Supreme Court Forces Same Sex Marriage on all states and claims the states have been oppressing people illegally for 128 years !

Get ready for;
Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits…

Now we who are gay can sue the states for damages for the past 128 years, we’ll punish them and get rich off the states, in effect bankrupting them thereby punishing the people of the state.

And with that “New” money, continue to create programing and legislation protecting my next fantasy.
You got it, man boy love coming soon to an alter near you. And if you’re not in San Francisco you can stream it live HD being performed right on the streets in front of the San Francisco Justice system who now allows open public nudity and every type of sex acts.  In effect making San Francisco an open air Porn Site. hurray !

Now we who are gay can sue the pastors and the moral objectors for discrimination, we’ll destroy the church and lift God’s hand of blessing off ALL of America, not just California where this all started…

Is it Climate Change or Judgment? Any Californians thirsty yet?

Meanwhile ISIS continues to attack in France and other countries, shooting 28 people sun bathing at a beach front resort, beheading others in France. Why won’t they just roll over and let us bowl them over with our legislation? What’s wrong with them? Maybe more laws? ? ?

Isis is against the “western” mind set as demonstrated today, once again by the Supreme Court.

So expect more serious attacks in the future… They believe they are fighting Big Brother and the Great Satan after all.

Have a nice day…