All posts by The Watcher

Senator Hawley Introduces Bill To Remove Disney “Special Copyrights”

The “Copyright Clause Restoration Act of 2022” would cap the length of copyrights given corporations by Congress to 56 years and retroactively implement this change on companies, including Walt Disney.

“The age of Republican handouts to Big Business is over. Thanks to special copyright protections from Congress, woke corporations like Disney have earned billions while increasingly pandering to woke activists. It’s time to take away Disney’s special privileges and open up a new era of creativity and innovation,” Hawley told Fox News Digital in an exclusive statement.

Read More:  Fox News

China Controlling Citizen Travel, ‘Clipping’ Passports

Border police in Guangzhou have stepped up controls on incoming Chinese citizens, questioning them about their overseas activities and confiscating passports, amid ongoing controls on people leaving the country.

Border guards wanted to know what they had been doing in the countries they were returning from, why they were coming back to China, and whether they planned to leave the country again, the post said.

Some passengers had their passport corners clipped, invalidating them for further travel, the post said.

Read More:  RFA

Repercussions In Middle East If Iran Gets Nuclear Weapons

The U.S. will have a hard time stopping Middle Eastern nations from pursuing nuclear capabilities should Iran obtain a nuclear weapon, and it must work to repair relations with allies in the region to downplay concerns, experts told Fox News Digital.

“It’s obvious that if Iran becomes nuclear, they will threaten the very existence of all the Sunni states and neighbors in the Gulf,” Brigadier General (reserve) Amir Avivi, founder of the Israel Defense & Security Forum, said. “Nobody will have the right, not the U.S., not Europe, not anybody will have the moral right to tell anybody in the Middle East not to be able to defend itself.”

Read More:  Fox News


Oregon public schools will be required to provide feminine products along with instructions on “how to use” those products in all K-12 bathrooms regardless of gender, in accordance with the state’s “Menstrual Dignity Act” signed into law last year.

The controversial mandate, solidified by Democratic Gov. Kate Brown, was set to go into full effect during the 2022-2023 school year. A 2021 statement from Portland Public Schools detailed how the act would be implemented long-term.

Read More:  Fox News


A former Republican strategist has developed a new credit card for conservatives that fights back against the “woke” capitalism movement.  Rob Collins told “Fox & Friends” Thursday that a portion of every Coign card swipe fee is donated to conservative causes.

“Conservatives are swiping their credit card, every credit card they have, and they’re funding liberal causes, woke causes and corporate America,” Collins said.

Read More:  Fox News

OPEC Will Not Increase Oil Production, Rebuffing Biden’s Calls For More Output

At a meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on Thursday in London, the oil cartel voted on a modest production increase and announced that the organization is not to blame for the disruptions and price increases since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February.

OPEC also blamed the threat to demand on China for its recent draconian coronavirus lockdowns.

Read More:  Breitbart