Tag Archives: Muslims

A “Misunderstanding” Over Islamic Art nearly sparks a riot in Toulouse, France

Moroccan artist Mounir Fatmi was taking part in the month long “Printemps de Septembre” art festival in Toulouse. His artwork: Projections of stylised calligraphy showed extracts from the Koran and “Hadiths” (sayings) of the Prophet Mohammed.

Fatmi had planned the projections be cordoned off, to stop people walking over them, however a text was projected onto the cities busy 16th century Pont Neuf bridge by mistake.  Walking on text from the Koran is considered blasphemous by Muslims.

Quickly young Muslim’s from the city gathered to stop pedestrians walking on the writings, one woman was slapped by protestors. Only when Imans from the local Mosque arrived to calm the crowd, did tensions ease and the art exhibit stopped. In response to the incident Fatmi said that the piece, called “Technologia”, was owned by the Arab Museum of Modern Art in Doha, Qatar. “When it was shown there for the first time, just a few kilometres from Saudi Arabia, no one was shocked…That people were shocked in Toulouse is astonishing. I just don’t get it.”

Toulouse was the location of a shooting by a young Islamic extremist earlier this year. The incident left seven people dead at a Jewish school in the city.

For more information see France 24

Madonna calls President Obama a black Muslim

Madonna asked everyone in the audience of her Washington, DC performance Monday night to vote for President Obama because he is a “black Muslim.””Y’all better vote for fking Obama, OK? For better or for worse, all right?” the shouted from stage while sipping from a bottle of water with a straw. “”We have a black Muslim in the White House! Now that’s some amazing st.” Madonna, 54, also stripped down to her bra to reveal “Obama” stenciled in big letters on her back, before promising or warning?: “When Obama is in the White House for a second term Ill take it all off.” President Obama is not a Muslim. Or is He?

more Madonna calls President Obama a black Muslim, says shell strip onstage if he wins second term | Fox News.

‘Islam is a cancer – period’: What maker of ‘blasphemous’ internet film which accused Mohammed of being a fraud and a paedophile led to the death of US ambassador said in wake of violent protests | Mail Online

‘Islam is a cancer – period’: said maker of ‘blasphemous’ internet film, which accused Mohammed of being a fraud and a paedophile, has led to the death of US ambassador in wake of violent protests in the Middle East.

Produced and written by Sam Bacile, a California real estate developer, the two-hour movie, ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ cost $5 million to make and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors.

The English-language 13-minute trailer on YouTube shows an amateur cast performing a wooden dialogue of insults

Muslims find it offensive to depict Muhammad in any manner.

Fears he will be ‘next Theo van Gogh’- Dutch filmmaker killed by a Muslim extremist after making film that was perceived as insulting to Islam

Film backed by U.S. pastor Terry Jones, who inflamed anger in the Muslim world in 2010 with plans to burn the Koran


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