Tag Archives: billionaire

From the Desk of Donald Trump: “I have a deal for the President that he can’t refuse”

American billionaire, Donald Trump, today offered Barack Obama a check for $5 million to his choice of charities, if he would show his college and passport records.

“We know very little about our president… President Obama is the least transparent president in the history of this country” Trump stated. “I have a deal for the president.  If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications, and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice – inner city children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research – anything he wants – a check immediately for $5 million,”

Trump states he wants to end the question….. and anger of “many Americans”, presumably about the status of Barack Obama’s eligibility for Presidency.


UN Attempting Power & Money Grab Supported by Influential Occupy Supporter

The United Nations (UN) attempt to grab money and further power is not new.  “Innovative methods of financing” is the latest term they are using to describe their actions.

Examples: A 1% worldwide billionaires tax, a currency trading tax, a tax on all financial dealings (stock, bond and derivative trading), a carbon emissions tax or an airline ticket tax.

These ideas are supported at UN meetings.  The idea is that the UN would be in charge of these funds and “redistribute” the funds to poorer countries.

Also supporting these measures is Jeffrey Sachs.

Sachs is a vocal Occupy Wall Street supporter and “climate change” fighter.

Sachs also happens to be the leader of the Earth Institute, from Columbia University and a UN Assistant Secretary General.  Part of his (UN) duties are to work with UN agencies and “multilateral financing institutions and other international organizations” to (in large part) fight climate change.  To do so he was appointed head of a new lobbying group named the Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

This week Sachs was noted to have been promoting a U.S. carbon tax to fight “climate change” by calling on President Obama.  He has also been quoted “I’m happy to have the future pay for a lot of this. It doesn’t have to be current financed.” by Bloomberg News.
