All posts by The Watcher

1 million voters switch registration to GOP

More than one million U.S. voters have switched their party affiliation to the GOP over the past 12 months, painting a grim picture for Democrats in the 2022 midterms.

The GOP is benefiting most in the suburbs of large and medium cities, where voters who supported President Joe Biden in 2020 are struggling with inflation and growing increasingly critical of Democratic social issues, according to an analysis from The Associated Press.

Read More:  Fox News

IRS Buys More Ammo

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Breitbart News Saturday the IRS spent approximately $700,000 “between March and June 1” purchasing ammunition. “There is concern that this is part of a broader effort to have any entity in the federal government buy up ammo to reduce the amount of ammunition that is in supply, while at the same time, making it harder to produce ammo.”

Read More:  Breitbart