All posts by The Watcher

SCOTUS blocks SALT cap challenge

The Supreme Court Monday rejected an appeal from several states challenging Congress’s cap on state and local taxes that can be deducted from federal taxable income.

New York led a group including Connecticut, New Jersey, and Maryland in trying to strike down the 2017 limit known as the SALT cap, which limits people to $10,000 of their state and local property and income taxes that can be deducted. The states argued that the cap improperly encroached on states’ taxing ability.

Read More:  Fox News

China-Russia New Coal Deal

Russia has signed a deal with China, that will see Russia supply 100 million tons of coal over the coming years.

“Now, an intergovernmental agreement with the People’s Republic of China is being developed and the figure is 100 million tons,”  said Sergey Mochalnikov, the head of the Russian Energy Ministry. “In the coming years, consumers should receive as much coal as they need.”

Read More: Fox News

SEIU May Day Rally Los Angeles

May 1st saw a rally organised by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) take place in Los Angeles. The rally was attended  by between 4,000 and 10,000 people, and saw SEIU members marching arm in arm with Communist party members. The SEIU represents 95,000 Californian workers. On lookers watched amazed as the sea of red communist flags went past, and demonstrators carried banners with slogans like, “Workers of the World United, Fight for Communism.”

Many other unions joined the match, including the United Teachers Union of Los Angeles (UTLA). The UTLA even brought students along with them to the rally, and its members are known for promoting their socialist ideologies within the schools they teach in.

As well as a general call to take up the fight for communism across America, another common demand was an end to immigration controls, and demands for welfare to be provided to all immigrants.

What made this demonstration remarkable was the fact mainstream unions were matching along side hardline communists on a scale never seen in America before. Obama has been accused of being too friendly with the unions during his term in office, with the majority of the money provided through his stimulus packages helping unions and not providing jobs. Sights of communism infiltrating the trade unions in such a brazen manner will cause deep concerns within the country.

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