic Channel.

I am not intending to create fear or panic, because that is not part of who we are as Christians, but I am urging you on to love and good works in bringing the Kingdom near to those around us and conducting our lives not in the natural but in the supernatural in order to get peoples eyes open, out of the darkness into the light, out of the dominion of Satan into the kingdom of God, in order that through repentance of sin, they might have an inheritance among those who are being sanctified through faith in Jesus the Christ. Acts 26