Tag Archives: pornograpgy


The ready availability of video gaming and pornography is leading to more and more young men becoming addicted to gaming and porn.

This addiction is known as arousal addiction.

Arousal addiction is based on the desire for novelty and variety.

This leads addicts into more violent games, and more extreme porn.

These men lose the ability to form real relationships, and even hold down a job as they become detached from society.

In a culture where pornography is normal, where parents are taught to guide and inform their boys as they discover pornography, is this really surprising?

What most parents don’t understand is the power demons associated with porn, and many video games, are demonising their sons.

And their lives become controlled by the demons they are partaking of.

Extreme examples of this is the Norwegian gunman who killed 77 people at a youth camp. He used “World of Warcraft” and “Call of Duty” to help him prepare for the massacre.