Innocent Blood Spilt in New York

January 21st saw four unrelated deaths on the New York Subway. The deaths occurred in Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn. When the locations were mapped they formed a triangle, which pointed to the Tibetan Centre in Manhattan.

Our New York ICOTG testified to knowing something was seeking access the days running up to January 21st. After the deaths, the church went to the locations to redeem the land.



One thought on “Innocent Blood Spilt in New York”

  1. Question 2 re: ProphecyThank you for wording the quiosetn, Why is negative prophecy almost always’ wrong? While it is obvious that Paul defined prophecy in 1 Cor. 14:3 as edification and exhortation and comfort to men, I keep thinking about the fact that there were at least 2 prophecies in the book of Acts that appear negative, yet appropriate. The first is in Acts 11:27-28 when the prophet Agabus predicted a great famine throughout all the world, which happened in the days of Claudius Caesar and was recorded by the historian Josephus as occurring in A.D. 46. The second negative prophecy is in Acts 21:10-11 when the same prophet Agabus performed a prophetic act by binding his own hands and feet with the apostle Paul’s belt, and then revealed to Paul that in a similar way the Jews in Jerusalem would bind Paul and deliver him over to the Gentiles. There is an interesting footnote in my Spirit Filled Life Bible (NKJV) under Acts 11:28 that reads, Apparently, predictive prophecy about specific future events was the exclusive ministry of the prophet, while in 1 Cor. 14:1 Paul encouraged EVERYONE to prophesy for the general edification or encouragement of the church (1 Cor. 14:3). It appears that negative predictive prophecy was the exclusive ministry of the office of the prophet, just as it was in the Old Testament (see such prophecies as 2 Samuel 12:14 and Isaiah 38:1). Perhaps Paul’s definition of prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14 is more specifically directed to the ministry of the body of Christ at large. Since the gift of prophecy can be used by those who hold the office of a prophet, but also by all believers in Christ, maybe we would all do well to discuss this topic further to get more clarity

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