U.N. About to Seize Land From Israel?

During the Washington D.C. Kalachakra ritual there was a vitally important meeting being held, with potentially global consequences.

As the Dalai Lama conducted his witchcraft in the city to bring about a change in the “age” there was another meeting taking place: with the United Nations, European Union, Russian, and American delegates – known as the Quartet, to discuss the way forward with regards to Israel.

In the meeting they proposed a plan to re-establish Israel’s borders along pre-1967 lines. This would mean the UN seizing half the Israeli land, including East Jerusalem, to establish a Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as the capitol.

The Quartet decided on a United Nation Security Council Meeting to discuss the proposals on July 26th. For land to be seized it would require a UN resolution to be voted upon. Within the UN five nations have veto rights, these are: USA, Britain, China, France, and Russia. President Obama has already spoken about his wish to see Israel’s borders set at pre-1967 lines, in his May 19th speech on the Middle East.

If the resolution is passed they plan to seize the land in September of this year. Israel would most likely refuse to recognise such a vote, thus when Palestine declares independence in September, a bloody war could ensue.

However, under previous United Nations Security Council Resolutions such a vote ought to be illegal. The Washington Times, writes, “A unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood would be an illegal act that would violate the letter and the spirit of U.N. Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973). Those binding resolutions called for a negotiated settlement of the dispute with Israel with ‘secure and recognized boundaries.'” This is because the pre-1967 borders were simply militarily indefensible. For the borders to be set along these lines again would leave Israel utterly unprotected.

One of the problems lies with the apparent inability of the progressive liberal left to understand that for many Arabs, the very existence of Israel is the problem. There are many Palestinians who will never recognize Israel’s right to exist, so leaving Israel with no way to defend her borders could jeopardize the very existence of Israel itself.

Furthermore, the Palestinian authority are also seeking September membership into the United Nations, in doing so they would be recognized as an independent state with East Jerusalem as it’s capitol.

To avert a war in Israel this September, any such plans must be vetoed, however Obama looks increasingly unlikely to take such a step. President Obama wrote in his book “I will stand with [Muslims] if the political winds shift in an ugly direction”.

Palestinian President Abbas, has also said, “President Obama says he wants to see an independent Palestinian state by September.” The Palestinian mood is optimistic, they see this is the best time to  make their move, side-stepping any talks with Israel. Israel say they would re-enter talks with the Palestinians tomorrow, however the Palestinians are refusing to come to the negotiating table.

The coming few weeks are vital for the very existence of Israel. Those who think this move by the Quartet will bring peace to Israel, are very much mistaken. This is the time to, “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”


Obama Meets With the Dalai Lama in the White House

The following article was taken from the BBC website:

US President Barack Obama has held private talks with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, despite strong criticism from China.

Mr Obama told the Dalai Lama of his “strong support” for human rights in Tibet, a White House statement said.

Beijing released an angry statement saying the meeting had damaged relations between the two countries.

Mr Obama’s last meeting with the Dalai Lama in February 2010 also drew strong condemnation from Beijing.

The talks – which lasted about 45 minutes – were held in the Map Room rather than the Oval Office, which is traditionally reserved for visiting heads of state.

“The president reiterated his strong support for the preservation of the unique religious, cultural and linguistic traditions of Tibet and the Tibetan people throughout the world,” the White House statement said.

“He underscored the importance of the protection of human rights of Tibetans in China.”

Mr Obama also reiterated that the US considers Tibet to be part of China, and said that he encouraged “direct dialogue to resolve long-standing differences”.

The closed-door meeting came just hours before the Dalai Lama was scheduled to leave Washington at the end of an 11-day Buddhist ritual.

China had earlier warned the US not to receive the Dalai Lama.

“Such an act has grossly interfered in China’s internal affairs, hurt the feelings of Chinese people and damaged the Sino-American relations,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in a written statement following the meeting.

“We demand the US side to seriously consider China’s stance, immediately adopt measures to wipe out the baneful impact, stop interfering in China’s internal affairs and cease to connive and support anti-China separatist forces that seek ‘Tibet independence’,” Mr Ma said.

The White House has not commented on Beijing’s displeasure.

The Chinese authorities have long vilified the Dalai Lama as a “splittist”, although he has repeatedly stated that his goal is for meaningful Tibetan autonomy rather than independence.


Credit Rating Agencies to Review US AAA Rating

President Obama and leading cross-party congressmen are continuing to try and break the deadlock of the deficit reducing measures required, before Congress will allow the increase in government debt, before the August 2nd deadline.

Talks continue to end in stalemate, and yesterday saw President Obama, famous for keeping his cool, loosing it and storming out of talks. With elections next year no party wants to concede ground, or appear to cause an American debt default, which could happen if the ceiling is not lifted before August 2nd.

Today the pressure to reach a deal intensified with news that the Moody rating agency is “reviewing” the American AAA rating, with a view to downgrade the rating over fears America may default on her debts. Moody’s have previously said they are looking for a speedy resolution to the credit limit issue. Furthermore the rating agency S&P have also come out to say they too are looking at the US credit rating, and have gone as far to say there is a one in two chance of a downgrade; fearing the political entrenchment is worsening.

A default on debt would carry catastrophic consequences to the global economy, plunging the West back into recession, domestically social security payments would not be made, and government employees would not be paid.

This is a key time for the financial stability of the US and the world, Christians need to pray for her leaders to forge a wise road ahead. Support Prophet TV as the Washing DC mission continues, and we seek to block the demonic trying to access Washington via the Kalachakra rituals.


A Crucial Week for America in Washington

This week has seen the President recall the Senate to Washington early from the Independence Day week break. Democrats and Republicans urgently need to reach a deal on deficit reduction, with politicians from both sides of the debate calling the next few days crucial for the future of America.

The Government has reached the borrowing ceiling, and if the ceiling is to be lifted Congress must agree to raise the limit, beyond the current level of $14.3 trillion.

Presently talks have reached stalemate with both sides unable to agree: the Democrats insist that with spending cuts taxes must also increase; however Republicans refuse to vote for a deal which includes tax rises and point to the the expensive entitlement programs as the problem.  If a deal is not reached by August 2nd there is real prospect that America could default on debt repayments. The rating agencies, which determine the creditworthiness of nations have already warned that failure to reach a speedy deal will result in the American rating being cut.

The stakes are indeed high in Washington this week, as Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnel said, ”if democrats agree to change their ways- so we don’t end up with the kind of situation here that we’re witnessing in Greece. And make no mistake that is exactly where we’re headed if we don’t do something significant now.”

President Obama has even made the choice to discuss Medicare as a possible place for spending cuts, only if the republicans talk tax increases.

The importance of this week for America and the world as a whole cannot be mistaken. This is a week Americans needs to pray for the wisdom of it’s leaders, a mistake will cost the nation dear….

Remember who is creating the spiritual atmosphere over the capital this week? Preaching from the US Capitol grounds to our government officials – a foreign god – The Dalai Lama!

Support Prophet TV as we run an intercessory mission trip into Washington DC, so God can raise a standard to protect this nation.



This week saw the arrest of the Mobster James “Whitney” Bulger in Santa Monica. The gangster, with Mafia connections, had been on the FBI’s most wanted list for 16 years. FBI agents were amazed to find the gangster so far from his home city of Boston.

Just days before this event, Dali Lama was doing one of his signature rituals for taking over the hearts and minds of the nation (as was done in Nazi Germany), right in Washington D.C., in the Senate, White House, etc.





So important was it to get in the “zone”, the Boston gatekeeper as well the New York gatekeeper joined this important and strategic mission in D.C.

Our Prophet, under a heavy mantle during the Protect D.C. mission, where the Dali lama continued Rituals in the Senate, House of Representatives, White House and the Mandola at Verizon Center, later pouring into the Potomac River to invite in “wrathful deities” to bring destruction against the USA, was in the Zone with the Prophet from Boston, Whitey’s home town. Now, Pay attention.

The mantle on the Prophet was to protect D.C., and once the monks knew ICOTG was in the zone, the millions of dollars they raised at their Mandola ceremony at the Verizon Center, enabled the monks to do a sustained presence in D.C., however the Prophet was forced to cut the mission short due to lack of support.

Again, the monks literally stayed across the hall in the same hotel as the ICOTG team, and would do rituals against the team, in the hotel, outside the door at night.

They knew ICOTG was there to attempt to block the demonic destruction they would call down upon the USA and the East Coast.

Prophet.TV broadcast live all during the Dali Lama’s speeches from the Senate, and during the Mandola evocation being performed in the Verizon center.

But to no avail, as the religious television networks, hard at work hiring creative people to come up with yet another money making event to distract the intercessors, was very effective in diverting the attention of Gods people. You have heard of the CALL to hollywood, and now the CRY for hollywood, maybe we should have thrown a Whine for hollywood but spelled it wine, and included some excellent vintages from France, no?

The results of a botched mission due to yet another successful religious distraction is as follows:

The resulting earthquake was the 1st to hit Washington D.C. since the Phallic symbol known as the Washington Monument was installed, as was felt all up and down the east coast, only to be followed by the most devastating hurricane along the exact same route, with damages further destroying America’s fragile economy. It was only our faithful NY gatekeeper that stood in the gap, and the hurricane dissipated around her position.














The mantle was intended for Washington D.C., including a sustained presence.

Our prophet lamented and lamented as he knew he needed to stay to protect the Head of America and the east coast, but no funds forced the mantle back into Santa Monica, and that which was hidden in Santa Monica (instead of Washington D.C.) came to the light…

The Whitney Bouldger arrest came as the Mantle re-entered Santa Monica.

Whitney had been hidden for 15 years, but the increased D.C. anointing surfaced his hiding place, only blocks from the Santa Monica PTV location.

Whitey was not the target, protecting Washington D.C., and the East Coast, and our nation from bleeding money due to all the ritual created un-natural disasters, was the target.

Congratulations again to the “beast” the “666” religious media/marketing for stealing money in the name of what God was doing calling it, what god is doing, and keeping the body successfully off, yet another key time and target that God wanted conquered ! ! !

Which is EXACTLY why Jesus, who knew you, 666 religious beasts, said it would get worse…
are you listening John, founder of “the countdown to destruction”?

Well now we know there is not a snowball’s chance in Hell, to avert destruction… when the very intercessors meant to stand in the gap are “hooked” and led into confusion by the incredibly powerful money machine known as the religious media… hmm.. we need more money this week, hey I got it, lets go to Israel for yet another boat tour…

Good luck everyone else…


Anti-Matter Captured at LHC

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the most powerful particle accelerator in the world. This monolithic underground structure spans the French-Swiss border with a 17 mile circumference.

Much of modern day particle physics is based on assumptions of unknown factors. For example, if you want to study a theory you have proposed, say theory A. However, theory A can only be true if fact B is also true, then you assume fact B is true for the purpose of your theory A. This is how a lot of modern day science operates. The LHC was built on the basis that many facts that are scientifically unproven are in fact true.

Last year scientists at the LHC rejoiced at the creation of mini-black holes. They declared them safe, in accordance with black hole theory; however, black hole theory is unproven and there are scientists who believe the creation of mini-black holes could have apocalyptic consequences.

This month has seen the particle physicists again rejoice, for the first time they have managed to capture atoms of anti-matter. They managed to create then capture anti-hydrogen atoms before they were annihilated. When matter and anti-matter collided they instantaneously annihilate each other, with the release of massive amounts of energy.

Prophet TV has been sharing the revelations God has given us about the need to pray into the work of the LHC. In 2008 Prophet TV was interceding about the work of the LHC and the result was closure of LHC for a year. Why is this important to God? However, work has since resumed and the LHC continues to reach higher and higher energies, and is expected to reach full operational capacity in perhaps 2013. Why is the Dalai Lama targeting this region? Support Prophet TV so we can run missionary trips into Switzerland and pray in this region, so the scientists will be led by the Holy Spirit and not the demons currently evoked over the region- demons that seek to release destruction and not the Kingdom of God.


SEIU May Day Rally Los Angeles

May 1st saw a rally organised by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) take place in Los Angeles. The rally was attended  by between 4,000 and 10,000 people, and saw SEIU members marching arm in arm with Communist party members. The SEIU represents 95,000 Californian workers. On lookers watched amazed as the sea of red communist flags went past, and demonstrators carried banners with slogans like, “Workers of the World United, Fight for Communism.”

Many other unions joined the match, including the United Teachers Union of Los Angeles (UTLA). The UTLA even brought students along with them to the rally, and its members are known for promoting their socialist ideologies within the schools they teach in.

As well as a general call to take up the fight for communism across America, another common demand was an end to immigration controls, and demands for welfare to be provided to all immigrants.

What made this demonstration remarkable was the fact mainstream unions were matching along side hardline communists on a scale never seen in America before. Obama has been accused of being too friendly with the unions during his term in office, with the majority of the money provided through his stimulus packages helping unions and not providing jobs. Sights of communism infiltrating the trade unions in such a brazen manner will cause deep concerns within the country.

America is already facing welfare bills she cannot afford, and the Obama administration appears doggedly reluctant to back down. Further moves to the left will push the nation closer and closer towards bankruptcy. The devil wants the American economy to crash. America is the greatest force for good internationally in this era, if America’s economy goes who will look out for Israel? As Christian television, and many highly influential preachers call the church to Israel, only Prophet TV is making a concerted effort to protect the American economy- something that truly will help Israel. Every time Prophet TV runs a mission into New York the stock market climbs- Support Prophet TV.


Cyber Attack Hits IMF

As well as raising up prophetic warriors, Prophet TV also seeks to educate the church to be equipped in this age so we can be effective in the world as well as spiritually. This is why Prophet TV continues to warn the church to threats posed by hackers.

Last week the IMF was attacked by hackers seeking to gain access to confidential information about world markets. It is thought that the purpose of the attack was to use such information to manipulate the markets for financial gain.

Although the IMF has been a target in the past, this threat is being taken far more seriously, due to it’s level of sophistication. This attack comes after many other high profile companies and organisations have been targeted in resent months by hackers; and shows that the modern day hacker is no longer a teenager sitting alone in his bedroom; but are being carried out by organised groups, with a set agenda and in many cases access to substantial resources (such as the case of the state funded cyber attack on the Iranian nuclear program).

It is important the church is aware of these dangers, and not only takes steps to protect themselves, but also to intercede to protect the organisations in their region from cyber attacks. Security experts say it is only a matter of time before such a cyber attack will seriously affect a nation’s infrastructure resulting in loss of life; or a major company could be brought down. Such threats have this week led the Pentagon to say that if such attack occurs, and the perpetrator is found to be a state funded group, then the attack will be regarded as an act of war.


77 Army Cadets Hit by Lightening

This week has seen 77 army cadets hit by lightening whist on their military base in Mississippi. The incident happened during a severe thunderstorm. The cadets were taken to hospital, and are recovering.

Prophet TV has been reporting for years about the systematic targeting of the entire region surrounding the Mississippi River by Tibetan Monks, who use their demonic rituals to evoke powerful water spirits. The water spirits effect the weather in the region, with the purpose of bringing destruction. These are the same water spirits Jesus took authority over.

This spring has already seen the Bible belt region devastated by the worst tornado season in 50 years. Prophet TV has warned as the church remains asleep we will continue to see these terrible events hit the entire region where these spirits are being evoked. It is time the church wakes up, and walks in the authority to rule and reign in their regions, ushering in the Kingdom of God. Support Prophet TV and go to high levels in the Spirit, so you can learn to use the authority Jesus gave us to deal with demonic seeking to destroy the church.


Prophetic Bulletin for Switzerland

The small European nation of Switzerland could easily be overlooked as an important player in the spiritual landscape of our world.

This small nation, famous for it’s global banking institutions, is repeatedly revealing itself as an important focus for our church intercession.

This month will see Prophet TV making the first missionary visit to Rome, to focus on Vatican City, and the dragon of religion that sits enthroned over the Catholic Church.

The Vatican has close links to Switzerland. For nearly 600 years the Pope’s official body guard, and the Vatican’s official army have been the Swiss Guard. During the Renaissance the Swiss Guard were no more than mercenaries, who travelled throughout Europe, hiring themselves to fight in the many battles which would break out in different nations of Europe.

The Swiss where famed throughout Europe for their superior skills as men of war, their courage, and tremendous loyalty. These traits led Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484) to formally appoint them to be the official army of the Vatican, a position they have held to this day.

However, what is interesting to note, is that the Swiss nation for centuries was famed for producing the greatest warriors in all of Europe; and is now famous for it’s neutrality. Could the Swiss inheritance be as mighty spiritual warriors? And has the church in Switzerland failed to walk in her inheritance? Often the natural is a reflection of the spiritual.

Switzerland throughout World War I and II refused to be drawn into the wars, and choose a position of neutrality. How neutral the Swiss actually were is open to question. The Nazi’s used Switzerland to store their vast sums of money and treasures seized from Jews during the holocaust.

Switzerland is also home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This particle accelerator is the largest in the world, and has the capability of creating black holes. The LHC has been built on the foundation of unproven physics, which relies heavily on assumption, which if untrue, challenges the safety of the entire project. Prophet TV have been educating the church about the LHC for a couple of years now, and seek the budget to go to the Hadron Collider site near Geneva on an intercessory prayer mission.

Switzerland also has extremely liberal euthanasia laws. Since 1941 in Switzerland the terminally ill, the mentally ill and the severely depressed can gain assistance to end their lives. These services are also open to foreigners. The charity “Dignitas”, which runs the assisted suicide clinics in Switzerland, say they have helped over 1,000 foreigners end their lives, with about 200 people a year committing suicide in Zurichs’ clinics.

One of the questions Prophet TV is seeking to answer is who is seated in heavenly places over Switzerland? It is doubtful the church is ruling and reigning over this nation, with so much government sponsored death in the region.

Last year Switzerland welcomed the Dalai Lama to Zurich, where he met with the largest gathering of Swiss Buddhists ever seen. Is the Dalai Lama seated in heavenly places over Switzerland? Switzerland has the largest Tibetan Buddhist community in Europe. A new film being made about the Dalai Lama is to be funded by Swiss business – why would this be?

This is the hour the church needs a mighty spiritual army to be raised up in these key regions, to rule and reign with Christ, so there can be no place found for the devil in these regions; then the Kingdom of God can advance on earth.


Chinese still views America the enemy

On the face of it relations between America and China appear to have never been better. More and more trade happens between the two nations, and it could be said diplomatic relations appear cordial.

However, America should not become complacent. This week at the international Hay literary festival in England, highly acclaimed Chinese writer Xiaolu Guo has spoken about China’s view of America, and how the nation still views the US as her enemy.

Chinese children are taught to study American culture, by reading celebrated works of American literature, like Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye. The thinking behind such studying, is that America is the best, the most powerful nation in the world; so to be better than them you must understand them fully. Guo explained, “The mentality is if you want to be number one in the world, you need to become them [your enemy] first …you need to have the same capacity as the enemy.”

It is interesting to note that whilst many Western nations are currently cutting back hard in defence budgets, and many calling for America to slash her defence spending; China is repeatedly raising there defence spending.

Dialogue between these two economic powerhouses is good, but America cannot afford to be complacent or naive about China and her governments agenda.


Queen Elizabeth’s Visit to Ireland

May 17th saw the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth visit the Republic of Ireland. This is the first state visit by a British Monarch in over 100 years. The last was by George V in 1911, when Ireland was still part of Britain. In 1920 Ireland fought for their independence from Britain, since independence Irish Republicans have continued to use terrorism for many years to gain independence for Northern Ireland. The Queen’s husband’s, the Duke of Edinburgh’s, uncle, Earl Mountbatten, was murdered by the IRA (an Irish terrorist organisation) during the troubles, not far from Sligo. Prophet TV’s Northern Ireland gateway has dealt with much of the spilt blood from decades of conflict in the north.

 Britain’s history with Ireland has not been one to be proud of, and bitterness has lingered for generations, so the Queen’s visit was of great significance to the two nations.

The Queen toured different parts of the country and laid a  wreath of remembrance to those Irish soldiers killed during the Irish War of Independence; and during her visit the Queen gave a speech at Dublin Castle, in which she said: “We can all see things which we would wish had been done differently or not at all.” She also spoke of being able to, “to bow to the past, but not be bound by it”.

This message has been greatly received and the dignity and heart-felt nature of her visit has touched the Irish people.

Over the last year, a Prophet.TV partner has spent considerable time in Ireland travelling routes taken by the Queen on this visit (although not known by her at the time!) Furthermore, due to a business trip, the Lord had this partner in Ireland travelling through the country, mirroring the Queen’s movements throughout her visit. When we partake of the mantle on Prophet TV we carry the anointing on the ministry wherever we go. God has blessed Ireland this May, and chains of bitterness to the past have been loosed.

The End is Nigh… Well not Quite

Last week saw the global media giving extraordinary news coverage to a Pastor from California. Harold Camping, founder of the Family Radio Worldwide ministry, confidently asserted that the rapture would occur on Saturday May 21st, at around 6pm. Followers of Camping took to the streets with placards says, “Judgement Day May 21st… the Bible Guarantees it” Some of Camping’s followers spent their life savings to promote his “prophesy”. In the mean time atheist groups were loving the coverage, citing it as proof that Christians really are uneducated loonies. Atheists throughout America help Rapture Parties on Saturday evening, rejoicing that Camping, and the wider church had been so discredited. One enterprising atheist in Florida even seized on the opportunity to help worried pet owners: offering to collect them after they had been raptured and care for these left-behind pets, all for an upfront, non-returnable fee of $80.

However, Camping did not stop there, the judgement of the earth was to continue until October 21st when the earth will finally be destroy.

Since May 21st has come and gone, and there are no reports of Christian’s being taken from earth to be with the Lord, Camping has held up his hands and admitted- he got it wrong! (Well kind of, May 21st marked the spiritual beginnings of Judgement.) And the real rapture has been rescheduled for October 21st, on the same day the earth will be engulfed by a massive ball of fire.

As the world wide media reported on Camping, and the world mocked, what damage does these Pastors do to the body of Christ? Will the world listen to true Prophets of God, when they have correct revelation and prophesy?

Jesus never taught us to focus on rapture, he gave us a mission to fulfil, and that involves entering into the anointing of God, and ruling and reigning with Christ over all the works of the devil. Support Prophet TV and learn to walk in the fullness of the life Christ has for you… instead of looking for the quickest way out, our kids need us to do this!


Lars von Trier Nazi Occult Cannes

Director Lars von Trier shocked everyone in the room during a Cannes press conference after presenting Melancholia, his latest film. In a rambling monologue that caused Larry David levels of awkwardness among the assembled cast (including Kirsten Dunst, John Hurt and Charlotte Gainsbourg), Lars von Trier dropped such gems as:

“For a long time I thought I was a Jew and I was happy to be a Jew,” he began, “then I met [Jewish director] Susanne Bier and I wasn’t so happy. But then I found out I was actually a Nazi. My family were German. And that also gave me some pleasure. What can I say? I understand Hitler…I sympathize with him a bit.”

“In fact I’m very much in favor of them. All Jews. Well, Israel is a pain in the ass but…”

“Now how can I get out of this sentence? Ok. I’m a Nazi.”

How do you top that? Well, how about answering a question about his next project with “We Nazis like to do things on a big scale. Maybe I could do The Final Solution.” You can see the Lars von Trier Nazi rant video here, in all its awkward glory.

At this point it should be clear that Lars von Trier was trolling, as he does rather often, and that he took the joke too far, even in spite of himself, as he later admitted.

Lars von Trier: From Nazism to Epic Porn

Lars von Trier later dissed Melancholia, describing it as “maybe crap”, and saying that he wants to cast Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg in a 4-hour porn film with “lots of uncomfortable sex”

Hollywood Reporter took Lars von Trier at his word, at least in their headline. What separates this from, say, a Mel Gibson rant is von Trier’s history of intentionally winding people up mixed with his tendency to get carried away with his own speeches and not knowing when to apply the brakes; Mel Gibson’s rants were private affairs that became public against his will.

Apologizing for the director, Kirsten Dunst said that von Trier tended to “run his mouth”.

Lars von Trier later apologized for his comments, describing them as “rude” and that he “didn’t sympathize with Hitler for one second”. Lars von trier has been banned from the rest of the 2011 Cannes Film Festival.

Lars von Trier is no stranger to trolling audiences, having written and directed films like The Idiots, Dancer in the Dark, Breaking the Waves, and, most recently/infamously, Antichrist. After the conference, von Trier said, “This whole Nazi thing, I don’t know where it came from, but you spend a lot of time in Germany, you sometimes want to feel a little free and just talk about this shit, you know?”

Well, not really, but…

Continue reading at NowPublic.com: Lars von Trier Banned after Nazi Comments at Cannes 2011 (Video) | NowPublic News Coverage


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