Category Archives: Opinion

Chinese still views America the enemy

On the face of it relations between America and China appear to have never been better. More and more trade happens between the two nations, and it could be said diplomatic relations appear cordial.

However, America should not become complacent. This week at the international Hay literary festival in England, highly acclaimed Chinese writer Xiaolu Guo has spoken about China’s view of America, and how the nation still views the US as her enemy.

Chinese children are taught to study American culture, by reading celebrated works of American literature, like Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye. The thinking behind such studying, is that America is the best, the most powerful nation in the world; so to be better than them you must understand them fully. Guo explained, “The mentality is if you want to be number one in the world, you need to become them [your enemy] first …you need to have the same capacity as the enemy.”

It is interesting to note that whilst many Western nations are currently cutting back hard in defence budgets, and many calling for America to slash her defence spending; China is repeatedly raising there defence spending.

Dialogue between these two economic powerhouses is good, but America cannot afford to be complacent or naive about China and her governments agenda.