Crystal Skulls are ancient relics made of quartz, which carry spiritual significance in Mayan culture. Mayans believe they contain sacred knowledge and spiritual “energy”.
Presently 13 of these skulls are being taken on a “pilgrimage” across America by senior Mayan followers. The skulls will be used in “activation” ceremonies at key “gateway” or “temple” sites on their journey. The first site is Manhattan New York, and the journey ends in Los Angeles, California.
The pilgrimage is seen by the Mayan priests as the fulfillment of an ancient Mayan prophecy; and the purpose is to invoke spirits into the regions through the “temple” gateways they visit, as they travel across America this week. The pilgrimage ends with a “World Gateway Crystal Skull” three day event in LA, starting 11.11.11, and the Mayans believe it to be the beginning of the spiritual preparation for 12.21.12, (the winter solstice 2012), which the Mayan calendar predicts will see the end of the age as we know it.
The reality of this “pilgrimage” event and their rituals, is that their Mayan priests will be using powerful witchcraft to open up gates of hell for demons to enter, through their rituals, prayers and ceremonies.
The most ancient and important of the 13 Crystal skulls being carried across America comes from the Tibetan mountains. The man who is “guardian” of this skull is a Mayan priest who believes himself to be the reincarnation of a Tibetan Buddhist. The witchcraft in Tibetan Buddhism and Mayan culture invoke the same demons. During this “pilgrimage”, senior Tibetan monks close to the Dalai Lama will also take part in teaching at some of the ceremonies. They have the same goal: the destruction of Christian America and the ushering in of a new age.
The occult groups are looking to December 2012 as an important date in their calendar and are preparing for it vigorously in the spirit. They expect something to happen. Even some christian churches have listened to the demonically inspired prophecies of the Mayans and others and concluded the ‘Rapture’ will happen sometime in 2012.
International Church of the Gates has established churches in key gateway locations, as directed by the Holy Spirit; cities of important spiritual significance to God. Coincidently, ICOTG is established in Los Angeles and New York, the starting and finishing points of this “World Gateway Crystal Skull Pilgrimage”. God does know what HE is doing.
God is looking for HIS people to protect their regions through HIS power, in the name of Jesus. Are you prepared to stand and fight against the witchcraft these occult events try to bring in? Do you live along the route they will follow? Support and learn how to protect your region today.