Tag Archives: UK

UK Government Looking to Redefine Marriage

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has began a public consultation into “how” marriage “ought to be defined” in the UK. Currently same-sex couples are permitted to enter into civil-partnerships. These civil-partnerships allows all the legal benefits of marriage, without the title.

However, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender (LGBT) groups are campaigning for marriage itself to be redefined to allow for same-sex couples to be married. This would not only be taught in schools as what marriage is; but churches would be obliged to allow same-sex couples access to church buildings to become married.

Opinion polls show the majority of the people are opposed to any changes in the definition of marriage, and groups opposed to the move highlight the importance of traditional marriage in society for raising children.

Spiritually Prophet TV has highlighted the consequences for a region when LGBT marriage is made legal.


EU Threatens To Sue The UK


November 2011

The European Union has threatened to sue the UK if the British government do not  relax their benefit rules. Currently EU nationals must pass a “right to reside” test in order to claim the generous welfare benefits available. The EU argues that the UK criteria is too tough and ought to come in line with the more generous EU rules.

For many years now, there has been an open border system in operation between the member states of the European Union, and this has made travel between the nations readily accessible. As the EU has expanded in recent years, to allow less affluent nations to enter, nations like the UK have been anxious to stem the tide of EU wide immigration.

When Poland joined the EU in 2004, over 600,000 Polish economic migrants came to the UK. This massive wave of immigration was not supported in improvements to health care provision and school places. As a consequence some areas are struggling to cope with the massive influx of people seeking to access services.

As a consequence, the UK government has sought to limit EU immigration, especially since other eastern European nations have become members. If the EU is successful in changing the UK rules, it will cost the UK government an extra £2.5 billion, at a time when the government is seeking to drastically reduce the nations welfare bill.

The British government are incensed by this interference from Brussels, with the Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, saying “These new proposals pose a fundamental challenge to the UK’s social contract. They could mean the British taxpayer paying out over £2 billion extra a year in benefits to people who have no connection to our country and who have never paid-in a penny in tax.

“This threatens to break the vital link which should exist between taxpayers and their own government.” He added: “I sense this is part of a wider movement, coming in the same week as the proposals for a financial transactions tax across Europe, which threatens to punish UK banks by decreasing their competitiveness abroad.”

Brussels have given the UK two months to comply, or the nation will be taken to the European Court, although Britain has been supported by France and Germany in opposing this move.

The Royal Wedding

Today the streets of London were lined with a million people eager to watch and be part of the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, the future King and Queen of Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

For weeks the United Kingdom has prepared for the wedding with many people throughout the nation preparing street parties and events to mark the day. With the mood in Britain of late being one of austerity and gloom, today has marked a change in public feeling. People of all backgrounds came together in unity to celebrate. Releasing hope across the nation.

The young couple meet 10 years ago, whilst studying at St. Andrews University. The media had agreed to allow the Prince privacy to further his education, so the couple enjoyed four years in relative exclusion in the quiet Scottish University town, in which to develop their relationship, which began as friendship and blossomed into romance. This is a very normal love story, allowed to run it’s natural course, which has lead them to Westminster Abbey today.

Catherine looked every bit the princess in her beautiful wedding gown, the Abbey adorned with an avenue of trees looked spring-like and resplendent. The service carried both solemnity and intimacy, only possible when two people in love come together in marriage.

The Royal Wedding focused the attention of a nation on that which is lovely and good; and the whole nation was lifted as a result. The British people famous for their cynicism, threw this off today in unabashed joy for a young couple sharing their love with the world.