Tag Archives: National debt

Biden Admin 44.6 Percent Capital Gains Tax Proposal A 100-Year High

President Joe Biden’s proposal to increase the top capital gains tax rate could be the highest such tax rate in over a century. The combined federal-state rate could exceed 50% in several states when factoring in state capital gains taxes. For instance, California residents would potentially face a 59% rate, while those in New Jersey, Oregon, Minnesota, and New York could confront rates ranging from 53.4% to 55.3%.

Read More:  Newsmax

What The U.S. Must Do To Balance The Budget

The federal government’s budget is in such disarray that balancing the books would require a 30% spending cut or a 40% increase in taxes, a recent study found.

The budget deficit, which reflects the difference between federal revenues and expenditures in a year, approached $1.4 trillion in 2022, according to data from the Office of Management and Budget. The national debt is currently nearing $31.5 trillion even as maintenance costs soar due to a higher interest rate environment.

Read More:  Daily Wire