Category Archives: Corruption

Soccer officials arrested, face extradition to U.S. in corruption case

While the Prophet was in Europe…

The U.S. government launched an attack on what it called deep-seated and brazen corruption in soccer’s global governing body Wednesday, pulling FIFA executives out of a luxury Swiss hotel to face racketeering charges and raiding regional offices in Miami.
Swiss officials also invaded FIFA headquarters, seizing records and computers to investigate whether the decisions to award World Cups to Russia and Qatar were rigged.
Scandals and rumors of corruption have dogged FIFA throughout the 17-year reign of its president, Sepp Blatter, but he was not named in either investigation. He is scheduled to stand Friday for re-election to a fifth, four-year term, and the organization said the vote would go ahead as planned, despite the latest turmoil.


Real time Calculator of the destruction of CO2 to Oxygen Converters world wide.

Global Warming is a money scam lead by governments so as to find new ways to tax people even more money, driving the cost of energy up and passing that cost on to the consumer.

Science Lesson 101 forests breath in CO2 and exhale Oxygen.
Kind of a cool thing God created.

If Obama and Al Gore (made and set to make millions off Global Warming scam) really wanted to address the CO2 levels wouldn’t they simply deal with the junk mail going into Manhattan NY for example?

Since Man keeps destroying the CO2 converters is it any wonder the CO2 levels would rise?

Look at this real time calculator to watch and get an understanding of just how much wasted wood / paper / junk mail is going into your box…

I thought we all had digital “free” environmental friendly email ?

Check out in real-time what is happening around the World. Here are some events and their frequency after you visited the page!

Source: 15 events and their frequency of happening


Owners of the Fairmont hotel in Santa Monica are not satisfied with the millions of dollars they make per month but want to increase that 10 fold.

1st major obstacle to building a huge sky scraper blocking other hotels views is to put get their man elected to the Santa Monica City Council so they can re-write long standing bans on building heights in Santa Monica.

That being done, the second step is to stop local home owners from renting out their homes, so as to force everyone to rent from the hotel only.

Second step is now finished and the law is set to take place blocking home owners from renting, will start June 15th.

Democrats like Hillary, tell the locals “we are protecting the middle class home owner”, a total lie as they only take pay offs from the big investors seeking to hurt the middle class…

Amazing stuff…

Why do younger voters think the liberal agenda is actually helping anyone except big business, which they are against?

Because they don’t want to think and are satisfied with the lie and legalizing pot…

Insanity… truly

Santa Monica Socialists- controlled by big business- move to block home owners and hurt local businesses- Folks you cannot make this stuff up!

Santa Monica city council – headed by the “plant” from the Fairmont Hotel chain, put into position so Fairmont could break the city regulations about hight restrictions… to further build a monster hotel at the waters edge, now turns the city on individual homeowners ability to rent their private property.

Santa Monica will now require every homeowner to have a business license to rent their property, weather for a day or for 600 days… Is that really legal?

Santa Monica will hire 3 people at an expense of $500,000 billable to the residence of Santa Monica, and provide them with credit cards to pose as renters so as to fine and abuse home owners. The fines they project to generate will be $150,000 annually, there by leaving the taxpayers $350,000 to pay these three city employees who’s job it is to block over $30 million in revenue for local Santa Monica businesses, created by visitors who cannot afford the $450 per night hotel rentals, but are there to spend money when their rent is $100 per night.

Expect many business to dry up due to lack of tourist dollars being spent…
And welcome once again to the Socialist Republic of Santa Monica and doing everything backwards… Kinda Jane Fonda’s world view…

Let the hotels break the hight restrictions, and block the homeowners and small businesses… Ready for more unemployment in Santa Monica…

Why do Liberals always talk about defending the little guy, but in reality it is about defending the big money, and eliminating the middle class?

Stay Tuned… this is about to get real interesting…

Google controls what we buy, the news we read — and Obama’s policies

It’s 2020. The New England Patriots, winners of six straight Super Bowls, are having yet another routine meeting with the Commissioner’s Office.

Deputy NFL Commissioner Tom Brady and his chief of staff, Rob Gronkowski, OK a rule change that forgives the Patriots for illegally taping other teams and deflating football over the preceding years. Meanwhile, members of the Patriots continue to happily contribute funding for the commissioner’s new 45-room castle in Turks and Caicos, and Bill Belichick agrees to continue coaching the commissioner’s 12-year-old son in Pop Warner football.

Would that bother anyone? Because the above is pretty much going on today, only the team is called Google and the commissioner is the president of the United States.

Sure, since we’re talking about politics, the giving and taking of favors works in a slightly more indirect way. But only slightly. As Michael Kinsley used to say, the scandal about corruption in Washington is not the stuff that’s illegal but the stuff that’s legal.

A former Google officer is the president’s chief technology adviser. Google employees contributed more to President Obama’s re-election than did employees of any other company except Microsoft. Google lobbyists met with Obama White House officials 230 times. By comparison, lobbyists from rival Comcast have been admitted to the inner sanctum a mere 20 or so times in the same period.

Oh, and on Election Night 2012, guess where Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt was? Working for the president. In the president’s campaign office. On a voter-turnout system designed to help the president get re-elected.

Obama lieutenant David Plouffe boasts: “On Election Night [Schmidt] was in our boiler room in Chicago,” he told Bloomberg News, in a story that revealed that for the campaign Schmidt “helped recruit talent, choose technology and coach the campaign manager, Jim Messina, on the finer points of leading a large organization.”

Schmidt was especially fond of a madcap corner of the Obama campaign office known as “the Cave,” where, at 4:30 every day, staffers would dance madly under a disco ball to the tune of a mashup of Psy’s “Gangnam Style” and an automated campaign phone call made to prospective voters.

Favors beget favors. And hey, presto, the FTC, in 2012, ignored the recommendations of its own staffers, which accused Google of abusive trade practices for burying competitors in their search results and recommended a lawsuit.

Instead, the FTC dropped its inquiry. Google enjoys 67 percent market share, 83 percent in mobile. No biggie, declared the FTC.

Google lobbyists have been pushing for implementation of “net neutrality” regulations, particularly a “Title II” provision that would benefit Google. President Obama helpfully came out in support of the plan, including Title II, which was slightly embarrassing because Obama’s FCC chair, Tom Wheeler, had favored a different approach. Wheeler promptly reversed course and backed the Obama-Google plan.

Right before the FCC report was due, but before it was made public, the FCC pulled another odd reversal, removing 15 pages of policy Google apparently found out about but didn’t like.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai said that the changes came about after “a last-minute submission from a major California based company.” I wonder which company he’s talking about. In-N-Out Burger?

It’s not like Google is ungrateful for all of this special attention. When the newly launched ObamaCare website was plagued by evil spirits, guess which company was sent to fix it?

Google’s proton packs helped kill off the ObamaCare site’s goblins, but the country got slimed.

Still, all of this is easily forgiven compared to what’s coming next: politically filtered information.

Google says that in the future, its determinations about what is true and what is untrue will play a role in how search-engine rankings are configured.

Google has the power to bump an article it doesn’t like off the table and under the rug. Even moving information off the first page of search results would effectively neutralize it: According to a 2013 study, 91.5 percent of Google search users click through on a first-page result.

To put it mildly, your idea of whether Fox News or MSNBC is a more reliable purveyor of “truth” might differ substantially from your neighbor’s.

Google’s idea of ranking results based on truth is an excellent one that it should implement just as soon as it comes up with an absolutely, unbiased and objective system of determining truth.

I’m not sure the company whose employees ranked second in all of corporate America in campaign donations to Obama can be termed neutral. I’m not sure the nation’s most impartial arbiter is a guy who partied to the sounds of an Obama campaign robocall.



Jonathan Gruber 2013: “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies, okay? So it’s written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in… If you made it explicit the healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed, okay? Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

He said that not only is it OK but it’s ethical to deceive the American people into supporting something they would otherwise suppose. If they are not intelligent enough to support what what we know is best for them, or understand the deception, then it’s their fault.
When did CBO get the right facts and figures?
What was government’s attitude toward public policy?
Not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.
We did not touch the Benghazi talking points.
Lower health care costs and keeping your physician. …
7M are currently signed for ObamaCare
13M predicted after next year yet hoping for 9M
40M uninsured before ObamaCare began
Destroyed the entire system to insure the 40M uninsured
How many of the previously privately insured are now uninsured?
Today people are receiving subsidies from states which are not participating in the exchange program. What will the Supreme Court decide when they hear this next year? They are taking it before it has been heard by the appellate.


SEAL Team 6 member becomes Pentagon’s poster girl in transgender recruiting

A former member of SEAL Team 6 has become the poster girl for a Pentagon effort to include transgenders — people who have undergone sex-change operations — in the ranks.

Kristin Beck, formerly Senior Chief Petty Officer Christopher Beck, spoke recently at several high-profile events at intelligence agencies and the Pentagon to promote the integration of transgenders.

“Transgender service in the armed forces, yes it will happen soon,” she said on Twitter.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, among the most politically correct Pentagon chiefs of the past several decades, fueled the effort within the Pentagon to integrate transgenders in May when he said the policy of banning transgenders should be reviewed continually. The transgender drive is the latest element of the Obama administration’s social engineering within the U.S. military.
The Pentagon currently defines transgenders as sexual deviants.


Soldiers Speak About Bowe Bergdahl: “All I know is that our orders were kill on contact…”

A new Facebook page sprang up a little over 24 hours ago called Bowe Bergdahl is a Traitor. This is a page where the soldiers are speaking about their experiences. Most of them are doing so anonymously so it is impossible to vet any of the stories, but the reports seem consistent. It is understandable that our finest would wish to remain anonymous as they may be divulging sensitive information, in some cases, and some are still on active duty.
Here some of the more interesting status updates that I have found thus far, beginning with the status that features the quote in the article title. Before you proceed please understand that there is some profanity. Also I have quoted the longer statuses below so that you do not have to go to Facebook to read them (for our readers who do not use Facebook):

Read more


DURHAM, NC — A drug trafficker who worked for Al Sharpton’s nonprofit in the 1980s said that despite the preacher’s denials, he was eager to get a slice of the lucrative drug deal captured on FBI surveillance video.

“It was greed. He just wanted money,” Robert Curington, 72, told The Post during a two-day interview at his North Carolina home, detailing for the first time how Sharpton stepped into the FBI’s trap — and was then forced to become a federal informant.

Sharpton has said he showed interest in the drug deal only because he feared the undercover agent was armed. He also claimed that he snitched for the feds — as first reported by The Smoking Gun this week — because the mob was threatening him.

Curington called all of that a tall tale.

He instead provided a detailed account of how Sharpton wined and dined a man he thought was a South American drug lord — and said Sharpton met him not just once, but three times.

Sharpton’s saga began in the Manhattan offices of boisterous boxing big shot Don King in 1983, Curington said.

An unnamed felon trying to duck a 30-year prison sentence promised the feds he could help them nail King on coke-dealing charges.

An undercover FBI agent, using the name Victor Quintana, set up a meeting with King to discuss a boxing match in the Bahamas — but King had a bad feeling about the potential business partner and pawned him off on Sharpton.

Modal Trigger

Don King in 2002.

Photo: Reuters

“King was sly — he knew something was off about this,” Curington said. “So he kept him downstairs and let his new best friend Al Sharpton talk to him.”

Sharpton was eager to help, and “would spend cash taking him to dinner and chauffeur him around in a limo, feeling him out,” Curington said.

Then, at a restaurant, “they are talking and cutting their steaks. The agent’s voice changes, midstream, and he says, ‘I know where 10 kilos of cocaine are and we can make some big money on this.’

“Sharpton didn’t roll alone — he had a friend or adviser with him who says, ‘Hold it! This meeting is over. You come in here talking about boxing and now you’re gonna talk about cocaine? Let’s go, Al. We’re not into that.’

“Sharpton was hesitant to leave,” Curington remembered. “I believe he wanted to hear him out, but he listened to his friend.”

Sharpton met with Quintana a second time, in a hotel. Again, ­cocaine came up, and Sharpton’s pals called off the meeting.

At the third meeting with Quintana, Sharpton made sure to go alone — wearing a cowboy hat and chomping on an unlit cigar, which was made famous in footage from the FBI surveillance leaked in 2002.

“The agent said you would get $3,500 per kilo,” said Curington, who was not at the meetings but was told about them by Sharpton.

“Sharpton moved on it, and they sprung the trap on him right away. They got him.

“Al told me himself. He bit and took the bait.”


And once he was caught, he had no choice but to wear a wire to save his ample hide from prison.

“Sharpton said they could do whatever they wanted with him after that,” Curington said. “Because they had him. Either he worked for them or they put that news out there that he was into coke.”

Curington, a former record producer and music promoter who served two years in prison in the late 1970s on drug charges, served as an executive at Sharpton’s National Youth Movement in the 1980s.

Sharpton said on Friday that it is “not true” that he was at three separate meetings with the ­undercover agent where cocaine was discussed.

“Bob Curington is blatantly wrong,” said Sharpton, adding that if the repeated meetings were true, he could have claimed entrapment by the government.

He also claimed again that he became a snitch not because of the drug sting, but because of threats by the mob.

Curington said the activist put on a good show with his bluster and conviction — but inside, Sharpton was terrified of his FBI role, recording murderous mobsters like Joseph “Joe Bana” Buonanno.

“He was absolutely frightened about the job he had to do for the FBI,” Curington said. The feds trained Sharpton immediately, and “he didn’t know how to handle it.”

“He was really tormented. I told him, ‘You should have just listened to your advisers. Because you’re in deep.’ I said, ‘Why are you talking to these types of people?’ He was just greedy. It was all for money.”

Even as he preached against the ravages of crack cocaine on the inner city, Sharpton loved the white powder, Curington said.

When asked about his cocaine use, Sharpton said, “Absolutely, unequivocally no.”

Curington also said Sharpton only had money on his mind.

“He was like two people,” he said. “He ran around trying to score money for his National Youth Movement. But you can’t be an activist and an opportunist.”

via Sharpton was ‘eager to get slice of 1980s coke deal’: pal | New York Post.