Category Archives: FYI

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Could Iran be 6 Months Away from Having a Nuke?

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, believes that Iran is only 6-7 months away from having a nuclear bomb. Tensions are continuing to intensify, as the liklihood of an Israeli strike against Iran increases. Many believe Nethanyahu will strike before the November US Presidential elections. Israel’s fear is that if Obama was to win a second term he would not stand by his promises to help Israel after the election, however a strike before November would force his hand.

Also it has emerged that Iran’s newest nuclear facility has been struck by “saboteurs”, according to reports from Fereydoun Abbasi, the head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organisation. Abbasi disclosed that power lines into the facility had been blown up. The nuclear facility is deep under ground, near the city of Qom.

Colorado man faces arson charges after attempting to exorcise demons out of apartment building

Colorado Springs, Colorado.  A man attempting to exorcise his apartment building of demons by setting it on fire, has been arrested by local police.

Jerad Cronin has been charged with arson.  Upon police arrival Cronin jumped through a glass window after threatening them with a shovel.

Cronin indicated that he had used cardboard to start the fire in the building so that he could chase the demons away.



View Trinity College Hartford Connecticut in a larger map


Hartford Connecticut
Trinity College
Aug. 15th 2012

Buddhist nuns from Nepal create a compassion sand mandala at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.

The mandala will be dismantled and then dispersed into the Connecticut River in Hartford.

Read more….




The Clash of Generations

By Laurence Kotlikoff and Scott Burns

Prologue: The Last Straw

The day was coming—for years, decades, really.

Warnings had been sounded, loud, clear, and often.

Most heard, few listened. The problem was distant, its size unclear.

“No worries. We’ll fix it. The next election, the next party, the next leader.”

There was time.

There wasn’t.

The contract was simple: 100,000 barrels of oil, delivered to this country, at this port, on this day. Payment in Chinese yuan.

The seller was big and always insisted on dollars.

Not that day.

Thanks to U.S. pressure, the yuan was floating free. You could buy and sell it anywhere.

The yuan was strong and rising. The dollar was weak and falling.

No wonder: America’s economy was awful; over 30 million, mostly young, looking for work; and Uncle Sam was broke. But Sam’s ace in the hole was the dollar—the world’s reserve currency. If Sam needed money, he’d print it, and everyone would take it.

No longer.

“Our shareholders come first. The dollar’s too risky. Let’s settle in yuan.”

And so the contract said yuan.

The medium of exchange was the message, and the message was broadcast, posted, e-mailed, tweeted, Facebook’d, and texted around the globe, in seconds.

“They switched. We should too.”

Denominating contracts in anything but dollars became routine.

If only. If only that company had waited or kept it quiet. If only that company was smaller or foreign.

But there it was. A major U.S. oil company had publicly called it quits on the greenback.

America’s economic death was quick and painful.

In short order, the dollar plunged. Interest rates soared. Bond and stock markets vaporized. Towns, cities, states, and businesses—large and small—started declaring bankruptcy.

And massive layoffs began. The young got the first pink slips.

The Fed rode to the rescue.

“Not to worry. We’ll print more dollars, buy bonds, and lower rates.”

“Worked before.”

“You need a loan. Step right up. We’ve got money.”

This time was not different.

This time, ancient economic law prevailed: more money begets higher prices.

With prices rising, the dollar became a hot potato. No wonder. The longer you held it, the less it would buy.

And faster money pushed prices even higher.

Next came the bank runs.

Deposit insurance didn’t matter. Everyone wanted to get and spend their money before it became worthless.

Uncle Sam printed trillions of dollars to honor insurance and other guarantees to depositors, money market funds, bondholders—you name it.

Inflation reached double digits.

Per month, per week, per day, per hour.

The economy was unraveling.

And then the next generation took to the streets.

From Chapter 2: Catastrophic Success

Centenarians, Left, Right, and Center

As one example of the lurking danger of the-really-long-retirement problem, consider America’s fastest-growing population. We’re not talking illegal immigrants. We’re talking centenarians—those aged one hundred and over. Today there are 79,000 members of the old old-old. By 2050 (when today’s newborns are middle aged), this figure will reach 601,000. That’s enough centenarians to fill up Washington, D.C. We can imagine movies being remade to suit an older demography, such as Butch Cassidy and the Sunda nce Centenarian. Coming soon.

Next, contemplate a much scarier vision: the annual health care costs, circa 2050, of these projected 601,000 residents of the new Century City.

Later in Chapter 2

Your Money or Your Life

We could solve the financial problem Social Security and Medicare represent simply by reducing life expectancy, but there is a remarkable lack of public enthusiasm for the idea. No politician has suggested a new program with special tickets to shorter lives. Unlike the 1973 science-fiction movie Soylent Green, there are no arrangements for a few glorious final moments before being turned into food for the young. And when palliative care was part of the 2010 health care reform bill, it was quickly labeled “death squads” and removed from the bill.

We like being alive, thank you, and aim to stay that way for as long as possible.

What we have never faced up to, however, is that we literally have a your-money-or-your-life decision. The operative word here is or—but we want both. We won’t give up our growing years of life, but we don’t want to pay for them. Politicians of both parties know this and act accordingly. They promise more public benefits because that’s what we want. Then they hide the bill in the diaper of a newborn. This would be a minor issue if the advances in life expectancy were not so great and supporting the elderly at the style to which they’ve become accustomed so expensive.

Further in Chapter 2

Modern Aging and the Arrival of the Lupies

Science-fiction writer Richard Matheson offered a brand-new perspective on our terminal state. His 1956 novella, “I Am Legend,” introduced us to the “living un-dead,” otherwise known as “lupies,” and death in life hasn’t been the same since. As many sad newspaper stories tell it, the real death in life can be found in the Alzheimer’s unit of any nursing home. This is simply too painful to bear, so our culture offers us the darkly comic movies that tell us about what might be called the Modern Zombie.

The first of those movies was the classic 1968 B flick directed by George Romero, Night of the Living Dead. Scott’s favorite line from it is, “We may not enjoy living together, but dying isn’t going to solve anything either.”

So even as the baby boomers were coming of age and learning about birth control pills, some other part of the public imagination was worrying about what was going to happen when this crowd got to be really old. Imagination answered: it will be hell. The truly living young will be outnumbered, isolated, and besieged by the living undead. The actual situation of our young will be physically far less frightening and contain less visual drama, but in reality, young people will be defending themselves from the ever increasing demands of the elderly.

From Chapter 3: Living beyond Our Children’s Means

Doing Ponzi Proud

The $30,000 combined Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid payment that is being handed, on average, to each of today’s elderly equals almost two-thirds of per capita GDP. By the time the boomers are fully retired, the figure could exceed 100 percent of per capita GDP. Whoever said America isn’t a welfare state? It is a welfare state, but the welfare is for the elderly, not the poor. While our two parties argue over the haves and have-nots, we are blind to what the nows are doing to the laters.

And later in the chapter

Uncle Sam’s Fiscal Gap

When you add up all our unofficial future bills and net out all the future taxes that will be available to pay them, the difference, that is, the fiscal gap, is staggering. Since a dollar in the future is not the same as a dollar today, we have to make sure this adding up makes less of (discounts the value of) dollars paid or received down the road. Once you do so, using the government’s preferred 3 percent real (inflation-adjusted) discount rate, you learn that the value in the present (the present value) of all the future bills, less all the future taxes, is $201 trillion. The icing on this enormous debt cake is the $10 trillion of official U.S. debt in the hands of the public. Add that with a deft hand, and you’ve got a fiscal gap of $211 trillion! Public discussion is all about the icing. It’s never about the whole cake.

Further in Chapter 3

Voodoo Economics

Maybe we’ve missed something, but we’ve yet to hear any politician advocate raising all taxes by 64 percent for, well, forever. Nor have we heard any politicians advocate a 40 percent immediate and permanent cut in federal outlays.

On the contrary, Republicans want to cut taxes and Democrats want to increase spending. Both groups are engaged in what President George H. W. Bush called voodoo economics. Republican supply siders are sure that every federal tax would produce more revenue if only it were cut. We think setting all tax rates to zero and forcing Republicans to announce each day’s tax collections would change their tune, but maybe not.

Democrat demand siders are equally subject to magical thinking. They believe that raising federal spending, even if it entails paying people to dig ditches and fill them back up, will stimulate the economy so much it will pay for itself through extra taxes. We think providing all Americans a year’s free vacation and forcing Democrats to provide daily revenue reports would alter their thinking, but who knows.

In the dream world of our political parties, their favorite action always “pays for itself.” Republicans buy votes by reducing taxes and claiming they pay for themselves. Democrats buy votes by spending money and calling it an “investment.” Setting just one set of these loonies loose on the economy would be damaging enough, but in recent years we’ve opened the asylum. We’ve watched them combine forces to both raise spending and cut tax rates. The bill goes to the kids who, conveniently, are never in the room.

Also from Chapter 3

Is the United States in the Worst Fiscal Shape?

Based on official debt figures, the United States appears to be in relatively good fiscal shape compared to other developed countries. Its 69 percent debt-to-GDP ratio is, for example, roughly half of the comparable ratio for Greece. But on a fiscal gap basis, the United States appears to be in either worse or much worse fiscal shape than its co-members in the the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the club for developed economies.

The U.S. fiscal gap now stands at fourteen times U.S. GDP. For Greece, this figure is roughly twelve times GDP. Compare the two numbers and you see the naked emperor: on a fiscal gap basis, the United States is in worse fiscal shape than Greece even though its ratio of official debt to GDP is roughly half that of Greece.

And ending Chapter 3

Darkness at the End of the Tunnel

If you’re not thoroughly bummed out at this point, we haven’t done our job. You’ve learned that our country is in much far worse fiscal shape than any politician has let on and that our official debt bears no intrinsic relationship to our nation’s true indebtedness. But don’t stop reading. The story gets worse. Our reckless, generationally immoral fiscal policy has done terrible damage to the underlying economy. Yet few economists, let alone politicians, have connected the dots.

From Chapter 4: Economic Fallout

America’s scariest economic chart is a snapshot of postwar American economic decline. Figure 4.1 shows that our country is now saving nothing and investing next to nothing. This isn’t anything new. Hop onto either the saving curve or the investment curve in 1950 and you’ll take a ride downhill, with some uphill stretches, over the next sixty years.

Countries that don’t save don’t have the wherewithal to invest, so it’s not surprising that our nation’s net domestic investment rate has followed our national saving rate down the tubes. But there is one way for a spendthrift country to experience investment: let other countries invest in our stead. That’s what the green bars show—the U.S. current account deficit (measured as a share of national income). They measure the difference between our rate of saving and our rate of investment. When our national saving is less than our domestic investment, as has been the case for decades, our current account is negative (a deficit). This means foreigners are investing more in the United States than we Americans are investing abroad.

Later in Chapter 4

Like AARP’s most ardent supporters, we’re old. Some of our best friends are old. One of us, Larry, has a ninety-two-year-old mother whom he loves dearly and who is getting younger by the year, thanks to Medicare’s assistance and her own spirit and exercise routine. And yes, the poverty rate among the elderly in 1960 was 35 percent. By 1995, it was down to 10 percent. That’s a fabulous achievement, and we give Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid full credit for achieving this success.

But the achievement was not a free lunch. At the same time poverty rates were dramatically lowered for the elderly, they were little changed for the young. Today over one in five children live in poverty. Among minorities, the child poverty rate is about one-third and 35 percent live in “food insecure households.” Back in 1960, one in four children lived in poverty. So we’ve made some progress, again thanks in large part to Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare (which covers disabled children), yet we’re sitting here today with 13 million impoverished children. Another 16 million children live in households with very low levels of income, albeit that exceed the poverty threshold. To be clear, we consider the current distribution of wealth, income, and consumption to be outrageous. When some children go hungry while others are whisked to summer camp on the family private jet, you know the maldistribution of income has gone too far. Yet how to reduce inequality is open to debate.

But our main point here is that most of the massive postwar redistribution from the young to the old has not been from rich young people to poor old people. It has mostly been from middle-class young people, who pay high employment taxes, to middle-class old people who receive them. And that redistribution has left the young with a fiscal sword of Damocles suspended over their heads. Furthermore, that redistribution has cut our national saving rate from 15 percent to 0 percent. It has cut our domestic investment rate from 15 percent to 4 percent, and it has contributed to the lack of real wage growth, which marks the death knell of the American dream. Reducing poverty among the elderly (or any other group) is a wonderful goal, one that we should pursue. But we seriously doubt that anyone, of any political or chronological persuasion, would want to do it at the cost of literally wrecking the country.

From Chapter 5: Beatings without Bruises

A Rare and Modern Wedding

To say the wedding was long awaited is an understatement. Beyond the area where the bride and groom would exchange vows, a gentle creek is backed by a dramatic escarpment. The location is Driftwood, Texas, about twenty miles outside Austin. Behind the bucolic scene, a rustic building is ready with a waiting band, servers, food, and champagne. The slightly balding groom walks carefully with his arms held slightly ahead of his body. He is cradling his six-month-old daughter. He is in his early forties, an executive with a rapidly growing Internet-based firm. The bride follows with her father. The bride, dark haired, lovely, and in her mid-thirties, is a court judge.

The ceremony is short, sweet, and serious. The groom promises to cherish his bride forever, but hopes she will forgive his occasional lapse from vegetarian meals. If there is a leitmotif here, it is intentionality and consciousness. These two know exactly what they are doing. They have waited a long time. They are sure. And they are telling the world they are sure.

In an odd way, this wedding opens a window on how we have changed over the past half-century and how much different our world looks to the young than it did a few decades ago. For starters, weddings are getting to be rare events. And this couple, unlike the many who don’t dare these days, can marry with confidence. Both have good jobs, both have good educations, and they own a home. They are ready. No one can say they were impulsive.

They are fortunate. And their child is particularly fortunate, or so it would seem. Unlike more and more children, this child will grow up with a decent living standard, excellent education, and, most important, two parents to help her reach adulthood. But there’s the rub. Once she’s released into the world of grownups, things are likely to be very difficult as they are for so many young adults today.

From Chapter 8: Unsafe at Any Speed

The financial meltdown that’s surely coming and will do more lasting damage to our kids won’t be triggered, like the last one was, by the production and sale of trillions of dollars in fraudulent securities. It will be a run on the Treasury and the Fed triggered by the global realization that Uncle Sam is in far worse fiscal shape than ever imagined.

The moment of reckoning can come at any time, and when the markets finally realize that our fiscal problem is enormous and cannot indefinitely be papered over by the Fed’s money creation, things will change abruptly. We’ll have a tremendous financial collapse that hits the bond and the stock markets, and not on a short-term basis. That will accelerate the fiscal collapse, which will reinforce the financial collapse—in short, a vicious cycle. By design, our financial institutions have built no firewalls separating themselves from one another. Instead, there are only fire paths, waiting to ignite.

The hour is extremely late. We can no longer afford doing too little too late, putting off tough decisions for tomorrow, and enduring political gridlock. To fix America, we need to start from the ground up. Only radical, fundamental reforms of the financial system, the tax system, the health care system, and Social Security will solve our problems and get our country turned around. But it can be turned around.

From Chapter 12: Becoming Our Own Solution

In an ideal world, one inhabited by wise and compassionate human beings blessed with flexibility and foresight, our postcard solutions might become a reality. We’d have a broad consensus on our social contract. Government would be the primary instrument for having that contract work. The problems we face would be solved.

But that isn’t our world.

Since 1935 the budget of the U.S. government has been in surplus (and you’ve seen how unreal that is) a total of eight years. Other than 1999 and 2000, you have to go back a half-century, to 1960, to find another year of surplus. And the 1960 surplus was trivially small—a mere $3.9 billion in today’s dollars. Over the long sweep of seventy-five years, the evidence is clear: balanced budgets are un-American. We do deficits.

Unfortunately, as discussed above, official deficits—changes in the stock of federal debt—represent less than the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the growth in our overall liabilities. While federal debt owned by the public is now approaching an entire year of U.S. output, our nation’s true debt—the fiscal gap, which includes all of Uncle Sam’s unofficial spending commitments, net of all the taxes he’ll likely to collect to cover these commitments—is a gargantuan 14 times GDP.

We’re broke beyond broke. But like General Motors before its bankruptcy, we’re lumbering on because of our enormous size and borrowing capacity. And given our long history of dumping both formal and informal debts in the laps of youngsters, while legislating greater and greater benefits for oldsters, don’t hold your breath awaiting a rational solution. The most likely scenario is the simultaneous and colossal fiscal, financial, and economic meltdown portrayed in the prologue.

This returns to the question you have, no doubt, been asking since page 1: How can we protect ourselves?

We’re all asking this question, and the answers are getting more and more unusual. A visit to a bookstore is instructive. While Barnes and Noble saw the vampire romance trend early and created an entire section devoted to “teen paranormal romance” novels, it has yet to create an “American Armageddon” section. But the books are there, mixed in with the ever-growing shelf of survivalist tomes. So if you think the future will require having emergency food and water supplies that you defend with your newly purchased AK-47 or assault rifle, there are a lot of instruction manuals you can buy.

Our personal salvation advice is far less extreme. There are lots of straightforward small steps you and your family members can take that will leave you in a safer position for facing what’s coming. So there’s no need to join freedom fighters in Montana, transcendent new age groupies in California, or defiant religious cult members in Texas.

Let’s start with a mental reboot—an understanding that we can change our personal fate far more readily and quickly than government policy.

Trust Yourself, Not Short-Lived Institutions

Most of us have years of conditioning telling us that we are small and temporary while the institutions around us are big and permanent. Nothing could be further from the truth. The notion of small and temporary versus big and permanent persists in spite of some obvious realities. It is a good bet, for instance, that regardless of your age or marital status, you’ve had your name longer than your current bank has had its name. One banker Scott knows likes to tell people about having worked at the same desk, in the same office, for thirty years while the bank he works for has been taken over, digested, and renamed four times.

With Americans now living an expected eighty years, few things or institutions have our duration. In the material world, we’re outlasting our computers, our cars, our home appliances, our household goods, even some of our homes, and certainly the tenure of whatever political party is in office.

Only one of the original twelve companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average still has the same name: General Electric. The other eleven companies have been sold, renamed, liquidated, or otherwise become something else since 1885. According to Jeremy Siegel’s classic Stocks for the Long Run, 987 new names were added to the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (an index of large-capitalization stocks that accounts for about 74 percent of all stock market value in the United States) between its creation in 1957 and 2006. In its single greatest year of change, 1976, a whopping sixty new stocks were added to the list and sixty were displaced. However you slice it, most of us will be around longer than a typical large American enterprise whose average life expectancy is less than fifty years, about the life span of the average American more than a century ago.

As individuals we are a lot stronger and more durable than we think, and we are likely to become more so. In futurist Alvin Toffler’s prescient 1970 book Future Shock, his driving theme was accelerating change in technology, information, knowledge, products, and businesses. In addition to the idea of the information economy, much the same was predicted in Fritz Mazlop’s classic 1972 book, The Production and Distribution of Knowledge. Both authors were incredibly prescient about a growing truth—things don’t last.

In the last chaotic decade alone we’ve seen the decline of the newspaper industry, a revolution in the distribution of music that has now spread to movies and books, a need to dramatically shrink the U.S. Post Office because people aren’t using traditional mail, and the familiar list of big corporate failures. We’re not talking about the constant change in small retail stores or restaurants. We’re talking about the institutions that define our world. And the fact that they are relatively short-lived makes their long-term promises inherently untrustworthy.

Think about it. Thirty years from now, today’s politicians and all their lofty promises will be gone. Many of today’s banks and insurance companies will be gone. Many of today’s investment advisors will be gone. Many of today’s employers will be gone. Many of today’s pension funds will be gone. Many of our tax breaks and benefits will be gone. Much of our good climate may be gone. Our two-party political system may be gone, and the list goes on.

They’ll be gone, but we’ll, for the most part, still be here. It’s an uncomfortable mind reset, but the truly durable institutions in society are people—that is, us. We generally outlive the supposedly eternal institutions that we rely upon so heavily. As a we have no option but to make careful long-term plans for ourselves. That’s a big responsibility and most of us aren’t prepared for it because we are beset by thinking traps, unrecognized cognitive failures.

From Chapter 14: The Coming Generational Storm

There are about 70 million Americans between eighteen and thirty-five years old. Imagine they all march on Washington. Imagine they let their elders know they aren’t happy with their treatment. Imagine they join together in a party—the Generational Equity Party—and start voting for candidates who represent the interest of today’s and tomorrow’s young generations. Imagine how that would change the conversation.

And imagine those older than sixty seeing their faces and hearing their voices and saying Yes, they’re right. These are our children and grandchildren. We need to protect them. They are on earth, if not in heaven, our only true future.


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Sharing some testimonies

My name is David, I am 20 years old and I live in Heidelberg, Germany. I started listening to your BTW Series this January (my cousin told me about you/them) after having my calling revealed to me by the Lord. 🙂

I was just reading the Bible and read Galatians 6. The verse “Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.” just really stood out to me and I know I should share with you the great experiences I had with God fighting against the enemy. I am still at the beginning though, I’d say I became a Christian Mid 2011 (although I was raised Christian, I never really knew the Lord until last year when he revealed awesome things about himself to me, before that I only knew about him, but did not know him.)

On a Sunday afternoon I was listening to BTW NR.7 I think it was called “Authority in Christ”. After listening to it I felt very tired and laid down for a nap.
When I woke up, there was a demon on me. It felt like he had his knees on my body where my lungs are and he was holding my arms onto the bed with his two arms. I was struggling there in my bed, not being able to breath or to move. I began to pray in tongues, first without an audible voice because I could not open my mouth. As I spoke in tongues on the inside, I felt how I got stronger and how the demons hold on me got weaker. After a short time I was able to open my mouth and speak aloud. It was like the demon had gotten a hard punch in his face. :). He was more furious now and tightened his grip on me and again I couldn’t open my mouth anymore. So I prayed again inside in tongues, got stronger, could open my mouth and gave him the killing blow. I then stood up, turned on the lights and stood at my window looking outside. What I saw was very weird/interesting. It was dark outside (as it should be at that hour), even though the sun was shining. Behind the sun I saw the moon, about 10-20 times bigger as it usually is and below the moon I saw another moon. I heard many voices in my head and finally realised that the demon still had captured me in a false reality. As soon as I recognised that, I woke up again…
I realised that at first, my spirit woke up, and later my body woke up. That was certainly a good and revealing fight to me. And it was so much fun, God is so great.

Not long after this, in the middle of the night God spoke to me if I wanted to go to a place in my city where Satanists were and do something there for him and I realised I could say No, or Yes. I told the Lord that I wanted to do it and he gave me an instruction on how I would recognise the place where I had to go. As soon as I said yes, I was in the spirit on a street that I immediately recognised in Heidelberg, walking on the sidewalk. As I was walking towards the target, I saw a female Satanist in the house where God wanted me to go to, and even though I was still to far away that she would be able to see me, she felt that I was approaching her destination and I immediately could feel the fear in her. When I arrived at the place, the Satanist came running towards me trying to attack me. I just stood there and started praying in tongues and she fell to the floor and it looked like she had died?! There were two more men in this house, one of them also tried to attack me, the same thing happened to him what had happened to the woman and the other men I was able to save and I think I talked with him about Jesus, I am not sure anymore exactly.

At the end of February, on one day I was sitting in my chair, just being silent and spending time with the Lord and praying, when suddenly I felt a strong attack coming towards the place where I live in the Spirit. I was not exactly sure how do deal with it and just tried to resist/defend against it. I asked my cousin and someone else who lived there if they felt something going on in the spirit and they felt it as well.
The following evening, I was sitting on my chair again, doing the same things, when suddenly I felt these attacks/onslaught of the enemy coming to the place where I lived again. In an instant my whole body felt like it was frozen, I was so cold, I started shivering and foolishly tried to warm me on the heating. Realising that it would not help, I began to speak in tongues against it. Immediately some very “interesting” thoughts popped into my mind: “What are you doing? You can’t do that! You aren’t allowed to fight that!”. I stopped praying for a second, listening to these thoughts and thought, Hmm maybe I really should not do that. Few seconds later I realised that the enemy is trying to stop me to attack and destroy them and I just went even more !BÄÄM! and just fought against it like we are commanded to do. A few seconds later I had a strong feeling of “Victory” all around me and in an instant the coldness on my body left and everything was fine again.
Thank you Lord for giving us the strength, your anointing and the pleasure to fight against your enemies.
The next day, I was at home and we had visitors, because it was my mothers birthday. My cousin entered the room and soon he asked me if we would pray in tongues for like 20 minutes. At first a thought popped to my mind that really did not want to, but thanks to your teachings and revelations and evidences that God has given to me I knew that this was not my thought and that praying/speaking in tongues is awesome. So I was even more excited about it because of the (little) resistance I overcame. We began to speak in tongues and a few minutes later someone entered the room and we stopped. He left and we started again to pray in tongues. Maybe 3 minutes later he came in again and we stopped again…He left maybe 1 minute later and we started again. Another maybe 2-3 minutes later my sister enters the room, we stop again and she asks us if she could use my computer quickly. Immediately I thought to myself not to let her use my computer so that she would go out and we could pray in tongues. And then I realised what was happening. In an instant I remembered from a BTW the part where you spoke about “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” and I realised the devil had found a weapon that was prospering, which in this case was that someone would enter the room and stop us from praying in tongues. So I said to my sister that she could use the computer and my cousin, having realised the same, said “If you don’t mind us speaking in tongues”. So we just continued speaking in tongues. Maybe 2 minutes later, all of the sudden I was in a place in heaven, feeling Gods Authority and Power over the enemy. I was there standing at some kind of balcony in heaven but there was no rail (if that is the right english word) on it. I was standing at the edge of it and could see down to earth and in between there was the spiritual realm. Even though I was standing at the edge of the balcony and looking down from a high altitude, there was no feeling of falling down which people usually have when they are in a tall building on a balcony or something similar. Looking down there, I could see the demons around the place where I lived as little ants and I was able just to flick them away with my fingers. This was so funny and I just started laughing.
Experiencing these things with God is so great, feeling a little bit of his almighty power is just overwhelming.

There is more that has happened, one time I got home in the evening sat down got quiet and just felt 5-7 demons around me. They just felt like spheres of fear in the air to me. I was cautious this day, made a mistake and then in the evening did not cast all of them out, ( I felt like 1-2 of them were still hiding somewhere in my room). The next day I had immense pain in my right foot, it was so strong and I can’t remember ever having had such strong foot pain. But it taught a good lesson to me, so I am still thankful that it happened.

There is more to tell, and I am so looking forward for the awesome things that will come and how the Lord will teach me to be what he called me to be. Learning from Daddy and growing in his power/anointing/truth is just amazing.

Btw the cousin I was talking about, is the one who started an ICOTG in the Bergheimer Straße in Heidelberg.
Oh before I forget it, I am currently in Las Vegas visiting a church etc. And what God has set up for me there is simply amazing. About 1 Month before I came to Las Vegas, I got to know a man named Günther (I knew that he exists, since I had seen him in the church where I went to but I never really talked with him before or got to know him) and he is also called into heavy spiritual warfare by God. So now in my 2nd week in Las Vegas, at the church where I go to there a teaching course started and they had many people attending it from all over the world. On the first day I met a man named Allen Collins and his wife Rhoda Collins, they live in Canada. We spoke a little and I told them that I am from Germany, Heidelberg. Al told me that he has been to Germany and he has even been to Heidelberg. Then he began to tell me about this guy named Günther and Kai with whom he did spiritual warfare in Germany. Günther and Kai were/are pretty good friends of his. The teaching started and I began to wonder in my mind. Hmm he knows someone from Heidelberg named Günther and he has a friend named Kai. I thought “Thats an interesting coincidence”, since the Günther I know also told me about someone with the name Kai.
At the break, I asked Al about this Günther in Germany he knows. Well it turns out he know the exact same person which I got to know about 1 month before I came to Las Vegas and all us have a calling that goes in the same direction which is spiritual warfare.
So what is the chance of meeting someone from Canada in Las Vegas who stayed there for only ~2 weeks going at this time to the same church where I go to in Las Vegas and knowing someone from my hometown whom I got to know only 1 Month before I came to Las Vegas……This is just to funny. God really is amazing. And this just showed me that he takes so much good care of me and sets the right people directly in my path. I also want to ask Günther to teach/mentor me when I am back in Germany so this is also a big confirmation.

I just want to thank you and your awesome ministry, and just ask the Lord to bless you with vigour and endurance and even more strength to take down the enemy in the name of the Lord and I thank you for laying your life down for the one(s) you love.

And I also just want to thank God, who takes so much care of me, and who I can count on all the time. It is so amazing how he cares for me and he just puts the right people in my path so that I cant even miss them. He is so good.



It is interesting that in recent history, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) groups have shied away from the ballot box in their fight for same sex marriage. The American population have made their feelings known: they do not want homosexual marriage. However, these groups have turned to the legislature to win their battle.

After California rejected sodomite marriage in a referendum, homosexual law makers from San Francisco have sought to use the law to force their agenda through and they are seeing success fueled by the “equal rights” strategy.

In the meantime, Hollywood are pushing the LGBT agenda relentlessly. Teenagers today will view homosexual and lesbian lifestyles as normal; they are constantly bombarded with imagery via the media especially aimed at teenagers.  For example, American Horror Story, 30 Rock, Modern Family, Being Human, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Game of Thrones, Broadwalk Empire, Glee, Law and Order, Downton Abbey and Southland.

This is why Prophet TV has become established in media centers – To block the demonic spirits which seek to influence the leaders, law makers and celebrities who decide what will play on our TV and movie screens and what children are taught about healthy relationships and marriage in our society . However, we often stand alone!

Our New York and Santa Monica gates need more people to walk in this revelation and to stand in the gap to protect the people.  We also need a gateway established in San Francisco where lawmakers are pushing the sodomite marriage agenda through the courts. The devil is using the media as a tool to demonise and destroy this generation – and we have so much ground to cover in the battle….  Become a monthly partner so we can extend the places we are established, by joining with ICOTG!


Professor: Child pornography could be beneficial to society

Child porn could benefit society as “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.” Professor Milton Diamond with University of Hawaii and a ‘distinguished lecturer’ at the IASHS (Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality) in San Francisco.

Psychology is starting to accept that pedophilia is a sexual orientation like homosexuality and heterosexuality.  When this movement and the movement of children’s rights are combined the understanding of the professors mindset becomes clear.

The children’s rights movement is the idea of allowing children at very young ages make their own choice about their lifestyle and healthcare.

On the merging of pedophilia and child pornography, Linda Harvey of Mission America… “There have been blips on this in the United States for the last decade…We will see this trend accelerate as homosexual, transgender and ‘children’s rights’ intersect.”

Further understanding is obtained by looking at the IASHS.  The IASHS actively promoted repealing a ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

The IASHS identifies “basic sexual rights” which include:

  • “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.”
  • “be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.”
  • “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.”
  • None should be “disadvantaged because of their age.”

The problem with this is “What is the definition of consent… When a person says they agree to something that implies consent and the trend is to expand that definition to children in sexual matters.” This opens the door for exploitation by pedophiles, according to Linda Harvey.

”Gay rights groups are attempting to open up sexuality to children at younger ages.  There are also gay community centers around the country that accept children as young as 10 or 11 without parental consent.”

See Psychologist says pedophilia is sexual orientation similar to homosexuality :: Greeley Gazette.