Category Archives: Opinion

Supreme Court Forces Same Sex Marriage on all states and claims the states have been oppressing people illegally for 128 years !

Get ready for;
Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits…

Now we who are gay can sue the states for damages for the past 128 years, we’ll punish them and get rich off the states, in effect bankrupting them thereby punishing the people of the state.

And with that “New” money, continue to create programing and legislation protecting my next fantasy.
You got it, man boy love coming soon to an alter near you. And if you’re not in San Francisco you can stream it live HD being performed right on the streets in front of the San Francisco Justice system who now allows open public nudity and every type of sex acts.  In effect making San Francisco an open air Porn Site. hurray !

Now we who are gay can sue the pastors and the moral objectors for discrimination, we’ll destroy the church and lift God’s hand of blessing off ALL of America, not just California where this all started…

Is it Climate Change or Judgment? Any Californians thirsty yet?

Meanwhile ISIS continues to attack in France and other countries, shooting 28 people sun bathing at a beach front resort, beheading others in France. Why won’t they just roll over and let us bowl them over with our legislation? What’s wrong with them? Maybe more laws? ? ?

Isis is against the “western” mind set as demonstrated today, once again by the Supreme Court.

So expect more serious attacks in the future… They believe they are fighting Big Brother and the Great Satan after all.

Have a nice day…


Denzel Washington’s Dillard University Declaration vs. Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee Attack.

Addressing graduates at two different universities Denzel Washington and Michelle Obama gave very difference messages.  The hugely successful black male celebrity had a word of advice for those who would otherwise be influenced by racially-obsessed firebrands.

According to this particular African-American superstar actor, the key to success isn’t forcing equality, killing cops, being a beneficiary of quotas, or political retribution – it is putting God first.  Denzel assumed an attitude of thankfulness and humility by telling graduates that if one “puts God first,” success will follow. Washington didn’t talk about bias, prejudice, racism or color. Instead, Denzel Washington chose to discuss how everything he’s accomplished is due solely to the “grace of God.”

While the first African-American first lady was busy recounting for Tuskegee grads every personal affront, African-American megastar Denzel – after receiving an honorary doctorate of Humane Letters at the ceremony – told the group to “Put God first in everything you do.”

Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee comments exuded an attitude of racial entitlement mixed with tangible resentment. By contrast, Denzel told the following story:

“When I was young and started really making it as an actor, I came and talked to my mother and said, ‘Mom, did you think this was going to happen? I’d be so big and I’ll be able to take care of everybody and I can do this and I can do that.’ “

Mama Washington reprimanded her son:

“Oh, you did it all by yourself? I’ll tell you what you can do by yourself: Go outside and get a mop and bucket and clean these windows – you can do that by yourself, superstar.

She said, ‘Boy, stop it right there, stop it right there, stop it right there! She said, ‘If you only knew how many people been praying for you.’ How many prayer groups she put together, how many prayer talks she gave, how many times she splashed me with holy water to save my sorry behind.”

Instead of blaming perceived wrongs for what he didn’t have or what wasn’t bestowed on him because of his skin color, Washington acknowledged those in the audience like his mother who sacrificed much so that the graduates could accomplish their academic goals:

“So, I’m saying that because I want to congratulate all the parents and friends and family and aunties and uncles and grandmother and grandfathers, all the people that helped you get to where you are today.”

Unlike Mrs. Obama’s Tuskegee tirade, the Denzel-delivered Dillard commencement speech had none of the bitterness, animosity, or warnings about the impending hardships of being black in America that were so prominent in Michelle Obama’s remarks.

Instead, Denzel Washington told the graduates:

“Everything you think you see in me, everything I’ve accomplished, and everything you think I have – and I have a few things. Everything that I have is by the grace of God. Understand that. It’s a gift.”

And so, if some disgruntled black Americans are looking for an alternative example of how success is attained, maybe instead of firebombing minority-owned businesses, shooting young police officers in the head, or buying into Michelle Obama’s Tuskegee vitriol, how about listening to Denzel’s sound advice and “put God first?”


U.S Healthcare quality goes from best in the world to worst and most expensive in the world in 6 years

Forbes magazine says:
Earlier this year, Cadillac ran a controversial TV ad that first aired during the opening ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics. It was called “Poolside” and featured actor Neal McDonough extolling America’s work ethic over other countries — specifically France.

Turns out that many of those “other countries” (including France) score better than the U.S. in one key metric not included in Cadillac’s TV spot — healthcare. At least that’s according to The Commonwealth Fund in their latest report “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall — 2014 Update” (pdf here).

For this year’s survey on overall health care, The Commonwealth Fund ranked the U.S. dead last .

1. United Kingdom
2. Switzerland
3. Sweden
4. Australia
5. Germany & Netherlands (tied)
7. New Zealand & Norway (tied)
9. France
10. Canada
11. United States

It’s fairly well accepted that the U.S. is the most expensive healthcare system in the world, but many continue to falsely assume that we pay more for healthcare because we get better health (or better health outcomes). The evidence, however, clearly doesn’t support that view.


The report itself is fairly short (32 pages), but included prior surveys and national health system scorecards as well as data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The report also included a list of major findings — including these:

Quality: The indicators of quality were grouped into four categories: effective care, safe care, coordinated care, and patient-centered care. Compared with the other 10 countries, the U.S. fares best on provision and receipt of preventive and patient-centered care.

Access: Not surprisingly — given the absence of universal coverage — people in the U.S. go without needed health care because of cost more often than people do in the other countries.

Efficiency: On indicators of efficiency, the U.S. ranks last among the 11 countries, with the U.K. and Sweden ranking first and second, respectively. The U.S. has poor performance on measures of national health expenditures and administrative costs as well as on measures of administrative hassles, avoidable emergency room use, and duplicative medical testing.

Equity: The U.S. ranks a clear last on measures of equity. Americans with below-average incomes were much more likely than their counterparts in other countries to report not visiting a physician when sick; not getting a recommended test, treatment, or follow-up care; or not filling a prescription or skipping doses when needed because of costs. On each of these indicators, one-third or more lower-income adults in the U.S. said they went without needed care because of costs in the past year.

Healthy lives: The U.S. ranks last overall with poor scores on all three indicators of healthy lives — mortality amenable to medical care, infant mortality, and healthy life expectancy at age 60. Overall, France, Sweden, and Switzerland rank highest on healthy lives.

Perhaps the biggest single takeaway was this one:

The most notable way the U.S. differs from other industrialized countries is the absence of universal health insurance coverage. Other nations ensure the accessibility of care through universal health systems and through better ties between patients and the physician practices that serve as their medical homes. The Commonwealth Fund “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall — 2014 Update”

Unfortunately, many still equate “universal healthcare” with “Government run” or “single payer” healthcare. It isn’t (Universal Coverage Is Not “Single Payer” Healthcare — here).

All of which makes Cadillac’s advertising chutzpah even more brazen. After all, it was just seven short months ago that the Government “bailout” of GM officially ended. One of the more commonly cited reasons for the dire financial predicament of the auto industry giant was always — yup — ballooning healthcare costs. Just as Starbucks SBUX -1.6% spends more on healthcare benefits than coffee beans — GM (at least in 2005) spent more on healthcare benefits than steel.

The U.S. excels in many areas, but clearly population health (and all its related components) isn’t one of them. N’est-ce pas?

Brian Williams stars alignment

NBC News Anchor Brian Williams’s Demise – Karma or Something Else?
“Everyone is a prisoner of his own experiences. No one can eliminate prejudices—just recognize them.”
Edward R. Murrow
NBCUniversal Tuesday February 10, 2015 cut loose NBC’s Anchor and Managing Editor, Brian Williams for allegedly intentionally lying about his 2003 experience as an embedded journalist in Iraq. With the stroke of a pen accompanied by a press conference, Mr Williams’s rich contribution to the hard news business was instantly catapulted from stardom to an asterisk. The fate of this news anchor and the ‘NBC Nightly News’ was sealed in 11 days.
Rule I of the Hard News Gods: You report the news, when you become a part of the news; it is time to step down.
Brian Williams announces in a statement released to media Saturday February 7, 2015 he is taking a leave of absence from “NBC Nightly News.” “It has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions,” he writes. “Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us.”
In a power grab, NBC News brass scrambles to take charge of the destiny of the most coveted anchor chair. To that end, NBC News President Deborah Turness makes public NBC corporate’s final decision to furlough Brian Williams without pay for six months
Why Now?
The original incident in question took place more than ten years ago. Over the years this managing editor and anchor told this story in public and not so public places, including on Late Night with David Letterman. No one paid it any mind . . . until now.
What did this news anchor do to anger the News Gods?
The top brass at NBC news condemns Brian Williams and orders an investigation. All the while, the Internet is all atwitter (pardon the pun) with jealous haters, determined to bring this news superstar to his knees.

60 Minutes’ Bob Simon killed in car crash | New York Post

Veteran “60 Minutes” correspondent Bob Simon was killed when his livery cab crashed on the West Side Highway in Manhattan Wednesday night, sources said.

The CBS reporter died when the Lincoln Town Car he was riding in crashed with a Mercedes and then lost control and plowed into a pedestrian expansion near 30th Street at about 7 p.m., according to sources.

Cops had to cut off the top of the Lincoln to free Simon and the driver, who, according to a law enforcement sources, was treated for a possible heart attack by EMTs.

The driver of the Mercedes said the livery driver was driving erratically.

“He swerved into me,” the driver said. “He hit me and he looked like he lost control of the car.”

Simon was taken to St.Luke’s where he died.

The former war correspondent joined 60 Minutes in 1996.

via 60 Minutes’ Bob Simon killed in car crash | New York Post.

Ethan Hawke: Brooklyn is what Manhattan used to be

Longtime Manhattan resident Ethan Hawke joined the flood of stars relocating to Brooklyn, and says it’s because the borough’s like Manhattan used to be.

“The whole city’s changing, while Brooklyn feels to me the way New York was a while ago,” he told Manhattan magazine.

“Brooklyn is about the barometric pressure of New York turned down about 20 points.”

The “Boyhood” star moved with wife Ryan and their kids to Brooklyn Heights in 2013.

Other celebs in the neighborhood include Lena Dunham, who bought a $4.8 million pad with rocker Jack Antonoff, and Keri Russell.

Bucking the trend, Adam Driver was recently seen moving from his nearby Brooklyn Heights pad after he landed a role in the new “Star Wars” franchise.

via Ethan Hawke: Brooklyn is what Manhattan used to be | Page Six.

Ted Cruz fires back at Al Franken with net neutrality explainer

(CNN) — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, hit back at Sen. Al Franken, D-Minnesota, Monday for his comments that Cruz doesn’t know what he is talking about when it comes to net neutrality.

Cruz used a video that he uploaded to YouTube and social media that shows the senator explaining what net neutrality is and how it works.

“What happens when government starts regulating a service as a public utility? It calcifies everything. It freezes it in place,” Cruz says, in a clip from a speech he delivered Friday in Texas.

“Let’s give a simple contrast. The Telecommunications Act of 1934 was adopted to regulate these,” Cruz says holding up a landline phone. “To put regulations in place and what happened? It froze everything in place. This (Cruz puts his hand on the landline phone) is regulated by Title II. This (Cruz holds up a cell phone) is not.”
How comedians made net neutrality matter
Misconceptions surrounding net neutrality
Why you should care about net neutrality

“Your smartphone, the Internet, the apps — all of this is outside of Title II,” Cruz continues. “The innovation is happening without having to go to government regulators and say, ‘Mother, may I?’ We want a whole lot more of this (Cruz holds up a cell phone) and a whole lot less of this (Cruz points at the landline phone).”

The Cruz explainer video is titled “How net neutrality hurts the internet explained.” It was circulated in response to Franken’s suggestion on Sunday that Cruz doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to net neutrality.



Are All Liberals Liars ?

First, as Rob told you last week, Nancy Pelosi denied that she had ever heard of Jonathan Gruber – only to have it discovered that her web site is full of deferential references to him as an “expert.” Now President Obama dismisses him as just some guy who was “not on our staff” and had nothing to do with ObamaCare.

We’ve been going to town in recent days with Gruber-related material, and it’s important to understand why. While Gruber’s words on his hit parade of videos have been illuminating, he really did not expose anything that many us hadn’t already figured out years ago. We knew that Congress gamed the numbers to manipulate the CBO “scoring.” We knew the White House was deceptive about the taxes hidden in the bill. We knew that messing around with insurance markets would wreak havoc with private-sector policies and costs, and that you couldn’t guarantee coverage for everyone while mandating that everyone pay the same price without severely curtailing the quality of service and care.


Obama nomination of Mumia Abu Jamal lawyer stirs controversy


“There is no disputing that Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner was murdered by this thug [Mumia Abu Jamal],” the group said in a letter to the president opposing Adegbile’s nomination. “His just sentence — death — was undone by your nominee and others like him who turned the justice system on its head with unfounded and unproven allegations of racism.”