All posts by Ken Cole

FLASHBACK: Paul Harvey, 1965: ‘If I Were the Devil’ (Warning for a Nation)

This speech was broadcast by legendary ABC Radio commentator Paul Harvey on April 3, 1965:

If I were the Devil . . . I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States. I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: “Do as you please.” “Do as you please.” To the young, I would whisper, “The Bible is a myth.” I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is “square”. In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: “Our Father, which art in Washington” . . .

If I were the devil, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull an uninteresting. I’d threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. And then, if I were the devil, I’d get organized. I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing and less work, because idle hands usually work for me. I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. And I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine yound intellects but neglect to discipline emotions . . . let those run wild. I would designate an athiest to front for me before the highest courts in the land and I would get preachers to say “she’s right.” With flattery and promises of power, I could get the courts to rule what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography, and thus, I would evict God from the courthouse, and then from the school house, and then from the houses of Congress and then, in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and I would deify science because that way men would become smart enough to create super weapons but not wise enough to control them.

If I were Satan, I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas, a bottle. If I were the devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. And then, my police state would force everybody back to work. Then, I could separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave camps. In other words, if I were Satan, I’d just keep on doing what he’s doing.

Paul Harvey, Good Day.

House stenographer Diane Reidy VIDEO Dragged Off Floor Revealing US Government is Freemasons not One Nation Under Jesus Christ

As Congressional lawmakers ended the 16-day government shutdown Wednesday night by approving a bill to resume funding for the Federal government through Jan. 17, longtime House stenographer Dianne Reidy caused a ruckus inside the House chamber by interrupting the vote and shouting, “the House is divided” and “this is not one Nation under God!”

Reidy’s outburst, captured by C-Span, lasted only moments before House security officials carried her away as she continued shouting, “You are all sons of the devil!”
The stenographer was quoted saying: “He will not be mocked! This is not one Nation under God. It never was. The greatest deception here is this is not one Nation under God! It never was. Had it been, it would not have been! The Constitution would not have been written by Freemasons! You cannot serve two masters! You cannot serve two masters! Praise be to God, Lord Jesus Christ.”
Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), who banged her gavel and repeatedly shouted “Order!” throughout the outburst, told Fox News that Reidy “came up to the podium area beneath where I was standing and asked me if the microphones were on. I said that I didn’t know. I assumed that perhaps I was chatting too much to the helpful parliamentarians around me. Then she suddenly faced the front and said words like ‘Thus spoke the Lord.’ And, ‘This is not the Lord’s work.’
“I hammered to get control and hush her up. She said something about the devil. It was sudden, confusing and heartbreaking. She is normally a gentle soul.”
Reidy is a well-known and well-liked person on Capitol Hill, according to reports. Her outburst has been described as uncharacteristic of the 20-year veteran stenographer.
“She’s a well-known person, she’s a perfectly nice person, a good colleague, somebody who’s respectable and dependable, and this is very surprising to everybody who works with her… I don’t know, she just snapped,” a GOP aide told CNN.
Commenting under pseudonym “LiesAreSickening” on an International Business Times report about Reidy’s outburst, one person claiming to be “a close relative” of the stenographer, defended her actions thusly:

I am a close relative to Dianne Reidy and I assure you all, she does not have, nor has ever had, a mental disorder of any sort. She is the most loving person I have ever known and has been there for me since birth. I am not the religious type like she is, but the statements she made seemed more logical to me than any of those made by the government officials. I was so surprised when I found out, being that this was very out of character for her and she must have been feeling the frustrations of herself and the others around her to an overwhelming point. I applaud her for her courage in voicing the thoughts of thousands, I am sure. The fact that some of the people present are attempting to make her out to be mentally incompetent is ridiculous and only makes her statements seem all the more valid. Of course they would attempt to discredit her statements by making her seem unstable… that is a perfect example of the way our government handles and ensures their control over the masses of America. Dianne Reidy is a caring person, completely sane as well as highly intelligent and educated, and she does not deserve to experience slander of any type. I may not be able to call myself a devout christian, but I do know when someone is simply “off” in their logic with applying religious concepts to societal concepts– Dianne Reidy is not one of these individuals.

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Obamacare Marketplace: Personal Data Can Be Used For ‘Law Enforcement and Audit

Published on The Weekly Standard (
Jeryl Bier
October 8, 2013 3:39 PM
Maryland’s Health Connection, the state’s Obamacare marketplace, has been plagued by delays in the first days of open enrollment. If users are able to endure long page-loading delays, they are presented with the website’s privacy policy, a ubiquitous fine-print feature on websites that often go unread. Nevertheless, users are asked to check off a box that they agree to the terms.

The policy contains many standard statements about information automatically collected regarding Internet browsers and IP addresses, temporary “cookies” used by the site, and website accessibility. However, at least two conditions may give some users pause before proceeding.

The first is regarding personal information submitted with an application for those users who follow through on the sign up process all the way to the end. The policy states that all information to help in applying for coverage and even for making a payment will be kept strictly confidential and only be used to carry out the function of the marketplace. There is, however, an exception: “[W]e may share information provided in your application with the appropriate authorities for law enforcement and audit activities.” Here is the entire paragraph from the policy the includes the exception [emphasis added]: Should you decide to apply for health coverage through Maryland Health Connection, the information you supply in your application will be used to determine whether you are eligible for health and dental coverage offered through Maryland Health Connection and for insurance affordability programs.

It also may be used to assist you in making a payment for the insurance plan you select, and for related automated reminders or other activities permitted by law. We will preserve the privacy of personal records and protect confidential or privileged information in full accordance with federal and State law. We will not sell your information to others.

Any information that you provide to us in your application will be used only to carry out the functions of Maryland Health Connection. The only exception to this policy is that we may share information provided in your application with the appropriate authorities for law enforcement and audit activities.

The site does not specify if “appropriate authorities” refers only to state authorities or if it could include the federal government, as well. Neither is there any detail on what type of law enforcement and/or audit activities would justify the release of the personal information, or who exactly is authorized to make such a determination. An email to the Maryland Health Connection’s media contact seeking clarification has not yet been answered

The second privacy term that may prompt caution by users relates to email communications. The policy reads: If you send us an e-mail, we use the information you send us to respond to your inquiry. E-mail correspondence may become a public record. As a public record, your correspondence could be disclosed to other parties upon their request in accordance with Maryland’s Public Information Act.

Since emails to the marketplace could conceivably involve private matters regarding finances, health history, and other sensitive issues, the fact that such information could be made part of the “public record” could prevent users from being as free with their information than they might otherwise be. However, as noted, any requests for such emails would still be subject to Maryland’s Public Information Act which contains certain exceptions to the disclosure rules.
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U.S. Congress Introduces Bill Ordering “FEMA” to Conduct ‘Mass Fatality Planning

While millions of Americans were busy watching the elephant puppet battle the ass puppet at the latest political circus, the United States Congress quietly introduced a new piece of legislation ordering the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to begin preparing for mass casualties throughout the country.

House Resolution 6566, also known as the Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act, would amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to mandate that FEMA immediately begin conducting “mass fatality planning” in preparation for a major event or series of events that may kill off untold numbers of people.

Introduced by Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Ca.), H.R. 6566 provisions that the Administrator of FEMA — William Craig Fugate currently holds the Administrator position at FEMA ( — provide “guidance and coordination” for dealing with a mass casualty event arising from a natural disaster, terrorist act, or “other man-made disaster.”

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In preparation for the entrance of his unholiness, who has been given the keys to the bottomless pit, whereby according to their own writings, hundreds of wrathful deities are released into the city to cause destruction and mayhem, a precursor occurred “along the water” as these water spirits, manifested themselves via a black man stabbing and thrashing the throats of some attacking even a baby, seeking to spill innocent blood, in order to give the soon to be invited wrathful deities, a further strong hold.

If you remember after the one who comes saying Peace, Peace, last time he did rituals in the city, then there was sudden destruction, Hurricane Sandy, but the upper west side was spared. WHY ?

Then Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, whereby Vice President Joe Biden advised everyone “you don’t need an AR15, use a shot gun” where by the DC shooter took up his advice.

Do you remember the heavy storm, then New Jersey Pier burning?
They were trying to regain entrance into the city, but couldn’t and moved to DC where by the DC shooter took up Vice President Joe Biden’s advice and used a shot gun, and took a hand gun from a guard.

Why couldn’t they access upper westside ?

As you saw above, the demons that use people, do not need an AR15, or a shot gun, or a Kettle Bomb, just grab something long and sharp…

When will we grow up, and dis-allow people who claim to evoke wrathful deities, and practice occult rituals in our cities?

It is costing us billions$$

Scores Are Killed by Suicide Bomb Attack at Historic Church in Pakistan

Deadly Attack at Pakistan Church: A suicide attack on a historic Christian church in northwestern Pakistan killed dozens on Sunday.
Published: September 22, 2013

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A suicide attack on a historic church in northwestern Pakistan killed at least 78 people on Sunday in one of the deadliest attacks on the Christian minority in Pakistan in years.

Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press
Pakistanis grieved over the coffins of their relatives who were killed in a suicide bomb attack on an old church in the city of Peshawar on Sunday.

The New York Times
The attack occurred as worshipers left All Saints Church in the old quarter of the regional capital, Peshawar, after a service on Sunday morning. Up to 600 people had attended and were leaving to receive free food being distributed on the lawn outside when two explosions ripped through the crowd. “As soon as the service finished and the food was being distributed, all of a sudden we heard one explosion, followed by another,” said Azim Ghori, a witness.



(CBS) – Gov. Pat Quinn says he would consider using state resources to help combat Chicago street violence, but only if city officials want the assistance.

Speaking on this week’s mass shooting in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, Quinn was asked whether there have been discussions about sending in the state police or Illinois National Guard to assist Chicago police.

The governor said he’s had no specific conversations but noted state police are helping patrol in East St. Louis, another city that has its challenges with violent crime.

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NAIROBI, Kenya – Terrified shoppers huddled in back hallways and prayed they would not be found by the Islamic extremist gunmen lobbing grenades and firing assault rifles inside Nairobi’s top mall Saturday. When the way appeared clear, crying mothers clutching small children and blood-splattered men sprinted out of the four-story mall.

At least 39 people were killed and more than 150 wounded in the assault, Kenya’s president announced on national TV, while disclosing that his close family members were among the dead.

Foreigners were among the casualties. France’s president said that two French women were killed. Two Canadians were killed, including a diplomat, said the Candadian prime minister. Four American citizens were reported injured but not killed in the attack, the State Department said Saturday.

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Wrong: Al Gore Predicted Arctic Summer Ice Could Disappear In 2013

( – A 2007 prediction that summer in the North Pole could be “ice-free by 2013” that was cited by former Vice President Al Gore in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech has proven to be off… by 920,000 square miles. In his Dec. 10, 2007 “Earth has a fever” speech, Gore referred to a prediction by U.S. climate scientist Wieslaw Maslowski that the Arctic’s summer ice could “completely disappear” by 2013 due to global warming caused by carbon emissions. –

Gore said that on Sept. 21, 2007, “scientists reported with unprecedented alarm that the North Polar icecap is, in their words, ‘falling off a cliff.’ One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week warns that it could happen in as little as seven years, seven years from now.”

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‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?”
Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the doctor, whether it’s the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if the questions are unrelated to why you’re seeking medical help. And you can thank the Obama health law.
“This is nasty business,” says New York cardiologist Dr. Adam Budzikowski. He called the sex questions “insensitive, stupid and very intrusive.” He couldn’t think of an occasion when a cardiologist would need such information — but he knows he’ll be pushed to ask for it.
The president’s “reforms” aim to turn doctors into government agents, pressuring them financially to ask questions they consider inappropriate and unnecessary, and to violate their Hippocratic Oath to keep patients’ records confidential.



Healthcare costs in the United States are like a tapeworm eating at our economic body.

Those words come from famed investor Warren Buffett, who said he would scrap Obamacare and start all over.

“We have a health system that, in terms of costs, is really out of control,” he added. “And if you take this line and you project what has been happening into the future, we will get less and less competitive. So we need something else.”

Buffett insists that without changes to Obamacare average citizens will suffer.

“What we have now is untenable over time,” said Buffett, an early supporter of President Obama. “That kind of a cost compared to the rest of the world is really like a tapeworm eating, you know, at our economic body.”

Buffett does not believe that providing insurance for everyone is the first step to take in correcting our nation’s healthcare system.

“Attack the costs first, and then worry about expanding coverage,” he said. “I would much rather see another plan that really attacks costs. And I think that’s what the American public wants to see. I mean, the American public is not behind this bill.”

Editor’s Note: Even though Buffett opposes Obamacare, the legendary investor knows the government will spend billions making sure Obamacare works. Specific companies will see windfall profits because of this. To see which stocks will benefit most from Obamacare, click here.