Category Archives: News

The News

The Royal Wedding

Today the streets of London were lined with a million people eager to watch and be part of the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, the future King and Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

For weeks the United Kingdom has prepared for the wedding with many people throughout the nation preparing street parties and events to mark the day. With the mood in Britain of late being one of austerity and gloom, today has marked a change in public feeling. People of all backgrounds came together in unity to celebrate. Releasing hope across the nation.

The young couple meet 10 years ago, whilst studying at St. Andrews University. The media had agreed to allow the Prince privacy to further his education, so the couple enjoyed four years in relative exclusion in the quiet Scottish University town, in which to develop their relationship, which began as friendship and blossomed into romance. This is a very normal love story, allowed to run it’s natural course, which has lead them to Westminster Abbey today.

Catherine looked every bit the princess in her beautiful wedding gown, the Abbey adorned with an avenue of trees looked spring-like and resplendent. The service carried both solemnity and intimacy, only possible when two people in love come together in marriage.

The Royal Wedding focused the attention of a nation on that which is lovely and good; and the whole nation was lifted as a result. The British people famous for their cynicism, threw this off today in unabashed joy for a young couple sharing their love with the world.




Amazon Cloud Crash

The 21st of April saw a major crash of the Amazon Cloud EC2 system, which lasted for three days. The EC2 is used to host many websites including some big names in cyberspace, such as Foursquare, HootSuite, Reddit and Quora.

Amazon, like many other companies using the latest cloud server technology had been confident of the system, describing it as bomb proof. However, days after the event it has now emerged that Amazon have now lost some of their customers data. This has highlighted the lack of robust systems in place in Amazon, as well as other hosting companies when it comes to data back up and storage.

The outage occurred when Amazon were seeking to upgrade their system and error occurred as they shifted traffic from one router to another, in the process the data was moved to a low capacity redundant router.

Although the problem has been rectified the fact remains as more and more businesses trust the hosting companies to back up their data. Are their systems robust enough to protect data when outages and errors happen? For Amazon customers the answer was no.

America is under spiritual attack, the enemy wants to crash America. The nation’s economy is dependent upon modern technology and if the  technology being used is not safe it will be exploited. Not enough Christians understand the importance of technology, most of the church is 15 years behind the world, and is constantly playing catch up. Part of being effective in this age is being educated about the technologies the world works on, and safe guarding yourself against points of weakness, this is how the natural army operates, and it ought to be how the church operates. As the world walks shortsightedly into the new and latest technologies, we need to ask ourself is it a safe is our data secure.

Cannes 2011: Embarrassing Sarkozy biopic

Nicolas Sarkozy was elected French President in 2007. His election was a sign of France moving away from socialism, and moving closer to America. Prophet TV was in France at the time of the election interceding for the nation. Before Prophet TV was in the region, the opinion polls in France suggested the socialist party would secure power, however, with the intercessory presence ushering in the Presence of God the atmosphere changed and France choose a pro-American President.

Following Sarkozy’s historic lead in the recent Libyan crisis and the burqa veil legislation in France, the International Cannes Film Festival 2011, to take place in May, has decided to choose the controversial film, La Conquête, as one of this year’s short-listed films to be premiere at the festival. The movie charts the French President’s rise to power, the break down of his first marriage, and the victory in the 2007 elections.

The La Conquête (The Conquest) may turn the French President into a national laughingstock. Sarkozy is already suffering in the French polls, due to the decisions he has taken in his Presidency to try and halt the nations addiction to socialism.

Sarkozy was due to attend the Cannes Film Festival this year, with his second wife Carla Bruni, who is appearing in the Woody Allen film Midnight in Paris. The viewing of La Conquête now poses a dilemma for Sarkozy on whether or not to attend.

The Cannes Film Festival is an event that shapes world perceptions via the media. In 2006 Prophet TV was interceding at the Festival during the long awaited premiere of the Da Vinci Code. By bring in the Presence of God, the demonic seeking to influence people through that movie was blocked and the movie failed the gain the praise of the Cannes critics, there were even some in the premiere who laughed jeeringly at the movie. The Da Vinci Code went on to be a box office flop worldwide.


Syphilis cases hit all-time high in San Francisco

Its a syphilis epidemic, so say officials with public health in San Francisco.

Among gay men in San Francisco, syphilis increased by 25% in 2010 vs last year.  It has reached an all time high in the city.

The facts point to the outbreak being predominantly in gay males, not in women or in heterosexual men.

See Syphilis cases hit all-time high | Andrea Koskey | Local | San Francisco Examiner.

What’s Causing the High Suicide Rate at France Telecom? – Yahoo! Voices –

Within the last eighteen months there have been twenty-three suicides among the employees of France Telecom, Europe’s third largest telecommunications company, the latest occurring on September 11th by a 32-year-old woman who jumped from her office window in Paris.

There is now an investigation under way, and just one day before the latest suicide France telecom had said that it was postponing the company’s reorganization until October the 31st and they were going to increase medical staff by 10 percent.

Because of the problem of suicide in the company, the Chief Executive Officer of France Telecom, Didier Lombard met with the French Labor Minister, Xavier Darcos. Darcos asked the staff of France Telecom to begin having talks with staff representatives to learn to detect signs of distress and suicide.

The reorganization is the cause many contribute to the suicides. Because of the notes that people left behind and the places in which they chose to commit their suicide, it is apparent that unhappiness and stress in the workplace did play a role.

But I ask, musn’t this just be a trigger for an already existing problem? Or can a job really push an otherwise happy and normal person to ending his or her own life?

I spoke with some people I know in France, one who works for France Telecom and another who does not. The one who does work there told me, when I asked about it, that indeed the environment at France Telecom had become very strange. The other reported that he heard that the reason people were having such a hard time is because the majority of the employees there were of civil servant status — meaning that France Telecom could not fire them, or would at least have a very difficult time doing so. Therefore, in order to try to convince them to leave on their own account the company would do things like make them sit in strange places in the office, like small corner cubicles and give them dreadful jobs that they’d find unpleasant.

Personally, I think I would leave such a post before I became suicidal but I understand what might keep a person at such a job, as the salary is surely regulated and perhaps there is a retirement benefit to look forward to, or at the least job security. This situation reminds me of the situation here in the States some years ago with postal workers, which spurred the popular phrase “going postal,” which means that someone becomes insane and hurts others. Also, a person’s job becomes part of their identity and often that’s hard to let go.

On a more positive note, out of France Telecom’s 100,000 plus employees, those suicides represent something close to the national average for suicides, which is 17.6 per 100,000.


France Telecom Employee Suicides Prompt Action

By Gregory Viscusi and Matthew Campbell

Sept 15, Bloomberg

READ: What’s the cause of french suicide?

via What’s Causing the High Suicide Rate at France Telecom? – Yahoo! Voices –

Suicide in France: Some Hypotheses

The relatively high suicide rate in France is investigated and a number of influences are hypothesized as causative. These include, on a societal and demographic level, a history of high immigration, low emigration, a high proportion of old people, high urbanization, extraordinarily high alcoholism, and the extreme gap in income between upper and lower classes. The rigid bureaucracy of the state can leave the individual feeling infuriated and defeated. The legal system produces many injustices, such as long imprisonment without charges. The Church is liberal and supplies little prophylaxis against suicide. Overall, social integration must be judged to be low. Culturally, French values include an underlying pessimism, no strong fear of death, strong pressures to behave correctly and much malice toward neighbors. The modal personality structure contains defensive, constricted elements producing a vulnerable pseudo-autonomy. French child-rearing practices are effective in producing such personalities.

Read: Suicide in France


1,243 Fewer Heart Disease Deaths; Still Leading Preventable Cause of Death AIDS Deaths Have Decreased 80% Since Peak in 1994; Still 3rd Leading Cause of Death for NY’ers Under 65

NEW YORK CITY – January 5, 2006 – There were 57,466 deaths in New York City in 2004, a reduction of 1,747 deaths – including 1,243 fewer heart disease deaths – from 2003. New York City ‘s death rate reached a historic low of 7.2 per 1,000 people in 2004. Today the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) released its 2004

New Yorkers Living Longer: 2004 Death Rate Lowest

TV Helicopter Crashes on Brooklyn Rooftop – New York Times

By SABRINA TAVERNISE and ANDY NEWMAN; Michael Brick, Thomas J. Lueck and Jess Wisloski contributed reporting for this article
Published: May 05, 2004

A television news helicopter covering a triple shooting in Brooklyn spun out of control and crashed onto the roof of a Flatbush apartment building last night, snapping in two but sparing the three people on board any serious injuries.

The WNBC-TV helicopter, Chopper 4, hit the roof of a four-story brick apartment building at 2502 Cortelyou Road about 6:30 p.m., and then plunged onto the roof of a two-story building, the authorities said.

The helicopter landed in two pieces on the roof of the smaller building, 2514 Cortelyou Road near East 25th Street.

”I cannot believe that three people walked away from that,” a neighbor, Dwayne Simpkins, said.

The people on board, a reporter, Andrew Torres, and two pilots, Russ Mowry and Hassan Taan-Marin, were taken to area hospitals. None of their injuries were life-threatening, the police said.

”We’ve spoken to all three men and they seem to be O.K.,” said Liz Fischer, a spokeswoman for WNBC. ”We’re just thankful that they’re safe.”


“Chopper 4 is going down.”: Gothamist
News helicopter crashes onto NYC rooftop |
NYC’s News Chopper 4 crashes on Brooklyn Rooftop
TV Helicopter Crashes on Brooklyn Rooftop – New York Times


July 17, 2003

View Farmers Market in a larger map

The Santa Monica Farmer’s Market was destroyed yesterday when George Russell Weller, 86, may have accidentally pressed the accelerator of his car instead of the brake. This caused the car to go ramming through the barricade meant to keep everyone out of harms way. Witnesses said he was swerving back and forth while accelerating and hitting many people along his path during the 20 second rampage. By the time he came to a stop, he had killed 9 people and injured 63 people. A tenth victim died later adding to the extent of the tragedy.

UPDATE:  In 2008, the legal case was closed and the city of Santa Monica and other defendants paid $21 million to settle dozens of civil lawsuits as a result of the tragedy.


June 20, 2001

View TROPICAL STORM ALLISON in a larger map

On May 21, a tropical wave moved off the coast of Africa.  By June 5, this became Tropical Storm Allison.  The storm hit near Freeport, Texas, first then slowly turned toward Houston.  Wind and rain pummeled the state until the storm finally moved back over the Gulf of Mexico on June 10th.  On the 11th, the center had moved near Intracoastal City, Louisiana and onto nearby Morgan City, Louisiana.  The storm then weakened to a subtropical storm and went through portions of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Pennsylvania.  Allison finally merged with a cold front over the Atlantic on June 18. In its wake 23 people were dead in Texas, 7 in Pennsylvania with 43 total among all the states. An estimated $5.5 billion in damages was done along Allison’s  entire path.  75 counties were designated as disaster areas by President Bush.


President Bush Meets with Dalai Lama in White House
May 23, 2001

View Washington, DC in a larger map

Today President Bush and the National Security Advisor met with the Dalai Lama in The White House residence to discuss Tibet. The President commended the Dalai Lama for his commitment to nonviolence and said he would encourage dialogue with the Chinese Government. The President and the Dalai Lama agreed that strong and constructive U.S-China relations is important. The Dalai Lama has also met with Secretary of State Powell, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Paula Dobriansky from the State Department.

Jim Jones’ “Days of Darkness” San Francisco City Hall Exhibit

San Francisco.  Its been twenty years since Jim Jones and Jonestown, Guyana.  A large photograph is mounted on the fourth floor near the Board of Supervisors meeting room.  There is a series of photographs of Jones in the exhibit called “Days of Darkness”.

The photos are of about 900 people who will die in a couple of hours including Congressman Leo Ryan and Greg Robinson the photographer who took a lot of the photographs.

“You can’t believe that one guy can be that powerful, that he can get so many people to kill themselves” said Claes Ostlund a resident of Stockholm who is trying to make sense of how this evil was possible in San Francisco.

Patty Moran, a Democratic Party activist during the time of Jones, had worked for Harvey Milk and George Moscone who were murdered a week after the tragedy in Jonestown states “I can understand why people here wouldn’t like it, having to look at that every day”.

“…Is there some darkness at the heart of this beautiful city, or is it just that San Francisco welcomes anyone charismatic who preaches social justice?” asks the San Francisco Examiner Columnist Rob Morse.

To answer Rob Morse’s question about the darkness in the heart of the city of San Francisco that would allow a fog to blind the residents to the evil before them, see this teaching by’s Building the Warrior series.


Source article Pictures of a nightmare past – SFGate.