Tag Archives: Mantle


This week saw the arrest of the Mobster James “Whitney” Bulger in Santa Monica. The gangster, with Mafia connections, had been on the FBI’s most wanted list for 16 years. FBI agents were amazed to find the gangster so far from his home city of Boston.

Just days before this event, Dali Lama was doing one of his signature rituals for taking over the hearts and minds of the nation (as was done in Nazi Germany), right in Washington D.C., in the Senate, White House, etc.





So important was it to get in the “zone”, the Boston gatekeeper as well the New York gatekeeper joined this important and strategic mission in D.C.

Our Prophet, under a heavy mantle during the Protect D.C. mission, where the Dali lama continued Rituals in the Senate, House of Representatives, White House and the Mandola at Verizon Center, later pouring into the Potomac River to invite in “wrathful deities” to bring destruction against the USA, was in the Zone with the Prophet from Boston, Whitey’s home town. Now, Pay attention.

The mantle on the Prophet was to protect D.C., and once the monks knew ICOTG was in the zone, the millions of dollars they raised at their Mandola ceremony at the Verizon Center, enabled the monks to do a sustained presence in D.C., however the Prophet was forced to cut the mission short due to lack of support.

Again, the monks literally stayed across the hall in the same hotel as the ICOTG team, and would do rituals against the team, in the hotel, outside the door at night.

They knew ICOTG was there to attempt to block the demonic destruction they would call down upon the USA and the East Coast.

Prophet.TV broadcast live all during the Dali Lama’s speeches from the Senate, and during the Mandola evocation being performed in the Verizon center.

But to no avail, as the religious television networks, hard at work hiring creative people to come up with yet another money making event to distract the intercessors, was very effective in diverting the attention of Gods people. You have heard of the CALL to hollywood, and now the CRY for hollywood, maybe we should have thrown a Whine for hollywood but spelled it wine, and included some excellent vintages from France, no?

The results of a botched mission due to yet another successful religious distraction is as follows:

The resulting earthquake was the 1st to hit Washington D.C. since the Phallic symbol known as the Washington Monument was installed, as was felt all up and down the east coast, only to be followed by the most devastating hurricane along the exact same route, with damages further destroying America’s fragile economy. It was only our faithful NY gatekeeper that stood in the gap, and the hurricane dissipated around her position.














The mantle was intended for Washington D.C., including a sustained presence.

Our prophet lamented and lamented as he knew he needed to stay to protect the Head of America and the east coast, but no funds forced the mantle back into Santa Monica, and that which was hidden in Santa Monica (instead of Washington D.C.) came to the light…

The Whitney Bouldger arrest came as the Mantle re-entered Santa Monica.

Whitney had been hidden for 15 years, but the increased D.C. anointing surfaced his hiding place, only blocks from the Santa Monica PTV location.

Whitey was not the target, protecting Washington D.C., and the East Coast, and our nation from bleeding money due to all the ritual created un-natural disasters, was the target.

Congratulations again to the “beast” the “666” religious media/marketing for stealing money in the name of what God was doing calling it, what god is doing, and keeping the body successfully off, yet another key time and target that God wanted conquered ! ! !

Which is EXACTLY why Jesus, who knew you, 666 religious beasts, said it would get worse…
are you listening John, founder of “the countdown to destruction”?

Well now we know there is not a snowball’s chance in Hell, to avert destruction… when the very intercessors meant to stand in the gap are “hooked” and led into confusion by the incredibly powerful money machine known as the religious media… hmm.. we need more money this week, hey I got it, lets go to Israel for yet another boat tour…

Good luck everyone else…
