In a recent British interview, Jennifer speaks of “Mother Nature’s” wrath.
Mother nature or the worship of the elements is a common pagan practice. In fact that is what they worship or evoke.
In an attempt to “Bind” President Donald Trump, from accomplishing his agenda to: Fix the economy, Rebuild Airports, Dams, Highways and other infrastructure, all of which take money, “THE WITCHES” have evoked some of the most powerful hurricanes to date costing the Global Economy hundreds of billions of dollars, effectively blocking any good, President Trump was trying to do.
Destruction and it’s worshipers are blinded to the fact that they did not bring good to America, but rather hurt millions upon millions of innocent people.
“THE WITCHES”, have brought this destruction not wether you believe in global warming Jennifer.
“THE WITCHES” have brought destruction to millions of “Muggle’s” as J.K. Rowling so eloquently channeled from the dark side,
Wealthy people are not usually hurt by this destruction, instead the poor, needy, immigrant are usually hurt the most, including if the economy falters.
Is witchcraft really something Jennifer should be promoting?
Jennifer says “Mother Nature” did this because Trump doesn’t believe men created global warming. So suddenly mother nature or the goddess responds in her wrath?
More accurately, the hate of humans and witches against President Trump, who evoke the same deities to create these hurricanes are directly to be credited for these storms and also prosecuted for the destruction and financial toll they created.
And for the record, one idiot witch please explain how this did ANYONE ANY GOOD?
The homosexual agenda’s you promote do not take money to block.
This administrations leaders in key places still make policies.
The only thing the witches did was put American further in debt and hurt untold millions of people. For no good reason.
So who is the real devil here that all of society should hold accountable?
Those that practice these dark arts.
In fact this is not the first time the inhabitants of the world had to face these facts and deal with this:
Exodus 22:18King James Version (KJV)
18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.