Deranged White 21 Year Old listening to voices goes into church and kills black people to fuel race wars. Charles Manson’s voices were right !

A manhunt is underway in South Carolina, hours after a gunman opened fire in Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church during its weekly prayer service, killing nine, including a state senator who is its prominent pastor.

The shooting spree began shortly after 9 p.m. Wednesday, and police are calling it a hate crime as surveillance videos show images of a white man in his early 20’s with a slender build.

“This is an unspeakable and unfathomable act by somebody filled with hate and a deranged mind,” Charleston Mayor Joseph Riley said in a Thursday morning press conference. He has vowed that police were “committed to finding this horrible scoundrel.

Is this just a simple “hate crime?” Are there other sinister forces at work? Could there have been an occult sand mandala ceremony invoking wrathful deities who persuade the minds of the weak? The answer: YES

The Charleston Tibetan Society performed sand mandala rituals & gifts for global healing, June 2nd-6th 2015 in downtown Charleston, blocks away from the scene of the shooting. The mandala (gate of hell) being offered to the gods of the underworld is the buddha of compassion. The bible says, they will come saying, “peace, peace, and leaving behind a trail of destruction. When will the church wake up! Hmmm… it even hit the church !

Will this cause further division between black and white in this country? How long will we allow occult rituals that open portals to hell to be allowed in our cities? Are we waiting for another Sandy Hook?

HG Fireman