In the weeks and months after World War II the world began to realise the full extent of Nazi wickedness. Allied nations watched with horror as concentration camps were liberated and the testimonies of surviving Jews were told. As a response the allied nations promised justice, and pledged to prosecute those responsible for their war crimes.
Consequently Nazis sought to escape justice, and the gallows. In the confusion many gained new documents fraudulently by exploiting the Red Cross, who were overwhelmed by the shear numbers of refugees seeking safety, from across Europe. In this way thousands of Nazis gained entry to Britain and America.
However, many managed to make it to Italy, where it is believed the Vatican knowingly, via it’s refugee commission, issued many Nazis, including high raking SS officers, with false identities and documents enabling them to flee, many to South America and Franco’s Spain. Amongst those who managed escape justice were Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele.
No one knows the official reasons for the Vatican assisting these men, and even today the Vatican refuses to comment on this dark episode from it’s past. However, the acts of our past have a bearing on our present, the sins of the fathers are “punished” to the third and fourth generation.
Support Prophet TV as God continues to send us on missions to this area as Italy and the Vatican have a major influence on the future of Europe.
sorry but the catholic cucrhh wasnt the cucrhh founded by Peter. go read your history well. it was formed in order to unify all groups of people in rome both christian and pagan just so the rulers could control everyone. why do you think there is so much pagan symbolism and idol worship in catholicism? all those idols and symbols, sun disks/halos, the madonna,etc. i am not saying this to attack anyones beliefs but because i wouldnt want to see people being deceived the way catholics are.