Tag Archives: sword


International Church of the Gates, New York, was officially started 31st March 2005, and is about to celebrate it’s eighth anniversary.

The official opening coincided with the sword of William Wallace being paraded through the streets of New York; the first time the sword had left Scotland in 700 years.

The church was planted in Manhattan New York, in order to build a spiritual wall of protection around the city, so the city would be protected from further destruction like that seen on 9/11.

For many years DPM (founder of the church) was inspired by Mel Gibson’s films and has been revealing the Biblical stories or the spirit the films were of, illustrating spiritual truths.

For example: Braveheart – William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson), couldn’t understand why those leaders whom we admire that seek to rule over us, (represented by the “religious system” currently in place) compromised with the enemy instead of destroying him.

Since these leaders wouldn’t fight, God Himself rose up from the ranks of the common man in Scotland, one of the spirit of David if you will, a man to raise an army to overthrow the ruling demonic principalities (then represented by England).  He gathered some comrades together and did battle, and Scotland (God’s people) were free of the ruling principality forever.

The same sword used by the actual historical William Wallace, has never left Scotland and has remained as a historical treasure for over 700 years to this day!

Scotland prophesied, the enemy would never have William Wallace’s sword!

This sword has ALWAYS meant FREEDOM! (as Mel Gibson so eloquently put it!)

Before the New Years Trip to Manhattan NY, DPM had no desire whatsoever to go.

But told God he would be obedient and asked if God would please warm up the weather for him.

Results? 2005 News Years Eve in Times Square was one of the warmest in centuries.

The day before leaving for NY, Prophets told DPM that men would begin to hear what DPM had been speaking for years, as the rule of the religious vail was broken.

Then, at the end of the New Years Eve trip God gave DPM a dream, a ruling principality, confronting DPM says: “You stole my WATCH, and I want it back!

DPM understood this to mean one level of controlling spirit had lost it’s foot hold over the city/nation, and that the fight was on to completely eradicate that which resisted the rule of the Spirit of God over our media cities, which control our perception of God and the perception over our nation.

The spirit DPM took the “watch” from, represents a ‘religious spirit’, which blinds many of today’s Christians as to the gifting and power of the Holy Spirit that God has given us, so we could truly rule and reign over ALL the works of the enemy!

What does all this have to do with the new church plant in New York?


Thursday March 31 2005, the New York Church in Manhattan NY officially opened.

Friday April 1 2005 the sword of William Wallace, which represents freedom from tyranny, left Scotland for the first time in 700 years and arrived in New York!

Saturday April 2 2005, Pope John Paul II died. In a sense, this represents the old religious system or procedure that is passing away, making way for a fresh, new move of God that indeed is already here.

And on the eve of the anniversary, only one month ago, did the following Pope quit his office…