Hours after the 85 year old Pontiff announced his intension to resign at the end of the month, a bolt of lightening struck the basilica of St Peter, at the heart of the Vatican. The strange event made many ask if this was some kind of “sign from God”.
Roman Catholic’s have been shocked by the surprise announcement by Pope Benedict XVI, who said he no longer has the strength to carry out his duties, due to his advanced years.
He is the first Pope to resign since Gregory XII in 1415. In total only four or five Pope’s have stepped down from the position, most were forced out by political rivals. Pope Benedict will be the first to resign on health grounds.
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Immediately after Francois Hollande was sworn in as France’s new President, he left for a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany.However, Hollande’s plane was force to turn back to Paris after it was hit by lightening.No one was injured in the incident and Hollande was soon on his way to Berlin again.Hollande has made it known he wants to renegotiate the EU Fiscal Pact.Saying today, “To our partners, I will propose a new pact that links a necessary reduction in public debt with indispensable economic stimulus.”How Hollande plans to create this “economic stimulus” without increasing public debt is less clear.Chancellor Merkel, who is known as the Iron Chancellor, has already told Hollande the EU pact is not up for re-negotiation, and she is keen to see EU governments stick to their austerity obligations.
This week has seen 77 army cadets hit by lightening whist on their military base in Mississippi. The incident happened during a severe thunderstorm. The cadets were taken to hospital, and are recovering.
Prophet TV has been reporting for years about the systematic targeting of the entire region surrounding the Mississippi River by Tibetan Monks, who use their demonic rituals to evoke powerful water spirits. The water spirits effect the weather in the region, with the purpose of bringing destruction. These are the same water spirits Jesus took authority over.
This spring has already seen the Bible belt region devastated by the worst tornado season in 50 years. Prophet TV has warned as the church remains asleep we will continue to see these terrible events hit the entire region where these spirits are being evoked. It is time the church wakes up, and walks in the authority to rule and reign in their regions, ushering in the Kingdom of God. Support Prophet TV and go to high levels in the Spirit, so you can learn to use the authority Jesus gave us to deal with demonic seeking to destroy the church.
Random Events, Free Will, Pre-destiny or Something Darker ?