Tag Archives: Tunisia

Fury Spreading to other Countries Following Muslim Weekly Friday Prayers

Across the Muslim world, furious protests and demonstrations are being witnessed today.

Demonstrators scaled the walls of U.S. embassies in the countries of Tunisia and Sudan, a German embassy was set alight, an American fast food restaurant was set on fire in Lebanon and demonstrators in Cairo were prevented from attacking the U.S. Embassy by police who required armored vehicles.

All in all, the manifestation of demonstrations and violence has spread to about 20 countries with the most violent incidences occurring in Middle Eastern countries. Click to see map of Protests Spread Across the Globe

Demonstrations started following the weekly Muslim prayers that occur on Fridays.

Common among demonstrators is the chant “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet”.

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Marines Now Deployed to Yemen as Protests Continue

Protests against America have continued to spread across the Arab world, over the movie by an American film maker depicting the muslim prophet Muhammad. US Marines are now deployed in Yemen as the US embassy has come under attack.

The protesters have also started to target British and other European embassies in Islamic nations. The German embassy in Sudan was stormed and partially set alight.

Protesters in Tunisa have reportedly jumped the embassy wall. It is believed three people have been killed in the protests in Tunisia, with 28 injured.

There have been protests in around 20 countries around the world, mostly peaceful. The worst of the violence has been in Middle Eastern nations.

For more information see Fox News