Category Archives: Uncategorized

Biden Admin 44.6 Percent Capital Gains Tax Proposal A 100-Year High

President Joe Biden’s proposal to increase the top capital gains tax rate could be the highest such tax rate in over a century. The combined federal-state rate could exceed 50% in several states when factoring in state capital gains taxes. For instance, California residents would potentially face a 59% rate, while those in New Jersey, Oregon, Minnesota, and New York could confront rates ranging from 53.4% to 55.3%.

Read More:Ā  Newsmax

AZ Democrats Accelerate Case Against Donald Trump

With the bogus case against former President Donald Trump imploding in Georgia, Politico describes this as ā€œa sharp acceleration of their criminal investigation into efforts to overturn Joe Bidenā€™s victory in the state.ā€

The stateā€™s Democrat attorney general, Kris Mayes, ā€œis nearing a decision on whether to charge Trumpā€™s allies in the state.ā€

Read More:Ā  Breitbart