Hollywood stars, including Beyonce, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Aniston, Jon Hamm, Julianne Moore, and Gwyneth Paltrow, have shot a movie calling for action to be taken now to end gun violence in the US. The campaign slogan is “It’s not too soon, it’s too late”.

The video begins with Jamie Foxx (the star of Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming “Django Unchained”), saying “Columbine”, then other celebrities list the other mass shootings in recent years, ending with a number of the stars saying “Newtown”.

The campaign’s proposals include requiring a background check for every potential gun buyer, banning assault weapons and guns holding more than 10 bullets, and making gun trafficking a federal crime.

In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre President Obama has set up a multi-agency task force to look at gun laws. The NRA (National Rifle Association) have come out suggesting that armed guards be stationed in every school.

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  1. Hollywood are such hypocrites, they make these violent movies, then protest about gun violence…. Are they not part of the problem? Does the media glorify violence? Perhaps they should be putting their own house in order before preaching to everyone else?

  2. They program our kids, then when the kids act out what they are watching, they just say, well, take the guns away…

    So when they glorify having sex with the family dog, and the kids do that… what will they say?

    MC Hammer, will not let his kids listen to his music…
    it’s ok for your kids to be polluted, as long as you are paying him, but he’s smart enough to keep kids away from his music…

    HELLO, everyone brain dead out there?

  3. It was supose to read:
    “Colorado gun man opens fire on Batman primer killing several of the cast and many in the crowd.

    Upper Westside of Manhattan NY, a gunman using several assault weapons threw canisters of tear gas and killed 72 people including Christian Bale during the red carpet opening of the third Batman film The Dark Knight Rises.

    Mayor Bloomberg locks down the city and vows to get rid of all the legal weapons, completely backing up the new UN treaty.

    The Hollywood movie community completely endorses the NO weapons ban on all guns. Within a few weeks the 2nd Amendment is superseded by the new UN world wide gun control. This marks the BEGINNING of the end. ”
    But our team blocked that one…
    Where are the other teams?

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