Category Archives: News

The News

The Break Down of Greek Society

What happens to a society when the economy collapses? How does this affect the day to day lives of the people within that society? What happens when the government does not have the money to keep everything working as it once did?

We can see this process happening in Greece, as the nation is effectively bankrupt, and the government is fast running out of options. Greece’s financial woes are largely of her own making. A society based on socialism, with a large proportion of the population employed in public sector jobs, a generous public retirement fund, and national tax avoidance. For years the country has lived far beyond her means. This addiction to debt has been compounded by Greece abandoning her currency, the Drachma, to join the single European currency, the Euro. Being part of the Euro has seriously hampered Greece’s ability to take the necessary action to avoid the economic catastrophe the nation now faces.

Greek’s have a reputation for being loud and gregarious, however, behind this exterior is a generous and civil society built on a strongly matriarchal family unit. The Greek grandmother is a poignant symbol of the nation: the old widow lady dressed in black, with immacualte hair, is a figure which commands the deepest respect from every sector in society. However, a British journalist living and working in Greece observed such a lady begging on the streets of Athens – this was a scene utterly unthinkable a short time ago.

Greek’s are also very civilised and generous, however these attributes are becoming harder to see. Hostility is growing in Greece towards a large immigrant population, with a real fear that the Neo-Nazi movement could make serious political in-roads. Crime is also increasing drastically. In the past Athens was quite a safe city where you hardly heard of muggings, but now muggings are common place. Areas of Athens are becoming no-go areas as crime and drug abuse increase.

Despite the crime and drug abuse on the streets of Athens, behind closed doors the majority of Greek families are simply trying to survive. Many have seen their salaries drop by 25%, whilst taxes increase and basic food prices soar; simply putting food on the table is becoming very hard. There are more tax rises and job cuts to come and as the recession deepens, the coming year is likely to bring further hardship to the people.

Greece has a troubled recent past, after the second world war Greek’s faced tremendous hardship, with people starving to death. Out of this, civil war ripped the nation apart resulting in a brutal military dictatorship until 1974. People again fear a return to the bad days of Greece, as Communist groups call for revolution. Many can see this as a distinct possibility as more and more people become increasingly desperate.

The way the economic crisis is dealt with in the coming months will determine  the outcome for Greece, as well as the rest of Europe. America is not immune from these economic woes. The entire western world has lived on borrowed money for years, we have all grown used to a lifestyle funded on debt, and not on hard earned cash. Many in Greece see the removal of their lifestyle as a loss to their rights, and the rest of Europe and America will be no different. If the rule of law and the political system collapses in Greece, anarchy will ensue and hardship become much worse.

However, we do not need this to happen. God raises up Prophets to take his mantle into regions to protect them from destruction. Poverty, hunger, or anarchy are not what God would have for us, but He needs His mantle to be in these key regions, so they can be steered away from trouble and faith and wisdom be restored. Support Prophet TV so the mantle on this ministry can return to Europe. If the economic system collapses, what we see in Greece today will be America tomorrow.

Via Greece is slipping into the abyss

French Presidential Elections


April 22nd will see the first round of the French Presidential elections. The conservative President Sarkozy is running for a second term, but is currently trailing in the polls. The front-runner is the socialist candidate Francois Hollande who has pledged to introduce a new 75% rate of tax on the rich, calling it an act of “patriotism”; as well as increase regulation on the financial sector. Hollande also plans to use France’s role in the European Union to steer the EU in a more socialist direction.

In 2007, God sent Prophet TV into Paris at the time of the election. At that time Sarkozy was behind in the polls, and it was thought he would not win. However, when the anointing on Prophet TV entered the region the atmosphere changed and the election was flipped. Sarkozy has led France to have closer ties with America and has been used to influence world events, like the ousting of Col. Gaddafi in Libya. Support Prophet TV has we raise the budget for our mission into Paris at this key time.


Obama talks gay rights at Clooney fundraiser

As the Presidential elections are only 5 months away Obama is busy on the fund-raising trail, building a substantial war chest.

Recently George Clooney hosted an Obama fundraiser at his Hollywood home, which raised nearly $15 million.

Tickets cost $40,000 each and amongst the 150 guests were Barbara Streisand, Salma Hayek, Tobey Maguire and Jack Black.

Obama delighted the crowd with his speech endorsing gay-rights, which came only days after he came out, openly expressing his views on same-sex marriage, after conversations with his children.

Since Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage, he has been free in expressing his support of Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues.

With so many big money democrat supporters – passionate about same-sex marriage, or homosexual issues, – Obama has seen this position pay off with significant donations pouring in.

Although his strong black support base tend to hold a traditional view on marriage, Obama seems to be hoping they will vote according to race, and not moral conviction.


News of Catholic Church Future

The Catholic Church have been debating wether or not to allow the ultraconservative splinter group, the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), back into the church.

By April 15th the Society of Saint Pius X will give their response to a “Doctrinal Preamble” outlining “certain doctrinal principles and criteria for the interpretation of Catholic doctrine … (while also) leaving open to legitimate discussion the examination and theological explanation of individual expressions and formulations contained in the documents of Vatican Council II and later Magisterium.”

The controversial Swiss based society has come under great criticism in the past for some one of it’s bishops denying the scale of the holocost.

Factions within the SSPX and within the church are both opposed to the organisation being allowed back into the church. With progressives fearing it will push the Vatican towards the right.

Mob Attackin Norfolk, Va, Nothing Being Done Due To Racial Issues

On April 14th a mob of 30 black youths attacked an Iranian white couple in an unprovoked attack in Norfolk, Virginia. Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami were sitting at a stop light, when a black teenager threw a rock at their car. Foster stepped out of the car to confront the teen, at which point the mob attacked him. When his girlfriend tried to pull Foster back into car, the gang attacked her as well. Foster and Rostami are both local newspaper reporters, though nothing was written about the incident until May 1st.

Police initially classed the attack as a “simple assault”, rather than a racially motivated “hate crime”. Though 100 people witnessed the mob attack, only one 16 year old has been arrested  and little media coverage, suggesting the story has been hushed up.

Prophet TV has been reporting on the significance of racial division in America.
The demons influencing Charles Mason, spoke to him about a future black-white war.
Can we really believe that, had a black couple been attacked by a mob of white youths, the media would have remained silent?

Eurozone Crisis Deepens After French Elections

After socialist candidate Francois Hollande won the French Presidential elections, markets fell across the world.

Hollande is France’s first socialist President in 17 years. He won on the promise of a move away from austerity, more government spending, and high taxes on the rich.

Businesses in France are concerned, with many wealthy French planning to move to London.

Hollande’s victory could also bring about division at the heart of Europe, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel has repeated calls that austerity must be stuck to. However, the southern European nations of Italy, Spain and Greece hope that Hollande will side with them in a move away from austerity.

TB Joshua prophesied Malawi Presidents death

TB Joshua’s main church is in Lagos Nigeria. His ministry is accompanied by significant signs and wonders, healings and deliverance.

The Times newspaper published an article on 09/04/2012 covering the prophecy Prophet TB Joshua gave regarding the death of a president. You can read the article below
How prophet with direct line to God predicted President’s death – The Times

When the President of Malawi died last week, the country rejoiced.
Violently crushing peaceful protests, throwing donors out of the country and lining up his brother to succeed him, President Bingu wa Mutharika was beginning to resemble Robert Mugabe of neighbouring Zimbabwe.
The President’s death last Thursday appeared to be a miraculous solution to their problems. But perhaps they should have seen it coming.
On February 5, Prophet T.B. Joshua predicted, live on the hit Nigerian Christian channel Emmanuel TV, that an African leader would die within 60 days.
“We should pray for one African head of state, what I say, president, against the sickness that will take life,” he told a 15,000-strong congregation and millions of viewers. He said that he was in negotiations with God and that prayer might save the president. He did not say which one.
“I’m just being used by God Almighty,” Mr Joshua told The Times. “I had to send the message … I cannot say more than that. I will not say somebody will die. I’m not God.”
Many thought that Mugabe, who is 88 and constantly quashing rumours that he is sick, was a safe bet. President Mutharika, although 78, seemed to have considerable life in him. Enough, at least, to get rid of Joyce Banda, the Vice-President, whom he threw out of his party when she refused to back his attempts to line up his brother as his successor.
After Mr Mutharika’s heart attack, clandestine negotiations in the top echelons of his party went on for two days and the Malawian people were not told whether he was dead.
Ms Banda was finally sworn in on Saturday. She is a firm devotee of Mr Joshua, whose latest prophecy is the bizarre crown on a number of “miracles” performed to her benefit.
It is well known in Malawi that when he suffered a serious stroke she took her husband to see the prophet and believes that Mr Joshua’s prayers cured him.
“In Malawi, T.B. Joshua is a person that is dearly loved,” she said before her latest prayers were answered. “I must say that I’m addicted, because every Sunday … I sit all day watching Emmanuel TV.”
Mr Mutharika’s death came hot on the heels of Mr Joshua’s repetition of his prophecy last Sunday, when he narrowed down the location of the presidential demise, eliminating West Africa: “I’m seeing a sudden death. This is as a result of sickness. Quote me. The Lord showed me the country . . . this is not even in West Africa.”
Although he is often vague and never names his subject, Mr Joshua’s reported predictions range from the deaths of Michael Jackson and Kim Jong Il to the London riots last summer.
“You remember when I said your country will be burnt and crash, you never listened!” he told The Times crossly. He does not rule out helping again, however. “You want to know what is going to happen? I will make an appointment with [God].


NEWS: – France’s Sarkozy hit by defections and poll plunge

France’s Sarkozy hit by defections and poll plunge

By Brian Love

PARIS (Reuters) – French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s re-election hopes suffered a double setback four days from the first round of voting when a string of public defections compounded the impression that his tumble in opinion polls is pushing victory beyond reach.

Former town planning minister Fadela Amara joined a growing list of political figures to desert the conservative Sarkozy and announce they will vote for his arch-rival, Socialist frontrunner Francois Hollande.

That followed the most devastating opinion poll for weeks, which showed Hollande has opened a five-point lead over Sarkozy in the first ballot next Sunday, and the Socialist has a yawning 16-point advantage in voting intentions for the May 6 runoff.

After a week of steady poll gains for Hollande, the CSA survey released on Thursday night gave him 29 percent of the first round vote, up two points from the institute’s previous survey, versus 24 percent for Sarkozy, down two points.

Sarkozy put on a brave face when asked during an interview on BFM TV what he thought of the latest poll showing Hollande on course to become the first Socialist president since Francois Mitterrand left office in 1995.

“There’s not much point in commenting (on the polls) when they’re good and then commenting on the others because they’re bad,” he said.

Amara, one of the left-of-centre figures Sarkozy recruited to government in the first years after his 2007 election, joined Corinne Lepage, an ecologist former environment minister in a previous centre-right government, who said she would back Hollande because Sarkozy had lurched too far to the right.

Sarkozy’s conservative predecessor Jacques Chirac, 79, is also planning to vote for Hollande, according to the man who helped him write an autobiography after 12 years as head of state from 1995 until 2007. Sarkozy said people should leave the old man in peace and not “manipulate” him.


Others who have said they will vote Hollande despite having served in office under Sarkozy or Chirac include former high commissioner on poverty Martin Hirsch, equal opportunities junior minister Azouz Begag and former culture minister Jean-Jacques Aillagon.

Sarkozy’s poll standing improved in the weeks following the launch of his re-election campaign in mid-February and at one stage most surveys showed him topping the first round, but not a single poll has shown Hollande losing the runoff.

In the past week however, Hollande has recovered and Sarkozy slipped in almost all polls. Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen has strengthened her position in third place with 17 percent in the CSA poll, followed by hard-left firebrand Jean-Luc Melenchon on 15 percent and centrist Francois Bayrou on 10.

Bayrou, who has not said whom he back if as expected he is eliminated on Sunday’s first ballot, played down the defectors to Hollande as “those who always want their hands on the lever, to be on side with the powers that be”.

“You can’t build a country with people who are here one day and there the next,” he said.

Asked whether he might announce between the two rounds his intention to appoint Bayrou prime minister if re-elected, Sarkozy said: “I’m waiting to see the first round and I tell you that it’s not impossible that I’ll do that.”

Hollande warned his supporters against complacency or prematurely carving up government posts and reaffirmed in a France Inter radio interview that he would renegotiate a European budget discipline treaty to give priority to restoring growth, without which it would be impossible to reduce debt.

(Additional reporting By Brian Love, Leigh Thomas, Emmanuel Jarry, Yann Le Guernigou and Patrick Vignal; Editing by Paul Taylor)

via NEWS: – France’s Sarkozy hit by defections and poll plunge.




Occupy’s Plan To Shut Down Golden Gate Bridge Cancelled

(Photo: Darwin Bell)

Er, never mind. Occupy’s plan to shut down the Golden Gate Bridge on May 1st has been cancelled. Occupy will instead focus on ferry service. Why? Well, part of it could be that the Golden Gate Bridge District just agreed to pay a reported $2 million to “380 workers represented by 14 unions who have been out of contract since July 2011 over a dispute about medical insurance costs passed on to workers,” reports Susie Cagle for SF Appeal.

“We appreciate the tremendous support we’ve received from the public, our brothers and sisters in labor, San Francisco commuters, and allies like Jobs with Justice, Pride at Work, and Occupy San Francisco,” said Alex Tonisson, Organizer and Co-Chair of the Golden Gate Bridge Labor Coalition, in a statement released on Friday. “Bridge, bus, and ferry workers have done everything we can at the bargaining table to reach a fair contract. As we prepare to take the next step in the fight for quality affordable healthcare for workers, families, and retirees, we ask supporters to stand with us at strike picket lines on May Day, and to keep the bridge open.”

Some occupiers aren’t thrilled about the decision to cancel Tuesday’s plan due to seemingly political reasons. Former San Francisco mayoral candidate John Rinaldi (AKA Chicken John) penned the following on the Occupy the Bridge wall after the announcement:

Well you just lost me. You will find as you gain wisdom through failure that when you adhere to something, you lose at least 50% of your audience. The idea of “Occupy” was that it was a blanket idea, that we were ALL the 99%. Now, you include politics that show the idea is compromised. Unions are a blight on our great nation, and I detest them and so do many people I know. We see them as bullying and a tool for a small percentage of people who “have theirs”. You will not be seeing me or any of us in your mayday parade. I wish you the best of luck though, and hope that we can all live in a world free from banks and unions in the future.

And with that, the plan to temporarily shutter the bridge won’t happen. Probably not. However, there is talk of “autonomous action” that might cause a ruckus at the Golden Gate Bridge on May Day. Buses will still leave from 19th and Telegraph in Oakland and San Francisco City Hall at 6 a.m. tomorrow to the picket sites.

May Day should prove an eventful one for Occupy members and supporters. Occupy SF plans to hold a street fair at Montgomery and Market streets tomorrow afternoon. And Occupy Oakland will hold rallies throughout the city, as well as a noontime rally at Oakland City Hall.

Contact the author of this article or email [email protected] with further questions, comments or tips.


London Olympics 2012 Surface to Air Missiles

East London apartment complex might have surface to air missiles on roof top in preparation for the London 2012 Olympic games.

Residents of the complex were told via pamphlet about missiles.

The apartment building is in a good position if anyone tried to attack olympics government can launch missiles from roof.

The British plans to fire missiles if there is a threat from low flying aircraft over olympic stadium

Beijing did the same but in more neutral location


Following a Freedom if Information lawsuit it has been revealed that there are at least 63 active drone sites around the US.

Drones are unmanned planes, these range from small aircraft, like the Draganflyer X8, which can carry a payload of only 2.2 lb, and are used by police patrol borders and by environmental agencies to monitor for wild fires.

However some of the drones are much bigger, like the MQ-9 Reaper, which is used by the military to kill terrorists overseas.

It has been revealed that 20 states have launch locations.

Drones are deployed from military installations, enforcement agencies, as well as universities.

However, it is unknown the exact number of these drones operating or the full extent of drone activities  in America’s skies.

Read more in the Daily Mail

Psychologist says pedophilia is sexual orientation similar to homosexuality

Pedophilia is in the same category as homosexuality or heterosexuality.  It is a “sexual orientation”… according to two different psychologists testifying before a parliamentary session in Canada.

Doctors Vernon Quinsey and Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem…

“Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”

“True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent.”

“There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or through anything else.”

See Psychologist says pedophilia is sexual orientation similar to homosexuality :: Greeley Gazette.