Media Refusing to Cover Police & Witness Accounts of “3 White Male Shooters” in San Bernardino

As is the case with many horrific events in recent US history, the San Bernardino shooting leaves many Americans with more questions than answers.

…Scott Pelley: You’re certain that you saw three men?

Sally Abdelmageed: Yes, it looked like their skin color was yeah, was white. They looked like they were athletic build and umm… they appeared to be tall.

When the call is over, Pelley ends the segment by saying, “and of course we’ve just learned that one of the suspects was actually a woman.”

…What makes Abdelmageed’s recount of the shooting so compelling is that she is corroborating the initial reports coming from unknown witnesses and police accounts on the ground during the shooting.

As the Free Thought Project was reporting on the events as they unfolded, we managed to capture the links to police reports describing three shooters, who were “white males.”

Fox Los Angeles reported that the suspects are “white males” in “military gear” and armed with “rifles.”