Tag Archives: tarantino


In an interview to promote his latest movie Djano Unchained, with the UK program Channel 4 News, director Quentin Tarantino, launched a furious rant on journalist Krishnan Guru-Murthy. Guru-Murthy was asking Tarantino about links between violence in movies and violence in real life. Tarantino refused to answer his questions, becoming increasingly angered by the line of questioning.

Tarantino replied with “It’s none of your damn business what I think about that.”

“I’m saying no, and I’m shutting you down… I don’t have any responsibility to you to explain anything I don’t want to…”

“I’ve explained this many times in 20 years but I just refuse to repeat myself over and over again because you want me to – for you and your show and your ratings.”

The main part in the movie is played by Jamie Foxx, who has been criticised for taking violent roles like, Django, whilst being part of the Hollywood campaign, Demand a Plan, to end gun violence.

In the wake on massacres like Sandy Hook and the Aurora Batman shooting, there is a debate about the effect violent movies have upon vulnerable minds.

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Channel 4 News Interview