When the enemy comes in like a flood

A sign of things to come?
Are you listening?
Do you have eyes to see?
How obvious does He need to make it?

If the one raised and sent to occupy 19 years ago to “stop greater destruction” loses position if the missions are not supported adequately to hold position, who’s fault is that?

The obedient one with unsustainable debt donated to the people to get in and hold position out of obedience to protect and raise up others believing if others saw 20 years of miracles they would understand the importance of providing enough support to keep the prophet in the zone?

Does anyone actually read or believe the bible? You remember the woman who provided the room for the prophet when he came into the city? SHE KNOWS GOD BETTER THAN MOST and why this is important !

Note: If he who was raised and sent and plowed and poured out his life for NY city was completely unaffected and indeed directed in an entirely new direction this day and didn’t even know this was happening, ie.. his life was completely unaffected by this, then this message is clearly not to him.

It has nothing to do with his obedience or laying down his life in obedience to Him, for others.