Raging wildfires that broke out in various regions of Los Angeles, CA, Tuesday and Wednesday are spreading across the region due to extreme winds, causing historic destruction of homes and displacing thousands of people.
Read More: Breitbart
Raging wildfires that broke out in various regions of Los Angeles, CA, Tuesday and Wednesday are spreading across the region due to extreme winds, causing historic destruction of homes and displacing thousands of people.
Read More: Breitbart
Los Angeles, California city officials announced a new public safety initiative which implements yoga, meditation and healing circles to communities as an alternative form of unarmed policing. The initiative’s launch cost the city of Los Angeles $2.2 million in city funding.
Read More: Fox News
At least ten people are dead, and ten more are hospitalized after a mass shooting during a Lunar New Year Celebration in a Los Angeles suburb late Saturday night.
The shooting occurred in a dance studio in Monterey Park, a predominately Asian community about ten miles east of L.A. The gunman has not been identified or located, and the motive is unclear, police say.
Read More: Daily Wire
The city council of Los Angeles, once a hub of the American oil industry, voted 10-0 on Tuesday to instruct the city attorney to prepare an ordinance that would ban oil drilling within a city that is still dotted with pumpjacks.
Read More: Breitbart
In an emergency meeting early Friday morning, Mr. Kim was photographed signing an order directing rocket units on standby to strike the US and South Korean targets at any time. This was prompted after a nuclear-capable US B-2 stealth bomber was part of joint military drills with South Korea hours earlier. The photographs published by the state-run Rodong newspaper included one with a chart labeled “US mainland strike plan” with trajectories of missiles in the vicinity of Hawaii, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and Austin, Texas.
The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported Mr. Kim as stating that: In the event of any “reckless” US provocation, North Korean forces should “mercilessly strike the US mainland … military bases in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in South Korea.”
Though North Korea has no proven ability strike the US mainland, Mr Kim said: “The time has come to settle accounts with the US imperialists.”
View Skid Row in a larger map
Reports of an outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) in the downtown area of Los Angeles has even the police taking precautions. Over the weekend, LAPD officers in the skid row area were advised via email and roll calls to use masks to protect themselves from risk of being infected by the disease if a situation seems to warrant the preccaution.
Mabel Aragon, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County Health Department (LACHD), gave a statement Friday that the federal agency, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is helping in the process of surveillance and statistic gathering as the LACHD is in the process of confirming the number and type of TB cases in LA County.
Scott Bryan, spokesman for the CDC, confirmed they have been asked by both state and local TB officials to assist with the investigation. They are planning on sending in a team in about 2 weeks to further help with containment of the disease.
According to the Los Angeles Times, there have been almost 80 cases of a unique strain of TB identified including 11 deaths. Of those, 60 of the cases were from homeless individuals from the skid row area of Los Angeles. The strain which is unique to Los Angeles can be treated with anti-TB medications for 6 – 9 months.
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Downtown L.A. TB outbreak: LAPD urges officers to wear masks
The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) is switching security systems. The apparent motivation… privacy and health concerns.
A $245 million program is establishing the second generation of body scanners. American Science and Engineering and L-3 Communications has been chosen to develop the new device.
The new technology now in use is called Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT-2). It is able to find non metal weapons and home made explosive devices. The AIT-2 makes use of two types of technology; x-ray scans and electromagnetic waves.
These new scanners have already been deployed in San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego and Sacramento earlier this summer. Another 700 have also been placed around the country.
Los Angeles: Performing a sacred sand mandala religious ceremony, which is sponsored by The Drepung Loseling Phukhang Monastery in South India, are Tibetan Buddhist monks at the Los Angeles County Museum.
From September 11, 2012 until the closing ceremony on September 15th, these monks will be performing the ritual of the sand mandala.
Monks who have performed these same rituals indicate that they are honoring the gods of the underworld who are depicted in the artwork of the mandala. In doing so, they release a “blessing” of these gods into the region in which they are performing the mandala, into the homes of those who take the blessed sand home, and into the waters in which the sand is poured out.
Source Sacred Tibetan Art Sand Mandala Painting – Events Calendar | County of Los Angeles Public Library.
Top Gun director Tony Scott dies after jumping from Los Angeles bridge – Telegraph.
The British born director Tony Scott jumped to his death off the Vincent Thomas Bridge in south Los Angeles on Sunday 18th August. The director was famous for movies like “Top Gun”, and “Days of Thunder”.
Scott’s tragic suicide appears to have been triggered by the news he had a terminal brain tumour.
Eyewitnesses saw Scott park his car, and jump to his death. He leaves behind a wife and two children.
Governor Jerry Brown’s (Democrat) Proposition 30 is a multibillion dollar tax hike aimed at increasing sales taxes on all (Californians) and taxing the high income earners a lot more.
Those who stand to benefit are donating large, namely the Democratic lawmakers themselves along with the unions in the name of “protecting schools and local public safety”.
Some large donors include:
Source Capitol Alert: Dozens of lawmakers donate to Gov. Browns tax initiative.
Disease might not be spreading from people, maybe its the airports.
A recent study looking at the 40 largest airports in the Unites States performed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Civil and Environmental Engineering department looked at the airports most likely to spread a disease.
see Researchers list top 10 airports for spreading disease – CNN.com.
Alex Padilla, California State Senator from the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, wrote a bill (Senate Bill 1530) that would allow public schools easier access to release and distance themselves from teachers who abuse students sexually, physically or with drug related acts.
The bill’s initiative was brought about because of recent perverted behaviors perpetrated by Mark Berndt and Kip Arnold. The bills purpose was to allow schools to get rid of people like these who perform the acts that they did.
With Berndt and Arnold’s extra-curricular activities fresh on the minds of State Senators the bills process cruised through the State Assembly On Tuesday May 29, 2012 with a huge bipartisan support vote of 33-4.
The bill’s next stop, the 11 member Assembly Education Committee on June 27, 2012. The Committee is made up of 4 Republicans and 7 Democrats. Only 6 votes were needed for the bill to pass.
After heavy lobbying by the CTA (California Teachers Association), (the union representing California teachers) the voting breakdown was as follows.
All 4 Republicans and 1 Democrat voted to make it easier for schools to distance themselves from teachers who would sexually/physically or otherwise abuse students.
Voting no, was Democrat – Tom Ammiano of San Francisco and Democrat – Joan Buchanan of Alamo. The remaining 4 Democrats (Besty Butler of Los Angeles, Mike Eng of Monterey Park, Wilmer Amina Carter of Rialto, Das Williams of Santa Barbara) all refused to vote, which therefore allowed the bill to fail.
To some, this is unacceptable politics.
Dr Matthew Lin, an orthopedic surgeon, Republican and who has placed first in the June primary in Mike Eng’s neighborhood and who will be running against Mike Eng, relates that a summer period of grace for those teachers who are accused of sexual, physical or other abuse against children is “is unjustifiable in our society.”
See Why California Democrats Protect Sex Abuser Teachers – Page 1 – News – Los Angeles – LA Weekly.
May 1st saw a rally organised by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) take place in Los Angeles. The rally was attended by between 4,000 and 10,000 people, and saw SEIU members marching arm in arm with Communist party members. The SEIU represents 95,000 Californian workers. On lookers watched amazed as the sea of red communist flags went past, and demonstrators carried banners with slogans like, “Workers of the World United, Fight for Communism.”
Many other unions joined the match, including the United Teachers Union of Los Angeles (UTLA). The UTLA even brought students along with them to the rally, and its members are known for promoting their socialist ideologies within the schools they teach in.
As well as a general call to take up the fight for communism across America, another common demand was an end to immigration controls, and demands for welfare to be provided to all immigrants.
What made this demonstration remarkable was the fact mainstream unions were matching along side hardline communists on a scale never seen in America before. Obama has been accused of being too friendly with the unions during his term in office, with the majority of the money provided through his stimulus packages helping unions and not providing jobs. Sights of communism infiltrating the trade unions in such a brazen manner will cause deep concerns within the country.
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