Tag Archives: monk

They’re Back in Pasadena! Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Perform Another Sand Mandala at Pacific Asia Museum

Pasadena, CA.  The Pacific Asia Museum is welcoming the Buddhists monks from Drepung Loseling Phukhang Khangsten to perform their religious sand mandala ceremony from September 5-9, 2012.

The Drepund Loseling Phukhang Khangsten Monastery used to be home to 12,000 monks.  It is a sub-monastery of the Drepung Loseling Monastery now.

The mandala ceremony includes chanted mantras and music.  The “artwork” is a depiction of a deity or deities or, god or gods.  In blessing or consecrating the artwork to this god or gods and then releasing the “blessed” sand upon the mandala’s deconstruction, it is intended that the essence of this god or gods will accompany the sand and release its essence in the environment in which it is located.

They also will release some of the “consecrated” sand into the moving water where all living beings worldwide will be “blessed”.

Source www.pacificasiamuseum.org